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Messages - CatboyDemyx

Pages: [1]
Resolved Help & Support / Re: Cannot see window for the game
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:43:14 PM »
After trying to get the game to let me select it in the task bar without opening and stealing my mouse (which happened even when I right clicked to open the menu for it) I finally got control of my mouse to get down to the menu and maximize. This brought up the game, which let me change it back to windowed mode. I don't know how it got moved off the screen (since I don't ever move it and I'm the only one who plays it) but this problem is now resolved and if it does this again I know how to fix it~ Thank you everyone. (And sorry for the late reply, been busy with school lately.)

Resolved Help & Support / Cannot see window for the game
« on: August 25, 2013, 10:34:55 AM »
So this has happened ten or fifteen times in the past few years that I've been playing, and usually after I uninstall it it still doesn't work and I have to wait months and try and reinstall it again and for some reason it randomly works but after not playing it for awhile it stops again... So anyways here's the issue:

When I open the game, it locks my cursor into the designated window range (full screen doesn't work either, fyi) but there is no window. At all. There's no video and there's no indication that the game is actually open except that there IS sound.

When I use ALT+TAB to switch back to my browser, I can see the game with the video running in the background:

I'm running Windows 7

In the past hour I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game six times, updated my drivers, and googled solutions but can't find any that apply to this situation.

Also, I can't close the game without force closing with the task manager because when I right click and click on "close" it just tries to open the window up and then does nothing else.

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