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Messages - LaikeABawss(idias)

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HI CHALK!  :-*

You got any proof of what you're saying Reaver? Nuff said. If chalk's ban was to be reset it would be for something worst than evading... I mean come on... he's black.

chalk created another account to evade his ban. he gets unbanned. he then gives some crap story to jitspoe about his friend playing at his house while chalk is banned so chalk will only get 8/16 day ban instead of reserving his original bantime. simple enough for you rick?
That same crappy story worked for me, mostly because it was true. The committee suspected me to have like 5 multis but they were all prooven to be my friends... People actually can have friends, you should try it sometime. (Just kidding <3)

But fohrealz... Got any real evidence to support that? Logs? IPs? Screenshots of him admitting? Even though you say Chalk is defending himself by bashing you, I believe there's more evidence to back Chalk up than to back you up.

Guys, how was your first day of Earth's last year?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: New Clan...
« on: December 11, 2011, 10:44:58 AM »
Best clan there ever was and ever will be.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Digital Paintball 2 | Prozajik "Frag movie"
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:14:31 AM »
would have been better without the editing..

The intro was good and so were the shots, but I think the editing was choppy and made all the shots look like some laggy flukefest. Over edited IMO

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:24:17 PM »

Chalk didn't distribute. He's black... Can't even figure out Teamviewer.
Riddick hacked. We did a cool 1v1.
MyeRs is not as sexy as he was in highschool.

That's the truth.
Now let jitspoe do his thinggggg

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:48:35 AM »
Sorry for giving the wrong impression of how I look at it. All I meant to say is, is that this discussion shouldn't be in public. The way you are currently fighting for your "right" (no matter if you're wrong or right), is causing confusion for many people and is definitely not going to improve your reputations.

Also, if you have the need to speak about your sorrows on the forum, be careful with how you write stuff. The example I gave is how easy it is to explain a quote in a different way it's meant, which is causing a lot of hating.
I'm sorry.
I love you... Man love, not that merry stuff that is so popular nowadays.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:44:25 AM »
As I said before, nobody from that group liked you so I don't know why you think anybody would've told you the truth.

I got unbanned by turning in my hacks and telling jitspoe how I got them (Someone gave me the hacks anonymously).

Maybe you could PM and tell me what I did to get banned and how I got unbanned, because you seem to know a lot more about what I did than I do.

Chalk I don't even know that guy... Y u say i no likes him? Maybe we can be good friends someday...

Jimmy, don't take it the wrong way. Truth is jitspoe is the only one who needs to know the truth, and he does... I could tell Foxhound I distributed to you and all the committee and that wouldn't make it true, would it? Plus I'm the one finding all this crap funny. Don't know why these other people are so worried about what's going on with our bans.

Foxhound, don't make Riddick stab you in teh feed.

With that being said, I love Chalk.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 04, 2011, 03:26:03 PM »
Erhm... We've said all along that just because some people wanted to do a hack off didn't mean we all did... Then someone said "guilty by association"
That's it bro.

Piss n' Luv. x3

I agree with what mara has to say, and as an active player in dp2, the game is calling for a coffin. And as mara said, jitspoe should have thought about the responsibility needed and be up-to-date with msotly everything in this game.. Not just to give everyone 1000+ days and forget about it.

He didn't just toss a 1000 day ban to get rid of us for good, there was the assumption that it was a major hack off, so jitspoe gave us high bans until he figured out what happenned. We told him what happenned and he said he'd review our cases, he's just been busy with updating the game and real life, which is probably a priority over unbanning hackers.

Jitspoe told me to contact him again when he had finished releasing and updating the build so I guess I'll just have to do that :P

Everybody on the ban list sucked anyways. Let them play, let them hack, and let them continue sucking with those same hacks. They should get extra brownie points for having to cheat in a game to get on the same level as some of us legit players. Makes me giggle inside.

Having just came back from a break, more players to match against would be nice but hell, most of the people playing now probably continue to hack, continue to use modded textures  + slight undetectable speedhacks, and will continue to do so until banned themselves. Why not just add a few more to the crew so we can have more of a variety of people to play against and more people for jitspoe to ban later. Let's be realistic, it's not like any of them were half decent anyways.
MyeRs is TeHBeSt bro... And for those who say we had been hacking since we started, that's a retarded lie. Hardly consider a week a long time.
You clearly got back from a break, so you don't know the whole story but none of us hacked to "get at the same level" as all you badass pros...

This are the rules [64 days (if you sent him infos 32 days), not 1024 days for the first offense]:

I think you would make THE BEST rolemodels LIKE EVER if you would wait 1024 days and match every day after that!
Thank you, that's exactly what I thought!!!!1one

unban ivo
Hii rabii ^^ <3

@Gonass: Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant...

ps : phen and pauline broke up again =(
Yayyy... Now I'm gonna try my luck with Romu


The rolemodels should be people that never hacked, not hackers that admitted it.

No one suspected it?  Untrue, some of us just didn't do anything about suspicions.

I see that you'd like to be unbanned.  Personally, I hope you don't.

Won't comment on who distributed?  Your decision, but withholding information from the community won't make them have a better opinion of you.
Try reading everything...

I said a role model, and I even put the main part in bold, as far as it comes to hackers. Which means, in case you didn't understand, that among the dirty, filthy hackers, we actually did a decent thing and admitted... I've never said I wasn't guilty or anything, and I knew I was gonna be banned, just didn't see the 3 years coming...

Another thing I said is "I won't comment on who distributed or not because I already told jits every thing he needed to know" - The community doesn't really have to have a good opinion of me, some people know me and want me back, some don't care, jitspoe is still the one that makes the choice, regardless of others' opinions... Also everyone keeps making wrong assumption about the distributors even though it's been said who it was multiple times.

Also, it was a 1 time offence that was hardly "harmfull" in comparison to others who got unbanned for far more than I did, not trying to excuse myself for what I did, far from it, just trying to say the bantime is unfair... Jitspoe said he would REVIEW it and I will accept whatever the outcome is, if he choose not to unban me, fine...

And at last, MarawaNa didn't flame anyone's opinion, he just told T3RR0R15T that since he wasn't an active member of the matching community he didn't really feel the effect of the lack of people.

I say myers distributed. How can they prove different? oh by giving jaypeak, the kid who doesn't even like this game, the blame.

keep the bans, this wasn't like they were hacking and trying to get away with it. In this case it was people who said this was our last hurrah and that they would go out by hacking all together and go play some other game.

apparently they shoulda thought about it first.
When people speak and have no clue of what they're saying, that's the result. Bullshizzle.
I won't comment on who distributed or not because I already told jits every thing he needed to know, but I guarantee it wasn't MyeRs. Let me get this straight, so you say if we were hacking and trying to get away with it we deserved to be unbanned? Sounds logic!
Most of us reported ourselves after a week of hacking, few/none people suspected and it was undetected, proof of that are the people that distributed had been using it for months, and only got caught after we gave our informations up, so yes, we could actually be quite a role model, as far as it comes to hackers because we admitted :)

Yes, we hacked. Most of us have already served their supposed bantimes, and more, get on with it, while some people have been unbanned and did more than us...

@Mara: Jitspoe has already told me he'd look into my case and he would get to reviewing the bans whenever he had the time to, but obviously his priority is the game right now. He might do the same for others, who knows...  

*Idias_ wonders what Chalk had to do to be unbanned  ::)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New Texture: More crates :)
« on: November 30, 2011, 12:49:23 PM »
Please don't have kids Narga.
Maybe if he has them with Stephen Hawking they'll come out only slightly retarded.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Active Clans
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:25:46 PM »
Faith is online every day and ready to match. Just contact me at IRC  :-*
Aight! If anyone from kuc still plays I'll accept the challenge sometime soon

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Active Clans
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:27:46 AM »
Which ones of those European ones are actually still active and playing? Just wondering who still playing nowadays

Map Graveyard / Re: Newmap : Don't make it a provar (Beta 1)
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:25:53 AM »
Thanks all, glad you like it :)
I hope i will have some time soon to release b3.
Looks pretty good proza ;)
Hope this map actually gets played in the match scene

Other Stuff / Re: Jitspoe quitting?
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:21:39 AM »
Yeah... April... From '08. Doubt Toxiic was even born.
Tupac start using the "Most recent posts" button at the end of the index page  ::)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: this is ridiculous
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:09:20 PM »
instead of people accepting when they get killed people go and report 'HACKING" when instead of accepting that hacks werent used they should just accept that they suck and im not going to mention names even tho there are a few im tempted to ...
Take it as a compliment...

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not enough DP players.
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:00:09 PM »
#1 - Advertise the game - Tell friends, tell people in other forums, tell EVERYONE!... I'd also like to see an official game trailer.
#2 - Since advertisement doesn't do enough, teach some newbies, find someone worth teaching and bring them into the matching scene.
#3 - I also agree on having more events and tourneys but few are the people willing/capable of holding such tourneys. (QeHs' and shk's night tourneys used to be fun)

What you said:
"Split up players, make new clans."
I could give you a lot of reasons why that wouldn't work and what was wrong with your post but the point is: It wouldn't work... Keep the ideas coming

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Insane Lagg?
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:15:12 AM »
Yeah I allways lag bad when nades are thrown as well.
I used to get insane lagg whenever another player model got near me...

Other Stuff / Re: Payl is back!
« on: November 14, 2011, 09:50:12 AM »
I'm idias now.
If so you're intercoursed buddy because I'm banned for another 3 years or so...

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