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Messages - Tyrone(MyeRs)

Pages: [1] 2 3
Mapping / Re: How Was Fly1 Made?
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:57:05 PM »
i got 198 cause im black

Other Stuff / Re: Random Awesome Stuff
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:55:48 PM »
narga stop posting its not awesome ffs

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 33
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:53:56 PM »
Yo it's all about dat high wuality.

How the hell can you want the game to be realistic sandman. It defeats the point of the game..
And holding jump is a nuisance in b33.

nigguh y u fckin makin fun of my boii's language? lyke sheet. are u a fckin english teacher or someshet? dumb fckin somalians cant pass school so they cum up in mah town n try to be the shet.

hey, don't say it defeats the point of the game. Why are the textures made to be realistic, while everything else isn't. nigguh obvz part of the game is tryna be realistic u dumb filthy somalian take a shower.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not enough DP players.
« on: December 25, 2011, 07:44:52 PM »
pgpkid did u lyk completely miss my post???????????????????????? why the fck is real fckn paintball in yer mutharuckin post nigguh? lyk sheet.

OTHER games have worse attitudes than DP2!!! Most games are fckin worse by a lot. DP2 has a lot of 'rage' between established players, or people like Gamabunta ragin at newbies in pubs, but otherwise it's pretty civil to new players. It's more young players we dislike. Nobody likes those annoying 12 year olds who can't type proprley u kno? sht. Go play muthafkin URT or CS:S or GTA or COD etc.etc.etc. so much rage! Dp isn't bad at all, the community is only rude to established players - or complete idiots (Narga/NJIN/SnooD etc..).

Like, there's only 1 NA team that can be considered a "good" team right now, and they probably are one of the most helpful to noobs. I mean, they let Senix, who can't speak english, into their clan for a while. And that kid has downsyndrome. They also run servers, run streams of their games. Sure, they may have specific players who rage or ban people, but it's only really against suspected cheaters or their competition - which right now is no1. The only other good NA players not in that team is shk, and dat kid is a MMA supastar, so u best be scured of him. but all dem new kids on his jockstrap.

Soooo who are these mean people? Euros? Cause, when I clanned with euros, they never talked poopoo at all. Or the noobs who think they are good but are really bad even though they've played like 3+ years? Doubt they can even plow pubs yet, so can't be that bad.

Basically, that useless amount of writing above that could've been summed up supafast is saying our community isn't the problem. It's one of the better gaming communities. It's really the game is outdated and something needs to be done to fix that, if we're truly getting 500-1000 DL's a day, (I don't believe that), than something is making them leave. So, it's either: Lag / Game looks like trash / Didn't understand how people were flying / didn't like the game

Well, 3 of those 4 are fixable. 1- Improve FPS etc.. (Quick partial solution: make fps-improving cmd's more accessible, searching forums is annoying with the lack of moderation this forum gets). 2-  NICE Hr4 ON DOWNLOAD! - Pretty simple, there's enough "okay" packs right now (OTB's etc..) that could be put up till a better one is made, anything is better than default. 3- Tutorials - Chem was trying to make youtube ones, that with the help of others could've been really good. To bad nazi flip banned him from forums. Posting basic youtube tutorials on the website main page would go a long way - infact just a non-horrible main page on the website would be a nice upgrade, but that's little tweaks.


Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 33
« on: December 25, 2011, 07:33:38 PM »
GTA is 100% realistic, nigguh live a day in my shoes n u gun understnd. y u think im so gud at that game? I kno how to sruvive nigguh. dem days i wanna go to dat skewl ish, i juz take out my 9mm, say nigguh GTFO, and unload on that nigguh. white boiis dont dare come in here.

But now to the actual game part - PGPSandman, shutup. A new build isn't going to COMPLETELY make a new game. This game is surviving off people who have stayed around for 4-5+ years, not newbs. Making the physics 'realistic' will lose EVERY talented player. Than, sure you lose the supposedly 'attitude problem' - that is far more evident in other games, DP's attitude is hardly bad compared to most games. But, you "hope" new players come - while you guarantee old players leave. Horrible logic.

People play DP for the physics, people stay to learn. You want it so that a player who played 1 week can compete with a player who played years? That's silly. You never go to a game a dominate. Most people coming to DP2 are likely coming from other quake games, and enjoy the jumping - they just aren't experienced at it.

Don't forget, DP is being run by a single person, it's non-profit, you can't compare this to paid games fool. New players have their own servers, you'll never see a "pro" on OTB Speed, or Syncmasters Cable - they have their places to learn. Speed makes it MORE attractive. Speedball type games will become boring, FAST. If you want a slow movement shooting game, go play EVERY other game online. DP2 gives a unique gameplay, which is why it's still alive. There are PLENTY of adjustments that need to be made, but I'm sure most of the community can agree that changing the physics is not one of them (even though b33 messes dem physics up yo).

I say go toony. The physics are unrealistic, the textures will never be as nice as CS:S type games, the models magically bounce without bending their legs, why not go to toony? The textures are super easy to make, and you could really start with the old models as the base of the toony player models. I'm sure a toony looking website - game , would be more attractive. And the jumping and speed would be more expected.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not enough DP players.
« on: December 25, 2011, 03:45:06 PM »

guess we found the problem ...

nigguh the problem was already known ya dig? The only peepz who be stayin are those who r gud, n no1 changes the game to attract new peepz ya kno?

lyke newbs cant fckin hit their head on da muthafukin sky, so adding skyglidin is just another thing thaat makes dem go: WTF LEVITATION HACKS! ukno?

U kno, its pree ez juz to sit n criticize this bisness, but lyk if we juz force dem high res texture swag on downloads, then peeps be not thinkin the game looks like poop on a monitor. Visual aspects is da ish, which includes:
- Better textures
- Better looking player models
- Better-made maps
Now obvz stuff that can reduce lag (since free-small games attract those who do not have a great computer) would be beneficial, as well as "simpler" maps.

Most new maps coming out have 400 paths, you don't need that. These little 'small-narrow' hallways do not add gameplay, it removes confrontation and makes for an path solely used to avoid players. Bases should have max like 4 entrances, and then mid should be max 3 possible paths really. (To mappers - look at maps that stick and base it off that, stop being so complex, focus on appearance! Cusomanswag, if their gameplay didn't blow). Pforest/PP1/S22 etcetcetc

Most of this stuff the community can help with - the only thing Jitspoe would need to do is accept the help. With maps and whatnot if becomes difficult due to server admins putting maps they like rather than what looks nice.

lyke sheeeet dp2, if peepz be downloadin dis game, its obvz da visual aspect n lack of available servz. daz wut da community can help with ukno? but erryone will just troll lyke always l1ol1o1l.

BTW - Players attitudes has NOTHING to do with people staying/leaving. There is no competitive game where the "best" players are best friends to noobs. They don't come on to train people, they come on to ruin new players hopes. They troll new clans etc.. in EVERY game. This game's probably got one of the nicer communities. These URT boiis were very rude 2 me when i first started, i wuz like wtf cmon im new, n dey are like kid gtfo u suck. but now imdabest.


Help and Support / Re: Alt Tab makes DP crash
« on: December 17, 2011, 03:57:27 PM »
ban this filthy hacker
kids just a stupid cracker
unban all the other cool kids
who should be first? i call dibs
his configs shows hacks
he said he dun like blacks


Server Discussion / Re: new server
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:32:30 PM »
i rly lyke dis server, its nise.

- Chalk

Other Stuff / Re: Random Funny Stuff
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:29:04 PM »
nigguh u crazy, dat kids not a nig. im black. u crazy white guys wit these crazy thoughtz like wuddafux nigguh. but for reaLz he spittin sum nise bars ryt ther, i might get my company to sign dat white boii, kidz got sum real talent.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: [CC] Streaming Matches
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:37:12 PM »
^ nigguh r u stupid? theres a fckin delay. sht kid. lmfao. u dun be usin yo head? cmon mayun, step it up. ffs

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: ::::: College Court :::::
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:37:53 AM »
yo nigguh u eva think mayb itz cuz yer black?
like cmon, u think u have a chance? daz wack.
yer more dumb than knack
but mebe they shud cut u some slack
cc is da best
better den da rest
even doh dey got no competition
dey deserve some recognition
sh*t nigguh i just used dem big words
sum ppl say they just sum nerds
but olbaid is my best friend
till the very end
y duz erry other clan suck?
yes, that includes you kuc
if i ever come back ill show u wutz up
like always yall will just be the runnerup
but for now yall run the show
erryone else is just sum average joe
srsly that stream is pree cool
even tho mayhem sounds like a fool

Other Stuff / Re: ping 999
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:21:39 PM »
Lolllllll this nigguh sayin dis sh*t is g*y????? I wuz all lik nigguh lets freestyl on vent n he is all lyk naw nigguh letz do it on foramz cuz the kid just stealz sh*t meddling very *friendly* person female dog sexually promiscuous person kitty member of a socially disadvantaged class black person excrement feces detective

Other Stuff / Re: The Next Generation ...
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:19:09 PM »
^ plz dont laugh at him, he put hard work into it.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: [CC] Streaming Matches
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:18:30 PM »
good job best friend!

Completed Maps / Re: TheEdge
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:57:22 PM »
thx man

Other Stuff / Re: The Next Generation ...
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:54:07 PM »
this excrement is pretty cool
if you're sum dum fool
im not downloading it
so please dont throw a fit
i didnt like your tone
hey yo, answer yer phone
wait no1 texts you
cause yer ugly n smell like poo


Other Stuff / Re: ping 999
« on: December 11, 2011, 02:51:32 PM »
okay, checkit,

u guys tryna rap but u got nothin
im just sitting here puffing
u guys try but u cant spit
go on a diet, get fit
everyday is a struggle not to get shot
yer livin off everythin yo parents bought
you dont even understand the grind
but nigguh thats why I got signed
I got those records coming left n right
yall cant even put up a fight

yer all sum big ole nerds using dem big word
but yo, I'm the best, havent u heard?
you think you're good? that's absurd
I'll kick yo ass to the curb
then stomp you into ground
nigguh you weigh 1 pound
hit the gym
maybe u wont be so slim
then u can step up your game
so you wont be such a shame

actually yall just be some dutty turds
using nouns, adjectives and intercoursein verbs
you think this is school?
the only place you fit in? you're not cool.
does it look like we sittin on chairs n stools?
nigguh im just sittin here jumpin in pools
yes my comp is water proof
yee nigguh thats the truth

yall be tryin so hard
while im just chillin in the yard
i do this as a life style
thats y when I spit its worth while
ppl all over me wanting my auto graph
then u nerds cum up in here makin me laugh
i cant be beat this is what i was meant to do
yall nigguhs sit back, eat my poo
it takes me seconds to rap
I can freestyle while i fap
live a day in my shoes
you'll see it aint no cruise
this life takes work
u cant just sit back n twerk

if any of u say excrement to mah gurl sam
imma beat u into a clam
shes my treasure
so I always give her pleasure


Other Stuff / Re: ping 999
« on: December 11, 2011, 12:20:01 PM »
yo gurl i love it when u talk dirty <3

Other Stuff / Re: ping 999
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:53:46 AM »
^ srsly the way its written its so obvious youre pasting it from some site, please stop posting here. You don't even know what irrelevant means, or nazis or govenmernet or aroma etc... you're like 12 and have no social life or education.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Inapropriate clan name!
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:52:15 AM »
I feel as though since a few famous rappers (like myself) have been on this forum, people have been more interested in attempting to follow in our foot steps as oppose to seeing this sickening issue. Please don't let the celebrity status of myself and tupac distract you from this matter at hand. The life of a celebrity is hard, but we want to help this game! We'll take autographs AFTER this is resolved! so plz, for us, solve this.

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