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Messages - JMR

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Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Remaster: Crates HD 2019 - FINAL
« on: March 08, 2020, 01:28:45 PM »
I had a lot of fun playing this in a 1v1. Great work!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: March 17, 2019, 11:21:07 AM »
Looking for volunteers to help keep this going.

Is zis accurate JMR? I scheduled them in ze dpball steam group, but April 6th = 3 weeks after March 16th.

Not sure why I did that. Good find.

I am not sure when the next Social Saturday will take place, it depends on the volunteers available. I assume the next one will be 30th.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: March 02, 2019, 06:35:40 PM »
Another successful event today! Thanks to everyone who participated.

The event started off with some manhunt on jitspoe's new map! We then proceeded to playtest DirtyTaco's new map before playing some classic speed-server maps along with some siege!

Finally, we finished off with a fun 1v1 tournament! You can view the bracket here:

Some screenshots:

I think a randomly picked "local maplist" would restrict too much though.

Ah yes. I realise that JeongWa was also referring to the "random local maplist idea" when he was writing his post. (Somehow I'd missed that! Oops.)

Maybe you can give teams/players the opportunity to add 3-5 "homemaps" (less popular maps) to the global list, to not limit their preferrences. Every other team/player could pick these maps in their matches aswell. Later, the team could change their list of "homemaps" after each month for example, to keep up the variety.

That is a really cool idea! It is a good way for clans to be able to play their own custom maps, or less popular maps, whilst still adding some accountability. A clan's homemaps could be displayed online on their profile.
 (If a clan's homemaps list history is filled with unfair it's not going to look good on that clan)

I think three home maps per month are enough.

So the entire maplist would be made up of the collection of the communities home maps? That would keep the maplist dynamic (since new clans would join in and add to the list, and other clans would be updating their list monthly.)

I like the idea a lot. Does anyone have any thoughts against this idea?

I personally enjoy playing different maps, I would easily get bored of being restricted on my map choices for the long term.

This is the definitely the biggest downside.

Ideally the map pool would be inclusive enough so you wouldn't feel really restricted, but given that everyone has different preferences on maps, it would be important to have enough variety of type of maps in there. Tricky for sure.

What about doing what you guys suggested but for the tie maps only?

I do not see much point to that, considering that both teams have to be in agreement over the tie map anyway.

If we ever get an official map list it would be nice to replace maps on it from time to time so it doens't get "boring" to play the same maps over and over and over.
My idea is the 2 or 3 least played maps gets replaced in a period of time (maybe a month, dont know.). Then we do a vote with 10? maps on it and the top 3 gets into the official maplist. just an thought

I did something similar to this for the #sPec# weekly tournament seasons.

I had a global maplist and a local maplist. The local maplist is what players could select from, which would rotate maps in and out from the global maplist. People would vote to decide what maps should be on the global maplist and then the local maplist was selected randomly every tournament to make it fair. Maybe a similar system would work well for this. Although, the maplists would have to be much larger. (Around 15 maps for the current maplist and then around 30-40 for global, I'd say.)

Do we get an official maplist for this ?

I have not decided on this yet. I would like to hear people's thoughts on this.

Some benefits of an official maplist:
 - Prevents teams from choosing maps which have "secrets"
 - Allows teams to prepare for matches by learning all of the official maps, which helps make it more competetive
 - More friendly to new players

Some of the downsides:
 - Map discovery would not occur within matches, which may remove some of the fun around playing an unknown map
 - Requires time to organise
 - Potential division among the community about what maps should be on the list

How do you match 5 people total? And 5 people is pretty optimistic...

Good question, the server would wait for there to be an even number of players on each team before initiating a match.

While I think you have great ideas, execution is usually less well-thought and result is terrible. Don't get me wrong, I like what you are doing, but I personally would have given up a looong time ago and instead focus on other things. This is why I ultimately did programs that can undermine almost any security in DP, because this is only thing fun to do and rewarding in being well-known and above everyone else...

The main reasons why I am doing this are:
  • - I have already said that I am doing it last year, so I want to be a man of my word and finish what I started.
  • - I want to see the competitive scene in DP thriving again
  • - Learning experience - it is a fun challenge and I am practising using my new knowledge.

Since I was younger I really wanted to do something really beneficial for the community, just for the sake of seeing this game in a new era of "good days."

There is a chance that there would be holes in my system that I miss and I know that you're skilled in finding them. I just request that you disclose them privately to me if you do.

This is actually the best project anybody had the past years concerning paintball.

Question is: How much time will it take you to release it and How stable will be determinant for its usability.

I do appreciate the project! Hopefully, you will make it happen because I'm curious how well it would work!

It is really difficult to determine how much time it will take. All the extras really add to the development time. I need to focus on getting an alpha version done so that the base system is in place, then I could add the convenience features as time progresses.

I am potentially starting a new job soon so I will be super busy. But, during evenings and weekends I hope to work on this.

To be honest, even if only 4 teams use it, it will still be fun to see such a system in place and working, before I finally move on from this game.

Paintball 2 Discussion / pbrank - Introduction - Post your questions here!
« on: February 15, 2019, 09:45:59 PM »
I just launched the project page for pbrank!

pbrank is an auto-matchmaking and ranking system for Paintball2!

I am currently working on the project. I completed the prototype a few months ago. But I started coding it again from the ground up recently so I can support mixed-server location matches. (So EU can play vs NA with the match tracked.)

There are so many small features involved in making this system work well. Hoping I have the time to get the beta version out within a month or two.

If you'd like to find out more about the project, please visit!

Please post any questions to this thread and I will try to answer them as soon as I can.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New DP Gamemode - MANHUNT - Feedback thread
« on: January 19, 2019, 06:22:51 AM »
Recoded this from the ground up! There were far too many weird bugs in the old code. It should be working smoothly now. Let me know if anything breaks. Have fun!

Server online @

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: January 06, 2019, 09:00:24 AM »
Pretty sure we broke the record as for the number of players on Social Saturdays, reached max capacity of Crack The Speed Which is 28.

Yes! Great turnout yesterday in-game. Thanks for coming everyone. I am sorry I couldn't get on earlier.

The schedule has been updated for this year on Discord and I have modified this thread.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: December 01, 2018, 06:16:53 PM »
The "second" Social Saturday was a success, with up to 20 players online at once! Thanks for playing. See you in two weeks!

Earlier in the day:

Later on:

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: PRIZE ?
« on: November 21, 2018, 09:56:58 AM »
Wow Triks! That is a wild idea and it is certainly one which will get more people to play.

I agree with zenit and JeongWa about advertising it. A tournament with that kind of money could attract potential new players into the game, alongside bringing back old ones.

It may be wise to run a league instead of a single tournament, that way the activity and hype around it is more spread.

I have been working on a centralised matchmaking system to allow full rule enforcement, strict map choices and automatic tracking of scores and statistics. -- Would you be interested in partnering with me on an event with this sometime in the future? We could say that the team with the highest rank by the end of a certain month will win a prize.

With that kind of money, you could even throw a mapping competition in there too -- attracting mappers from Quake. The best of those maps could then contribute to the official maplist of your event.

If you need any help with something, just let me know. You can send me a private message on Discord.

Help and Support / Re: Paintball2 on Mac
« on: November 18, 2018, 10:19:02 AM »
It's been awhile. Is this still the best workaround if someone wanted to play on Mac?

Yes. :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: November 18, 2018, 10:17:33 AM »
People are forgetting which Saturday this is on. Jitspoe suggested on Discord that we have it on the first Saturday of each month so that it is easy to know when the event is on. The schedule has been updated accordingly.

Please see the #social_saturday channel in the Events category on the Paintball 2 Discord.

Hopefully we can get some more of these going. :) The last one back in September was fun!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Social Saturday - Every two weeks
« on: September 29, 2018, 01:15:54 PM »
Social Saturday #1 was a success! Thank you to all 15+ players who took part. The next one will be in two weeks time. If you have any suggestions for next time, feel free to post them on the Discord or here in this thread.

We started out with some deathmatch games and then played hide and seek. After that, we finished off with a 5vs5 CTF pickup game. It was a lot of fun and many came into voice chat to take part in the laughter.

There were a few hiccups along the way trying to get the server to use the right gamemode, but next time I will be more prepared for that to avoid delays.

The next Social Saturday will take place on the 13th of October at 1pm EST.

See you next time!

Completed Maps / Re: New map: Concrete b1 (contest entry)
« on: September 28, 2018, 10:09:39 AM »
Very professional map. Nicely done!


I have been very busy lately. I am sorry about not following up on this sooner.

Let's try to get one of these arranged twice each month! :)

We'll try it at 1pm EST every other Saturday. (

Thread updated. You can also visit the #social_saturday channel on Discord.

Poll results:

Mapping / Re: 20 Year Anniversary Mapping Competition
« on: September 28, 2018, 07:37:55 AM »
Thanks for helping evaluate the maps, rockitude!

Sorry I'm a bit delayed on this.  Life has been busy, as always.  I was trying to think of a good prize, and how to go about selecting a winner, and here's what I came up with, since it was actually a tough choice for me:

Rushed, I feel, has the best gameplay for low population servers.  Works very well for 2v2, and while it looks simple at first glance, has a lot of subtle nuances that are pretty well thought out and catered to the Paintball2 style gameplay.  I think the layout is solid and would love to see it put out with some visual polish, so I'm giving it #1 for (low pop) gameplay.

Concrete has the top aesthetics.  Unfortunately we didn't have enough people to test it with more than 3v3 to see its true gameplay potential.  It could probably stand to be shrunk down to better reflect the current community size, but I'm giving it #1 for visuals.

Orion went through some pretty major revisions based on beta feedback, so I'm giving it #1 for renovations.

Yes, this is my cop-out way of not having to pick a single first place winner. :D

As for the prize: each of you gets to pick 1 small feature for me to focus on next.  Time is tight, so it needs to be something I can knock out in less than a day, ideally.  I reserve the right to refuse if it's a feature that's too significant to implement or if it's really broken/dumb/offensive.  Use common sense. :)

Also, I'm going to be gone for a couple of weeks, so you have plenty of time to decide.

WOW! I did not see that coming! That is such a cool prize. I am not sure how much time it would take to implement my feature request, so it has hard to know if it considered a small feature or not. (It would help me significantly though.)

I created the feature request here:

Thank you for the feedback! I'll have to get a new version of rushed done. :)

Feature Request: Server-controlled HUD Elements

I am going to describe the ideal version of the feature. However, multiple boxes is not a necessity.
The ability to create HUD elements that can be toggled in and out server side, with support for new lines and screen location.

The command could contain four arguments:

▪ Unique name identifier
▪ X location (to be normalised)
▪ Y location (to be normalised)
▪ String (with support for \n and colour characters)


Ideal commands:

createinfobox <identifier> <x location> <y location> <custom string>

toggleinfobox <identifier> <state>

Code: [Select]
createinfobox "box1" 0 0 "Waiting for all players.\n---------------\nTeam 1 (3/3)\nPlayer1\nPlayer2\nPlayer3\nTeam 2 (2/3)\nPlayer1\nPlayer2
Code: [Select]
toggleinfobox "box1" 1



The only server command I have found in dp that seems similar to that is called "cprint." However, it is not very useful unfortunately because it only allows one line of text and it is not very readable. It prints text on the center of everyone's screen with no background and the message rapidly disappears when replaced by center prints coming from in-game such as the "Match starting in..." messages.

The commands would allow server owners to create custom HUD elements of their own that display information. This would create many possibilities for making custom gamemode systems that are friendly for new players, so they don't have to keep opening their console to read messages from the server.

In my case, I can use it for to produce features for my upcoming system that will make it much more accessible.

Some examples of features this would make possible:

  • ▪ Player rank list.
  • ▪ In-game clan leaderboard at the end of a match
  • ▪ Current status of who the server is waiting for to start the match
  • ▪ Current map voting pool

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