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Messages - XtraGhost

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Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: NPBLeague 1v1 Map poll
« on: May 20, 2019, 11:31:39 AM »
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Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: NPBLeague 1v1 Sign-ups [OPEN]
« on: April 25, 2019, 09:11:48 AM »
Sign me up. I'm down :)

hm. i checked with my emails. i cant seem to find the conversations we have.  it was about 3 years ago and i think after we talked i just deleted it because i saw no point for it.

that was a racist comment and i will leave that to jitspoe

7 pictures of proof.
PS: you never said you lost the account
PPS: you think i should grow up. look at urself. your probably some kid thats 7 years old sitting on a couch in russia or something.
PPPS: Im a well known person of dp2 and i like to help jitspoe out. I wasnt accusing you but since you said that your  ruskiealex. Still means you mutliaccounted. FFS stop trying to evade ban.
PPPPS: (beacause you keep replying as im typing this)
we will find out jitspoe will tell me stop having a cry because im accusing you of multi account if you have contacted him and everything he will say just shh untill jitspoe does. OK?

i want jitspoe to notice how i feel a racist comment here. "SOME KID IN RUSSIA SITTING ON A COUCH." sir i am not a kid and im a lawyer. with that comment am am able to start a court session about you. being predudice to me. if the moderators do not do anything about this i will file a lawsuit to him.

" you think i should grow up. look at urself. your probably some kid thats 7 years old sitting on a couch in russia or something."

forgotten password does not give any results if you have no access to that email. that is why i have gotten a recreational account

also if you have no idea. when i stated "recreation account" that is an account given to an admin/mod to delete and allow me a new one. i have no access to that account. therefore that fact you stated is false. and is terminated.

yes i do. the rules say nothing about when an account is lost or deleted. my account has been lost for well over 2 years. as i have said in my pictures. that account has been lost. but for some reason u deleted that picture where i said that... hmm... i think you should grow up and stop accusing people and let jitspoe and mods decide. stop trying to back ur reasons up with facts if you have no proof.

Also DeadFroggy did delete a few things on his recent post so you may not see it. It says
reasons for This...
#1. Punksidle misspells what? with wat?.
#2. Punk is a jumper record holder.. xtraghost claims to be a jumper...

Also Yapyccku is not in this as well.. He is my cousin as i stated in the picture to see if loony remembered me and my cousins playing this game.

ehem... if i may... but i see no full proof about this at all. as a lawyer i know my rights and i know the rules about dplogin. i have broken none. i use to play on 1 of my other accounts. ruskiealex. as i have spoken with jitspoe, he allowed a recreation account only once. which i have follow those rules. Leading to my case. i see no reason to authorize this ban or to even have this page up. i think DeadFroggy is a nice person with nice intentions but this has no proof whatsoever. also Punk is a nice friend of mine so theres no reason to put him into this...

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