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Messages - -MrVarron-

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Stuff / Back again, how about you?
« on: November 23, 2022, 04:53:32 PM »
Hey Guys,
Today i thought about the nice time i Had with this Game in the past And my Map creation phase. And yeah, i am Happy to See, that the Homepage isnt offline, after 7-8 years. So much happened, since then. Life was going on. But ive never forgotten the great time in this awesome Community.

So i have to ask, whats Up Guys? :)

oh k thanks.
im gonna change it

and what do he mean with "dark places"?
all shadow places i have are intention

how can i get into noclip mode

but the metal frames.. i dont know, thats your style..
i must see :) maybe i find a better option for this, but the most things im gonna make it like you said

thank you for the intensive feedback Cameron :)

i'll do this in the next days and upload the map again

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Ready For finish?
« on: January 05, 2016, 12:17:27 PM »
is my map ready for finished maps topic? :D

Beta / In-Progress Maps / the_Camp finished! beta 11
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:39:04 AM »
new hides and ways
texture fixes
bug fixes

enjoy and pls give me feedback

Beta / In-Progress Maps / beta 8 finished :)
« on: July 29, 2015, 04:55:44 AM »
this beta have many grafical improvements, more hides than beta 7, and yeah, check it out and give me some feedback :)
(very thanks for chef-killer and ace)

the file is a .rar, you must extract it, because the size...

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp - PROBLEMS with Beta 8!
« on: July 27, 2015, 03:50:40 PM »
veryveryveryveryveryvery thanks, i love you all <3 :D

id follow the suggestions of chef-killer, without downloading. :) i searched the leaks and overlapped brushes, settet more details and then, voila, it works :DDDDDDDD thank you, im gonna render and upload the beta 8 in a few moments :)

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp - PROBLEMS with Beta 8!
« on: July 27, 2015, 05:03:56 AM »
K @ace
Thanks for Watching.
Is there an option to fix overlapping brushes without searching? Like merge brushes? Or what function have merge brushes?

an how can i search leaks efficient? when  click "leak search..." and im gonna launch the map, then i become the ***leaked*** message though :(

Beta / In-Progress Maps / mapfile
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:06:01 PM »

Beta / In-Progress Maps / numportals
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:06:52 PM »
ok guys id follow your suggestions and changed the texture size of hided brushes into 100x100, so now they looks like minecraft textures :)

the 2. suggestion was that i give some brushes the detail feature with the +Det Button... at many many brushes...
the result is, that the number of portalclusters and numportals radically going down


now i have the same error like before :(

thats my console:
C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\qbsp thecamp_b8

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>..\..\util\qbsp3 thecamp_b8
----------- qbsp3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.09
gamedir set to C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\
entering C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
writing C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.prt
Writing C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
    4 seconds elapsed

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\vis -fast thecamp_b8

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>..\..\util\qvis3 -fast thecamp_b8
----------- qvis3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.03
fastvis = true
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.prt
2563 portalclusters
7979 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (8)
Average clusters visible: 697
Building PHS...

************ ERROR ************
Vismap expansion overflow

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\rad -chopcurve 128 thecamp

ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).

----- ArghRad 3.00T9 by Tim Wright (Argh!) -----
Modified from original source code by id Software

----- Settings -----
 -gamedir set to C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\  (game pak dir)
 -chopcurve set to 128.0  (curve surface patch size)
----- Load BSP File -----
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
no vis information, direct lighting only
----- Light World -----

************ ERROR ************
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.

The game starts now with your map.

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Map Graveyard / nice idea
« on: July 25, 2015, 06:20:42 PM »
not bad, and i think its a good alternative for lan-parties, but the map is a bit empty...

you can build a bit more hide places, and more imaginative designs...
the little houses in the corners looks a bit like beginner minecraft houses ;D
i meant this not badly i hope you understand ':S

the fences in the corners are a bit bare, you can build an attachment there like a pillar at the endings.

an other thing: youve made some texture fails, at example: the houses in the corner (picture below) and some other places where you dont have noted that the textures are not in the same direction like the object (picture below), use the rotation function in the surface window

the barrels are badly textured, some in the wrong direction, some clipped... here you can use the rotation function too...

look at all textures and designs, and build some more places where players can hide.
the idea is pretty nice, not new, but nice :)

Beta / In-Progress Maps / problem by rendering :(
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:52:06 PM »
hey guys, ive worked very long for beta 8 "the camp", and now im finish BUT: when im on full rendering the console shows me errors with vismap. here the console text:

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\qbsp thecamp_b8

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>..\..\util\qbsp3 thecamp_b8
----------- qbsp3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.09
gamedir set to C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\
entering C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
writing C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.prt
Writing C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
    5 seconds elapsed

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\vis -level 4 thecamp_b8

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>..\..\util\qvis3 -level 4 thecamp_b8
----------- qvis3 -----------
original code by id Software
Modified by Geoffrey DeWan
Revision 1.03
Test level not used in qvis3
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.prt
3522 portalclusters
10926 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (14)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (4771)
Average clusters visible: 289
Building PHS...

************ ERROR ************
Vismap expansion overflow

C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles>call ..\compilers\rad -extra thecamp_b8

ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).
ECHO ist ausgeschaltet (OFF).

----- ArghRad 3.00T9 by Tim Wright (Argh!) -----
Modified from original source code by id Software

----- Settings -----
 -gamedir set to C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\  (game pak dir)
 -extra enabled  (extra quality light sampling)
----- Load BSP File -----
reading C:\BSP\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles\thecamp_b8.bsp
no vis information, direct lighting only
----- Light World -----

************ ERROR ************
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.

The game starts now with your map.

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Please give us a feedback and upload your map at or

Thanks !

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp - Now Beta 7!
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:18:02 PM »
ok thanks jitspoe :)
i'll do my best. i have more time now to work at the map, so i'm gonna working more at the map that i can finish it finally... :)

when i look at the date when i uploaded this map for the first time... 2 years is very long for a map i think :D

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp - Now Beta 7!
« on: February 15, 2015, 07:18:37 AM »
i made it   ;D
lamps looks better
middle section is varied and looks better now
you can enter the underpass with a hole in the middle section
underpass entrances at the spawns looks more inviting
underpass entrances are now fast to enter

screenshots of the middle section and the entrances are on the first post

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp Beta 6 now!
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:13:26 PM »
Thanks for answering :) i gonna think about it, at this weekend i try to upload a new beta with a new idea

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map : desertstrike_beta
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:42:51 PM »
i dont know.... when he place wood and concrete textures thougtly, then i think its gonna see pretty nice

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: The Camp Beta 6 now!
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:38:46 PM »
grafic failures fixed
jail looks much better now

Pages: [1] 2 3