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Messages - SnooD

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Chemical map ub_columbia.
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:48:05 PM »
Myers you 3, chemical, you, and shk were probably the best 3s team. You all played together super well, but like I told chemical, when you were all in your own little clans you were no more of a challenge than an ordinary dp clan.

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Chemical map ub_columbia.
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:26:20 PM »
leme guess why he always wins vs you pewpepwepwepwpewpewpepwepwp !?!??!!

umm no? We never play. We've played before though. Last time listed there is just dont find that odd?

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Chemical map ub_columbia.
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:49:59 PM »
Grats i can use sounds too. Have amazing headphones. This is still stupid.

Myers you have no aim in dp lololol

Demo Requests / Demo request Chemical map ub_columbia.
« on: July 18, 2013, 12:47:38 AM »
Whole game was suspicious.

date july 18th 2013

Suspicious times:

17:51(Potential fluke)
17:44(How did you know I would juke and not continue going to flag?)
13:00(I think you knew where I was coming from and waited to turn around and shoot me)
11:48(no comment...)
10:15(Same as 13:00)
7:52(Why would you just stand there and look to the right, then twitch back around and start shooting as soon as shep comes around the corner?)
7:03(You're lining exactly where shep is)

I was on teamspeak with shep as well and marshal and chemical were in the channel above us....Marshal doesn't have a mic though.

Here's my dmeo.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Help bring some people back.
« on: July 10, 2013, 01:39:02 PM »
I've met so many people on this game it's not even funny, and I have maybe about 1 or 2 emails of players. Jitspoe, you have everyone's email lol. I've been trying to help out a bit but also no one gets on irc anymore, I've gotten newer clans to get on irc before several times and made them their clan channels etc. Was just thinking that maybe since you have everyone's email who has ever played this game, weather they still even use that email or not now is regardless. It wouldn't hurt to send out an email once a month maybe once every 2 months so it's not spam to remind people. Or encourage them to come back with something like "textures are better than before, game play has slightly changed a bit come take a look!". Just an idea.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Help bring some people back.
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:09:55 PM »
I've honestly never, ever, ever been influenced at all by those kinds of emails. If I stop playing a game it's not because I forgot about its existance, it's simply because I choose not to play it.
same here, but some people don't think like that. Anyway it was just a thought.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New physics in build 38?
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:00:24 PM »
Okay thank you, I noticed myself getting slowed down on the speed ramp low on pp1. Thought something was slightly different...5tup1d my3r5 l0l

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Help bring some people back.
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:57:42 PM »
Yeah I don't agree with the surveys, but maybe have a check box available during sign up that says something like; "Would you like us to send you monthly emails or notifications via email about dp?" I don't know, something like that...but maybe some people would play again if they were reminded of the game.

Not to be a smartass but I'm kind of amused here as people obviously want more players to be playing the game but I see people typing on this forum about ideas and some of them don't even play the game themselves anymore....If they were to start playing again it would be a little better at least in the matching scene.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Help bring some people back.
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:18:45 PM »
lol i didn't know you did, didn't mean to "take" your idea sorry :P

Paintball 2 Discussion / Help bring some people back.
« on: June 29, 2013, 01:28:20 PM »
I'm not for the idea of spam at all but I did have an idea of maybe every few months sending some people that have registered their emails for the game a message from DP saying something like "We have missed you, why haven't you been playing lately?" type thing.

I see a lot of other companies will do it, like microsoft for xbox live, I don't know it was just an idea that ran through my head today. Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Autobalance command?
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:31:25 AM »
Oh, haha I see. Well thanks so much guys I'll give it a try, I'm sure it will work.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Autobalance command?
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »
Thanks t3rr0r15t but it's still not working for me, maybe I put these commands in the wrong place? I put them under general settings in the myserver.cfg and in the matchmode.cfg too. Whenever I go to join blue, it says invalid team. If I forcejoin someone blue they come red...I'm so confused....this really shouldn't be this complicated.

I even executed the matchmode.cfg and it keeps saying unkown command "0"
unknown command "1"
unkown command "0"

pretty much all the variables that you just gave me.

When I remove this:

set g_autobalance 0
0 = no autobalance
1 = autobalance
2 = autobalance and don't allow team changes

then I can join the blue team, but the autobalance is still on...

Resolved Help & Support / Autobalance command?
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:17:30 AM »
I didn't want to have to do this but, I can't seem to figure out the autobalance command and it's starting to get under my skin. I've tried numerous variations of the command from what I think it might be but I'm just not getting it. Also the forcejoining command isn't working in game but it could be because the autobalance is on too. Anyway here is my server config. Help would be much appreciated, thanks.
PS: I did take out what was underneath the "Match" section because I was reading a different forum and someone said it might help.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set hostname " Match 1"
set website "http://www.____" s
set admin "SeQuAL - Shep" s
set e-mail "" s
set location "USA" s

set public 1 // set to 0 if you don't want this on the public server list
set password "" // Password required to connect


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set motdfile pball/configs/motd.txt

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set rot_file pball/configs/rotation.txt

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set autojoin off
set ffire 0
set grenadeffire 0
set timelimit 20
set fraglimit 50
set elim 60 // time (in seconds) before players respawn
set gren_explodeonimpact 0
set deadtalk 0 // set to 1 to allow dead players to talk to living
set sv_maxvelocity 4096
set swear_filter 0
set sv_votemapenabled 0
set idle 80 // time (in seconds) before idle players are put on observer
set guntemp_inc 0
set maxclients 16
set flagcapendsround 0
set floodprotect 0
set deadtalk 1

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// logfile
// -------
// 0 - Disable console logging.
// 1 - Buffered logging.  File is wiped each server restart.
// 2 - Continuous logging.  File is wiped each server restart.
// 3 - Continous logging.  File is appended.

set logfile 3

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// sl_logging
// ----------
// bit 1, val | 1 : display STDLogging to console
// bit 2, val | 2 : log STDLogging to sl_logfile
// bit 3, val | 4 : send UDP packets to server defined IPs (DISABLED)

// sl_logfile
// ----------
// the file to put the STDlog info in.
// # will be replaced with the PORT number of the server

// set sl_logging 2
// set sl_logfile server#.log

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set allow_download         1
set allow_download_maps    1
set allow_download_models  1
set allow_download_sounds  1
set allow_download_players 1

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// Use "login password" at the console to obtain op status of said level
// Commands are restricted by level in commands.cfg
set numpasses 5
set oppass1      ""
set oppass1level 1
set oppass2      ""
set oppass2level 50
set oppass3      ""
set oppass3level 100
set oppass4      ""
set oppass4level 150
set oppass5      ""
set oppass5level 200

rcon_password ""
set oppass1level 1
set oppass2      ""
set oppass2level 50
set oppass3      ""
set oppass3level 100
set oppass4      ""
set oppass4level 150
set oppass5      ""
set oppass5level 150

rcon_password ""

1ball achievement =]

Paintball 2 Discussion / Feature vote
« on: June 21, 2013, 11:42:05 AM »
I understand the whole feature vote thing, but do any of the ideas actually get acknowledged and/or implemented? I've never really noticed..

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Ballers Training clan
« on: June 21, 2013, 02:36:45 AM »
and then win another dp tourney :/

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Ballers Training clan
« on: June 20, 2013, 03:24:06 PM »
   As most of us know DP is in desperate need for some activity. I know I'm not the best player in the game by any means nor is my clan the best there ever was or anything like that lol. (Please leave sarcastic comments out of here, trying to help.)

However I have played for a few years and know all recon, and almost all jumps and lines on just about every MODERN played matching map. I'm a decently experienced player and am just looking to help anyone I can.

I just started Ballers Training clan with shep. Anybody can join and I will teach you everything I know, and help you with any flaws you may have in the game.

I do ask though, that if you're going to want to join that you make sure you are online a decent amount of times during the week, that you have at least 6 months or more experience with the game, and that you have or are able to get a version of IRC and Teamspeak 3

IRC is the best way of contacting me, channel #ballers my name on there is "Sequal", and I'll respond to you when I can if you message me. I'm looking to just train some people that just aren't quite up to speed with a lot of the people who have been here for a while.

I am not however looking for anybody else as of now to join my clan Ballers itself yet. I just want to train some people (best in groups if possible) and then you can take what you learned and try to start out a clan with some friends and get into the matching scene.

It's lots of fun and I'm willing to help you setup your clan by helping with creating irc channels and just organizing a clan in general until it is nice and steady.

Message me either on IRC or you can email me for more details at I hope I get some replies from people who want to try it out.


Also I figured out a way for the assist thing to work. Whoever grabs while on your team gets the assist, of course only if the person without the flag on your team gets the kill.

Gun camo would be nice, especially as custom paintjobs are a lot more likely on paintball markers than on real guns.
haha yeah that's cool, I realize it might take a hell of a lot of time and work to do this would be super cool to take this idea to another level. When you goto customize your gun an animation of the gun with options on the side would be sick, and you could click and drag the mouse left or right to rotate the gun 360 degrees! :P

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