I didn't want to have to do this but, I can't seem to figure out the autobalance command and it's starting to get under my skin. I've tried numerous variations of the command from what I think it might be but I'm just not getting it. Also the forcejoining command isn't working in game but it could be because the autobalance is on too. Anyway here is my server config. Help would be much appreciated, thanks.
PS: I did take out what was underneath the "Match" section because I was reading a different forum and someone said it might help.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set hostname "
Match 1"
set website "http://www.____" s
set admin "SeQuAL - Shep" s
set e-mail "" s
set location "USA" s
set public 1 // set to 0 if you don't want this on the public server list
set password "" // Password required to connect
setmaster dplogin.com master0.gamespy.com
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set motdfile pball/configs/motd.txt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set rot_file pball/configs/rotation.txt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set autojoin off
set ffire 0
set grenadeffire 0
set timelimit 20
set fraglimit 50
set elim 60 // time (in seconds) before players respawn
set gren_explodeonimpact 0
set deadtalk 0 // set to 1 to allow dead players to talk to living
set sv_maxvelocity 4096
set swear_filter 0
set sv_votemapenabled 0
set idle 80 // time (in seconds) before idle players are put on observer
set guntemp_inc 0
set maxclients 16
set flagcapendsround 0
set floodprotect 0
set deadtalk 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// logfile
// -------
// 0 - Disable console logging.
// 1 - Buffered logging. File is wiped each server restart.
// 2 - Continuous logging. File is wiped each server restart.
// 3 - Continous logging. File is appended.
set logfile 3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// sl_logging
// ----------
// bit 1, val | 1 : display STDLogging to console
// bit 2, val | 2 : log STDLogging to sl_logfile
// bit 3, val | 4 : send UDP packets to server defined IPs (DISABLED)
// sl_logfile
// ----------
// the file to put the STDlog info in.
// # will be replaced with the PORT number of the server
// set sl_logging 2
// set sl_logfile server#.log
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set allow_download 1
set allow_download_maps 1
set allow_download_models 1
set allow_download_sounds 1
set allow_download_players 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use "login password" at the console to obtain op status of said level
// Commands are restricted by level in commands.cfg
set numpasses 5
set oppass1 ""
set oppass1level 1
set oppass2 ""
set oppass2level 50
set oppass3 ""
set oppass3level 100
set oppass4 ""
set oppass4level 150
set oppass5 ""
set oppass5level 200
rcon_password ""
set oppass1level 1
set oppass2 ""
set oppass2level 50
set oppass3 ""
set oppass3level 100
set oppass4 ""
set oppass4level 150
set oppass5 ""
set oppass5level 150
rcon_password ""