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Demo Requests / Re: Demo Req. Whaley
« on: November 11, 2015, 03:07:32 PM »
Yo DooCi you wanna 2s me and whaley? and have someone spec to get a demo? PROVE YOUR WORTH!

Server Discussion / Ball Speed in NA
« on: October 01, 2015, 03:59:28 PM »
A lot of people have been complaining about the "new" ball speed that jitspoe changed it too and I know i have been one of them but Jitspoe changed the "default" settings of the servers being played on and the setting can be changed and I just found that out so idk why people complain and harass jitspoe about it when they can fix it themselves in their servers. With that being said I changed my ball speed in my servers to 2850(I know the ball speed used to be 2790) but some of us active competitive players sat in one of my servers and tested out different ball speeds and we have come to conclusion that we like 2850 the best, so all the MLG servers and uR servers will be set to 2850 ball speed including match servers and public servers. Also talked to some of the EU players and they said they like the ball speed and want to implement it into the EU match servers at least so that it can be even on both sides. I just wanted to post this to inform everyone about the change to the NA servers so that they can expect the ball speed to be higher(btw the default after jitspoe changed it is 2660). So if anyone wants to complain to jitspoe about the ball speed change think twice because you can change it. I'm also gonna be hosting tournaments and they are going to be using this ball speed so if anyone wants to join, practice on my pub server or uR's pub server or if any EU servers implement the ball speed into their servers to get used to the ball speed!

Also, Jitspoe i have a question about my servers configs, im trying to save the ball speed command in my server config but it wont save everytime i restart my server it resets to the default ball speed. if anyone has a solution to how i can save it to where it takes effect please let me know.

The reason for me keeping the ball speed at 2850 is because i have had a lot of positive feedback of this ball speed so if you are going to hate on me for changing my servers ball speeds even though you haven't tried it just don't reply then.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Ranking System and Matchmaking
« on: October 01, 2015, 03:18:36 PM »
Jitspoe stated that he would implement some kind of Elo ranking system - which is what you described there - if he finds time and motivation to do it. Keeping different polls at different locations will not help organizing the feature votes.
Oh my bad I didnt realize he was thinking about it like this ill lock this poll than

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Ranking System and Matchmaking
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:18:36 AM »
I know they had that post but they were talking about a different ranking system then i was talking about so i was just expressing my form of ranking system

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Ranking System and Matchmaking
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:40:01 PM »
When i first left the dp2 scene for a while, I switched over to xbox playing call of duty. I had gotten introduced to the competitive scene and started playing on a website called and the way the website is set up is that you can make your clan/team and there is a match finder system where clans/teams post looking for a match and any other clan/team can accept the match challenge which generates what maps would be played and which clan/team hosts first so if it was in dp it would be which clans server they play in on which map. Usually the higher ranking team hosts first map and the lower ranking team hosts the 2nd map and 3rd map in a Best of 3. Anyway after the match is played both teams go and report their scores meaning they report who won and who lost, which also means that the records cannot be faked because after the winner is determined it puts a win or loss on the winning or losing team. Then this effects the ranking of each player by adding a win your rank goes up a certain amount of spots based on how much xp you earned from your opponent and the xp is determined by the opponents ranks, for example, if both teams have not been ranked yet the winning team gets 16 xp and the losing team loses 16 xp keeping them not ranked until they gain that xp back plus more to get them ranked. Also, if a team that is ranked in the top plays a team thats ranked on the bottom the top ranked team would only get like 1-2 xp and the losing team will only lose 1-2 xp. It's basically all relative to who you play. This is just an idea that i would love to see be implemented and if you want to look at what the ranking system is like go to this link :

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Ball speed
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:06:07 PM »
The ball speed now allows anyone to run through making this game not fun or "skilled" because anyone can run through any line now and making it where there is no strategy!!

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