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Messages - ShantiBantu

Pages: [1]
yeah I thought of that and tried to recreate it on a server by myself but it only seems to happen in gameplay. *Shrug* Definitely happened yesterday on yer speed 2. I play on a pc and the nade toss is bound to the scroll wheel click. I'll try to pay more attention to the conditions and report back. I happens often enough to post about it but only seems to occur in intense play so it surprises me...but it's also not a big enough issue to dissuede me from playing ;-)

Hmmm, I have not noticed whether is it server specific or not but, that makes sense. I have been playing a lot on Siege Europa and Superman's severs lately. When it happens again, I'll take note of the server.

Thanks Jitspoe :)

So I have noticed that if I pop a smoke grenade and pick up a paint grenade right after popping smoke, the paint grenade goes off in my hand and kills me. Happens regularly but, only when I have just tossed a smoke grenade and immediately pick up a paint grenade.

If I toss the smoke grenade and wait for a count of like 2 seconds, it doesn't do it.

I have tried recreating this issue on a map alone to see if I am just holding the nade button down when I pick up the new one, but I was unable to reproduce it; it only happens in game play.

Official Feature Votes / Re: Tweak: Fix Smoke Grenades
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:50:30 PM »
I would support being able to carry 2 nades, either one of each or two of one...perhaps the ability to carry two would eliminate people smoking their own spawns while ditching smoke nades in favor of paint grenades

The smoke nades themselves function fine for me strategically...

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 37
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:34:12 PM »
Thanks for fixing the auto-switch plaques and removing the OK confirmation...much better than the previous build and the centered double OK during game play, which always resulted in death for me :)

Cheers all!

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