« on: May 04, 2013, 07:13:27 PM »
1st of all, encourage you for your non-well-payed effort to do this game possible.
Is it a way to chekc how many "kills" have each player along all his login life?
Something like stats, in order to know how many flags he has got all life long, or something like that.
Another thing, could it be possible to change the notifications?
When there is a lot of players, It is very difficult to know who has cap a flag.
And even, sometimes, the log dissapear without you can read it.
Is it possible to add "color" to "global notification" and differ them from "joined player" "kill player" and "player revived"??
And to dont erase the log (when you press \) ?
And improve the stats (when u press tab) sometimes, if you get 100 kills or whatever, the rows are really narrow, Is it possible to separet them a littel bit?
And, just to finish, is it possible to order the final stats (by kills, by grabs, by caps...)?
Thanks you for all your effort.