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Messages - Dwayne

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Could you please stop the "see-how-member of a socially disadvantaged class-i-am"-behavior? It's not funny and only expresses your own mental disabilities.
lmao no wonder dis community is wack. GOTTA B DAT STEREOTYPICAL WHITE SMART FCK OR GET OUT. dont support fckin nigguhs here? shet. haters gonna hate. u do u, and i'll keep doing me. iight? worry bout yoself, let the rest fall into place. shet nigguh be trippin up in here, threads about a nigguh gettin wrongly accused, and dis committee ffck is not letting his brothers defend him? pathetic.


Could you please stop the "see-how-big sexy thang preppy queer smart lose-i-am"-behavior? It's not funny and only expresses your own mental disabilities.

Be a leader, not a follower. nigguh.

what you fail to undersand is just because it says 5:35 on forums doesnt mean its 5:35 where i live. i love the flamefest though. chalk prob asked all his friends to flame hoping people would forget the actual topic
falmo nigguh dun even say shet to him not leavin his house on fackin new years. get a life. grow up. y u still postin. u stupid. u kno nothin. jack shet. idiot. im not chalks friend. this is my town. n i dun be likin yo tone nigguh. get the ffck out. dumb nigguh. take a bath. distribute in #paintball more. u disgust me.

its in the committe section doe, y u still postin. like sht. what u fail to understand, is how to fckin spell understand. there's a muthafckin word filter u fckin moron. people trust a nigguh who cant spell understand? nigguh u cant spell what u cant do. cmon man. understand. You love the flamefest? sht. u going to ask it to fckin marry u sexy thang? fckin falling in love with flamefests, flamo, guess u settle rly easy, cuz yer fat.

y wud chalk need ppl to flame for him, like sht, this topic is nothin. its a kid with 900 day ban who be angry cuz he neva comin back n misses this game with all his muthafckin heart. btw chalk/myles is the same acc u dig? or ya need a shovel? so how da intercourse dey multi? cuz his forum acc is myles n his game acc is chalk? lolz u dumb nigguh. use yer head. understand? kid spells lieing in the topic and thinks ppl will take him serious LOL, nigguh go to school, gr4 english. shet. u got as much proof as he does when he says dat myers kid told him u evaded. dumb nigguhs never learn. shet.


Troll account banned

and really Riddick what the hell were you doing last night that would allow you to get up at 5 a.m. and type that...

You gotta get up at 10 am n*gga. thats when u know u be goin hard like chalk
nigguh the guy was on IRC at midnight fckin pm'in me lastnigh and then again this mornin. like sht. he was on till like midnight on dp, and came back at 5am. leave your house. even fckin shk left his house. cmon. #getalife

Yo son like wtf. why u puttin my business in the street.
nigguh im sry u kno, im jus tryna help by lettin them kno u got a hard life. when fams get divorced sht gets wack n peeps dun be understandin it. #blackproblems

Troll account banned

Other Stuff / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:43:20 AM »
hope u all enjoy your last year of your lives. i heard suicide is in right now cuz no1 wants to just be a noob and die on dec 21st u kno? so ya, go for it. pce.

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map: Zephyrus
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:42:06 AM »
the fcks a zephyrus, like sht. are u fckin euro no with these crazy fckin czech names that no1 understands. change the name and ppl might like the map.

It's the same as like 2 other maps you made though. Everytime I don't walk u through each step of your map, they turn out the exact same. u need me. outdoor_a3 , finish it. and that other one that i dont know the name of, but me and that 4 eyes overweight guy who u clanned with made it. (that was code for l!nk if u didn't understand, ok cuso?) no1 knows my hidden mapping talent besides cuso.

i like your barrels.

^ that's offtopic nignog, there's more important people who haven't had their bans reduced ya kno? fixin dp is more of a priority than helping cheaters lyk u kid.


I wish I came on a game on new years eve to complain about a player who's unbanned, while having a 3 year ban. LOL. Yah nigguh intercourse parties when u can complain about somethin that dun be affectin u LOL. queer. get a life. you got 900 more days bucko. leave your house. it was fckin new years. you were on your computer. on a game your banned from. complaining. about an unbanned player. jealousy. u got no proof. u just talk outta your ass. spam cheats in #paintball more. youre never getting unbanned. youre overweight. boston sucks. u even pm'd me this on irc. huge queer. get laid. chalks unbanned. get over it. move on. leave the game. it wont bug you. unless you miss dp. why did u cheat then. idiot. go cry. eat more. last year of your life. so commit suicide. now.

Srsly tho, you're banned from this game, and you came on, on new years.... to complain about a player who got unbanned? Like, you're not getting unbanned, you spammed links to cheats on IRC, in a channel everyone idles (#paintball). So why do you even pop back on.

The problem with the community is racism. They don't understand what it's like to live as a poor, ashy, sometimes greasy, homosexual, ugly, overweight, black man who has swamp butt. It's not easy.

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