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Messages - TiMe2ChilL

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Using other people's textures
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:08:22 PM »
haven't heard uni have a non weird 'conversation' like ever. wait for him to see this thread claiming he has indeed lincensed them trelel

Other Stuff / Re: Sooo... Whats going on here?
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:20:31 AM »
Didn't you presage the death of dp while you were active? Did D@wn die? Do you still own frozer's soul and butt? What happened to aileen?Digi still hates germans for dem nazis, Skater is a trve convict and the only real criminal dp ever produced. Most of the people you know from the past are gone and wont ever come back, pretty much only some cz, ee, pl are left afaik, but tbh, 2010 was the last time I activley played, and thats 2 years past the time I actually cared

Aren't there any more important things you could care about in your life than this?Apparently, nothing in my life was more important than telling you not to care

Server Discussion / Re: Team eR33t dp servers coming soon
« on: January 14, 2014, 02:52:57 PM »
that's the fatalism of dp, everything repeats, only with less people

Other Stuff / Re: 9/11
« on: September 15, 2013, 04:30:20 PM »
You prolly also know that the majority of the world considers America as a single continent, where as citiziens of the USA consider themselves as the only real americans. They may feel offended, if you put mexicans into the definitions aswell, even though they still belong to the so called North American continent.

Also please dont put Mexicans and South Americans in the same division as americans thats an insult. They should be their own group.

and you can do
S/A = Mexicans and South America

Now guess where this is from, heh

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Players Creating Forum Account but dosen't post
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:28:12 AM »
So that's why you called yourself Deathstar7 and not Deathstar0-6?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Chance to make money by matching!
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:28:55 AM »

Congrats! I'm glad it's recognized as something in the USA.

Shh mexican :)

MyeRs prolly the best of the 9 players left, matching in pb. I guess, you could say he still lives the spirit of NA pb. Arrogant, but down to earth, haha. How is he any diffrent from Skater, digi, BoB, Xsv-Boy (yeah Bix I know) or like, you know, anybody who played at least once for Ij, eR33t, [i.], CC or one of the  famous 2 week NA clans.
I can smell the nostalgia, though I admi, it's a bit hilarious, considering they keep doing it even though there's almost nobody left to listen to it

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Are My Textures Allowed? (Ask within)
« on: August 27, 2013, 11:10:05 AM »
If you want to play the douche, at least use some better example for your "criticism", not these shabby dark textures where no one can see where one wall ends and the other starts

One final note on the straining/distraction factor.  Isn't switching to a texture set that reduces this pretty much define unfair advantage?  If the background textures are less distracting, that means it's easier to see players.  If you're selecting textures explicitly for this purpose, then you're not really picking what looks best, you're picking what makes it easiest for you to play.  Where do you draw the line?  Textures with less detail are less distracting than textures with lots of strongly defined detail.  Textures that are a completely solid, flat color are less distracting than any texture.  Where do you draw the line?
When it comes to competetive play, people usually tend to play with rather ugly graphics in order to gain as much advantages as possible.

My quakelive looks excrement compared to what it could look like.Even my crosshair is only a red dot (so i can see it better on the uni-neon-green colored keel skins). I play sc2 and LoL on lowest possible, either.
When I try to be good at a game, I usually do so, because I like the gameplay, not the looks. As a result, I try everything the game allows me to do, to make things easier so I can fully focus on getting better at the game, rather than suffering from lags, fps drops or almost invisible player skins.
But then again, quakelive easily allows you to do so, while newbs in this game do not necessarily know that

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Multi account Aveiro, youtube
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:28:47 PM »
He posted his screenshots on forums so didn't know they were illegal.

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Are My Textures Allowed? (Ask within)
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:10:59 PM »
That's cynical. Don't act like experienced player can't distinguish textures giving an avantage from those who don't

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Multi account Aveiro, youtube
« on: August 05, 2013, 06:51:21 PM »
We already had a similiar case with CRASH a few years ago. He used q2 Models,  uni-neon color for player skins and bullets etc .
Nowadays, none of us would say they weren't unfair, yet CRASH posted his video believing he did nothing illegal.
In the end, he got banned for them, and Jit later set up his mod detection so everybody knew what not to do (and I used this neon green stuff aswell back then).
These textures obviously grant visible advantage, not everybody knows they exist (therefore, it can't get fair, as long as it's not an ingame option), so the ban is perfectly fine for me within the already known rules.
Don't act like you didn't know it. Just because you can hide your textures in a hr4 pack, doesn't mean they don't fall under the same rules other modified content usually falls in. That's just ingnorant.

Be thankful that Jit even allows non offical textures. If he'd have forbidden that from the start, people couldn't even brag about how poor the game looks, since they wouldn't know about other textzres at all.

Keep it fair, play nice, most of us know what it feels like to be banned. Come back soon

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map: Zephyrus
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:20:26 AM »
Nice Barrels dude, they seem so fair, what package is this?

Just play for the clan you wanna play, as long as they want you to. Why would somebody care at all? Because using a clan tag is like signing a contract?
Multi-claning has always been a part of PB (haters gonna hate), there's no good reason not to.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Let's start playing again.
« on: July 28, 2013, 06:49:36 PM »
Pubs suck, change that and I'll play more pub

Other Stuff / Re: Dreams
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:36:18 PM »

General Development / Re: Sunman's hr4 Textures
« on: July 08, 2013, 03:14:59 PM »
If these textures are legal, I demand my neon green paintballs back. Yes, taste differs from person to person, but from what I can tell, these new texture packs only serve one purpose: gaining visible advantage. It's not just this package, but seldas and spartax aswell and I really do think that there are more around, just unknown to the forum.
You either force everybody to use your offical hr4 pack, or allow everything (which is not necessarily a bad thing. quakelive even allows me to change the player's skin model and color. Since everybody can use that, it's not even unfair). Otherwise you cannot draw a clear line.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Add name "dope"
« on: July 08, 2013, 02:53:08 PM »
looks like he wont catch the dragon

It'd be a step to the right direction.
 Even Jitspoe agrees that DP:PB isn't meant to be played with no respawn time

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Is IRC good or bad?
« on: October 10, 2012, 03:32:37 PM »
I don't like mIRC. When I was new to this game everbody told me to join #etg because IRC was the place to be, and so did I.
Still, I never really understood the obsession about it. IRC is a good way to connect a community, but not the way we use it.
Most players above a certain skill lvl advise newer players to idle in IRC, we even got a guide on the forums. Even though there were times of greater activity (on etg and first year of gg-center), most of the time it's dead still there. People do not talk on IRC and when they do it's  either flaming or a strange conversation you can't really enter, especially if you're new and not respected. So why should we idle there?
 I don't do it anymore, it's a waste of time to constantly check if something's happening. Usually nothing ever happens, so it's not a big loss. It doesn't improve your skill lvl, actually, it can even have a negative impact on it, since most people on IRC tend to be like "I only match, because I'm too good for anything else and only winning a XvsX satisfies my megalomania".
Ideally, IRC should be used as a place to talk and learn more about the game, whatever aspect it may be. Small talk's fine aswell, as long as everbody is allowed to participate. I often noticed player being ignored there (wether they were new or not). That's not the way it should go. If you want to talk in private, you can always PM somebody, so don't be inpolite.
It could also help in finding games to play. If you want to pub and no standart serv is populated? Go on irc and find some people, no need for a match-like PUG.

It's not about the programme itself, it's the attitude of the players. In other games, good (or "pro") players practice few hours everyday. In Pb everybody trys to avoid matches (pub included) since their sheer presence in IRC makes them better than 90% of the community (there are exceptions).
This game could be more fun when we stop idling 24/7 (yeah, you see, IDLING) and start playing it instead

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