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Messages - Gibb

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 08, 2006, 12:38:53 PM »
More hypotheticals on what people look like now and how they should be living their lives? 

Please tell me Dr. Phil, how can I better my life.

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 08, 2006, 09:56:37 AM »
What you fail to realize picasso is what happened had no effect on the outcome of the game.

I already gave examples of penaltys, using football, that are given because of one individuals action, even if they had no effect on the play, that penalize the team.  Excessive celebration, holding, block in the back... All penalty's given to 1 person for their actions that affect the team negatively.  You can be holding or blocking someone in the back 50 yards away from the ball and still get your team penalized.  Did it affect the play at all? Nope.

A team does not get forfeited for the actions of one person, that one person gets suspended. You guys throw out all these hypotehticals, but that's how it is in every sport. Drug use, cheating, anything, the game is not forfieted, the player is suspended.

Of course you can't forfeit teams in professional sports...This is where these analogies don't hold a lot of weight.  We can't penalize teams in yardage, or take away 2/3 of their paintballs for the next round.  Issuing a forfeit is the only way we can show clans that if you break the rules, harsh punishments will ensue.

You all know darn well had it been ch1ll that demolished some clan, but then talked in mm1, they would not have been forfeited, and that's just sad.

Who is throwing out hypotheticals now?

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:36:34 PM »
Joe didn't tell me to do anything.  When all of this happened bain told me to review the demos and I did.  He was the one that came up with how long each person should be suspended.  He told me to decide on whether or not it should be forfeit.  I told him the reasons why I think it should based on what happened in your match, and what has happened before in our league to receive a forfeit.  I'm sure if it was the other way around and ch1ll was the one who broke the rules, bain would have told me to watch the demose and make a ruling.  I don't see how this is a biased decision by a crazy admin when it says in the rules that if you do what bob did, your team will be forfeited. 

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 07, 2006, 04:01:31 PM »
In football, if any offensive player is flagged for holding during a play, they lose the down

i'm not even reading the rest- you don't lose a down for holding, it remains the same down.

Oops, regardless that doesn't change anything in the post. 

As for, "The forfeit is just out of hated for eR33t, or trying to look good for Bain, since it was his clan. One or the other."

I don't hate eR33t, I have no problems with any of the members in the clan, I have known DT for a long time as we have been apart of this community for many years now.  We also worked together in the PBCup and never had any problems with one another.  Blitz I have no problems with whatsoever and we have been able to discuss all this without name calling and insults, unlike yourself.  I'm glad you have voiced your opinions on the rules, I now agree they should be (and they will be) reviewed.  But if you incist that I am a biased admin who hates eR33t and hopes all bad things in life happen to you, get over yourself.

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 07, 2006, 11:44:20 AM »
Of course bob was doing things that are considered illegal by the rules Pierce.  Why else would we even have all these threads if there was nothing illegal going on. He had the mm1 login and he wasn't the captain.  He was wrongfully given the mm1 login by someone who wasn't supposed to give it out.  He was talking in mm1 when he wasn't the captain.  He insulted a PBCup ref which obviously is not tolerated.  He refused to follow a PBCup Official's request.  Thats 5 examples of breaking the rules.  How can you, someone who was affiliated with this league, possibly say bob did not break any rules?

As for your football analogy, taunting is unsportsmanlike conduct. There is no seperate rule caled 'taunting.'  The only time you will see a player individually fined and his team NOT penalized is when a ref misses the call.  The player is fined when tapes are reviewed after the game.  So using this analogy as an example, we reviewed the 'game film', 'fined' bob with a 1 week suspension, and issued a 'team penalty' of the forfeit of one round.   

As you stated he was simply using message mode 1.  You know for a fact that is against the rules, ESPECIALLY when you are not the captain of the team, and definitely when you are using it to call a PBCup ref a f.a.g.g.o.t.  I guarantee if an NFL player called a ref a f.a.g.g.o.t. he would be ejected from the game, and there would be and an unsportsmanlike 15yd penalty given. Its impossible to use professional leagues as a perfect analogy because we can't give out '15 yd penalties' for breaking the rules.  The PBCup states within its own set of rules, and has displayed through precedent, that if you break these rules, you will receive a forfeit.  Like I said before, the rules will be reviewed in the off-season.

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 07, 2006, 08:45:05 AM »
Well i'm not surprised that DT now thinks aB shouldn't have been forfeited. Like I have said ad-nauseum, that was the only incident we had had where we had to issue a forfeit for someone breaking the rules.  Now I was apart of that match and we were just getting smoked each round, going into the last round it was 3-0 aB and that’s where the pandemonium ensued.  They were spamming much more than bob, as everyone who watched the demo will see it wasn't the quantity of mm1 speak that brought about this ruling.  The similarities in what was being said is what made me think this situation should receive a similar ruling.  Uni insulted DT.  Bob insulted Tom.  Both were asked to stop talking repeatedly and both resisted.  aB was issued a forfeit by one of our admins, aB accepted the forfeit (obviously they were displeased, but more so because it was being issued by someone who openly hated their clan).  eR33t was issued a forfeit because they broke rules about using the mm1 login, insulting PBCup Refs (who volunteer their time to watch games, set up servers, and make sure everything runs smoothly.), using names that aren't registered on the page, etc. 

Now your big question is did all of this childish behavior effect the outcome of the game.  Other than seeing some ch1ll members talk in mm2 saying "I wish they would shut him up." and things like that, no I don’t think it did.  I know members of ch1ll have even said after all of this has gone down that they didn't think bob's actions affected the outcome.  However, our current rules were broken and one of our refs was insulted.  I understand one individual did 90% of the talking in that server.  But it took another member of your team to give out the mm1 login.  This was not just a sole person responsible for this outcome.  I know you have used sports as a way to create analogies for this whole ordeal, so I will leave you with one.

In football, if any offensive player is flagged for holding during a play, they lose the down, they back up in yardage, and whatever resulted from that play doesn't count.  Now say you're looking down on a field from a birds eye view.  The offense runs a play action run play to the left.  The left receiver acts as a blocker to try and keep the DB that was lined up on him from moving towards the RB.  Now if that receiver is holding the DB he is going to get flagged for it.  Even if the ball never even moves to that DB’s side of the field and the QB throws it deep to the right side for a touch down.  That DB that was being held would have had no effect on the play since the ball was thrown to a different side of the field that he was on.  But, the WR broke the rules and held him and they get punished for it.  Not ALL rules in games, sports, etc. look at whether or not the actions effect the outcome of a game in EVERY situation.  They are there to keep things fair and equal. 

Another football example can be used during kick and punt returns.  On big plays where the kick returner advances the ball 50, 60, 70 yards or farther for a touchdown, even if that man ran the ball all the way up the right side of the field, if one of his teammates blocked an opponent in the back 30 yards away on the opposite side of the kick returner, you know that ball is coming back.  Did that illegal block have any effect on that players kick return?  Throughout this upcoming NFL season you will see a few situations where a block in the back 30-40 yards away from the ball will result in that penalty.  But once again, a player broke the rules and his team was punished for it. 

I assure you the rules will be looked at this off-season, but I ask you to not think of me as a biased admin.  I've been around in this community for a very long time, I think most people will say that I am not a person who would sabotage a league and remove a top clan so all other teams can breeze through the playoffs.  Remember that our ruling was extremely lenient; we knew all of the standings and schedules before we made it.  I knew that issuing a forfeit and these suspensions would not negatively affect eR33t in getting to the playoffs.  I did not remove your team from the league, I did not ban you from playing out the rest of the season.  I hope everyone realizes that, our ruling was made in a way that we could both: a.) get across a message to all clans that if you break the rules, you will be forfeited, and , b.) so that you (eR33t) would have an equal shot like everyone else to make the playoffs. 

PBCup / Re: We'll solve this with anonymity...
« on: August 06, 2006, 09:41:25 PM »
Once again i'm not a biased admin, yes I watched the demos.  I don't know what your big problem with me is Y2J, i've tried to handle this as calmly and maturely as possible.  You can be assured the rules will be looked over after this season ends.  I don't know why you keep saying in multiple threads that I am biased, i want to see you all lose, I want to see you out of the league etc.  As someone who is 1st an administrator in the league, not a participant, i'm trying to keep all teams happy and the field of competition plentiful.  I'm sorry you didn't agree with my decision, but leaving the league because it wasn't a fair ruling?  Life isn't fair, when you catch a bad break are you just going to off yourself?  When aB received their forfeit last season yeah they got upset, but they didn't quit the league, they kept playing.  You can point fingers all you want, but what happened has zero impact on your team for the rest of the season.  You would have made the playoffs and would have been an easy odds favorite to win it all again.

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: August 03, 2006, 06:43:12 PM »
loial, you are stupid, pay attention. I dont care if youre a gt admin or not, you post in threads that dont involve you in any way, shape or form.

Just to play devil's advocate here, this thread doesn't really involve you either.

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: August 01, 2006, 05:59:32 PM »
I believe we have set the record straight by explaining our reasoning behind the suspensions and forfeitures.  Yes, we all understand an individual spoke out when he was not supposed to and earned his team a forfeit.  I understand that some people think 1 persons actions should not effect his entire team.

However, we the league believe that because this is a team game where all individuals MUST work together to succeed, all teams will be held responsible for their members actions.  Immaturity has run rampant through out this community, I think we can all agree with this.  By putting the responsibility on all participating clans to keep their members and teammates in order, we believe this is the best way to maintain a high level of sportsmanship and maturity through league games. 

PBCup / Re: Formal complaint reguarding ch1ll vs. eR33t match
« on: July 31, 2006, 06:27:01 PM »
But why give bob mm1 privledges? What everyone is saying that you could have either a.) all stayed observer and talked in mm2 OR b.) given your captain mm1 login, stayed on your color, and talked to them in mm1.

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: July 31, 2006, 06:25:22 PM »
I believe he means you agreed to abide by the rules when your team joined the league.

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: July 31, 2006, 04:19:06 PM »

They self inflicted this and all I see is excuses no ownership of responsibility.

I'm all for suspending the players that broke the rules, I don't see how a forfeit is waranted though. It's not distracting enough to cost someone the game. It's a cheap attempt by ch1ll to gain the win, and making excuses for their own loss. And somehow it worked.

See paragraphs 4, 5, 6, and 8 of my post on page 2

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:44:04 PM »
Very respectable choice, I think most people would agree your team is talented enough to win a championship without them. 

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: July 30, 2006, 08:07:27 PM »
Wow, lots of stuff to respond to.  First, like other people have said, i'm sorry that you all feel it’s necessary to leave the league after this ruling.  You might think that I am just saying this to appear courteous, but as a premiere clan in the game in regards to skill, it’s a shame to see you leave the league as defending champions.  We purposely made these rulings the way they are so that you could still participate in the league, and have a chance to move onto the playoffs for a second season in a row. 

Now to address individual comments:

Pierce i'm surprised to see this post from you even though I know you’re obviously upset by the ruling.  Regardless, you know for a fact I am not a biased ref who wants to see your clan fail.  Perhaps you weren't referring to me in your initial post, as you were vague and said 'virtually every admin,' but regardless, I don't believe these accusations are true regarding Xbain, myself, Pure, and oddjob.  These rulings were not made to force you out of the league, but to hopefully get a point across to your team, and all teams, that if you break these rules, you will be punished regardless what team you are. 

This has already been stated a little bit, but as a league that wants to promote FUN, FAIR, and RESPECTFUL play by all participating teams.  We do not want our participants to have to type “ignore #” during a game due to an opposing team being disruptive through messagemode1. 

You might wonder what I define as disruptive.  If you have mm1 privileges and you aren’t subbing in an observer, reporting a teammate is lagged, telling the ref what your map is, or what color you want, or simply saying “gg” at the end of a match, you are being disruptive.  I know without a doubt some people will not agree with that reasoning, but if what you are saying does not relate to all the things I just previously mentioned, it simply is not necessary to be talking. 

It is bad practice to put that burden on our participants to have to type “ignore” when we can eliminate that problem by allowing three people in a server of at least 9 to talk via mm1.  However, this system obviously becomes flawed when administrators give this information to their teammates over and over again.  Please understand that if bob never had access to the mm1 login, he never would have spoken a word during the game.  If he had never had access to the mm1 login, this thread would not exist, no suspensions would have issued, you would be one 2-1 win over aT from reaching the playoffs for a second year in a row to defend your title.

It was mentioned that the ref for this match, TomVendetta, only warned eR33t once or twice during the match about talking in mm1, and never mentioned anything about a forfeit potentially being issued.  I must know, if he warns you by saying, “Do not talk in mm1.” What do you think is going to happen if you keep talking?  Maybe you weren’t expecting a forfeit, but why would you blatantly disrespect him by ignoring him and continuing to talk?  If he never asked you to stop talking in mm1, or questioned if bob was the leader of eR33t (insinuating if he wasn’t the leader, he shouldn’t be talking in mm1, let alone have access to mm1 login), and issued a forfeit, then I think you would have a legitimate complaint. 

Clearly this whole ordeal boils down to, “Does talking in mm1 during a match warrant a forfeit?”  In a league with established rules set to keep games fun and fair, I believe it does.  No team signed up for this league to be ridiculed during a match, whether it’s as blatant as a personal attack or a small remark like, “lmao” or “lucky” after a death.  It simply isn’t necessary.  Every person that plays this game is different; some people may not even notice this stuff during a match.  Other people might notice it when they are looking at their mm2 chatter for recon.  We believe reducing all taunting, mocking, offensive comments to an absolute minimum is the best thing for this league.  By issuing forfeits for this immature behavior, we think we can keep this league enjoyable for all participating clans.

im pretty sure he wasnt talking about your shoutcasting, skater is just spreading negative vibes

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Am I the only one?
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:45:09 PM »
//Movement Crap

bind "SPACE" "+moveup"
bind "e" "emptyco2"
bind "f" "dropgun"
bind "g" "drophopper"
bind "h" "dropbarrel"
bind "q" "tossgren"
bind "r" "dropco2"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"


bind "1" "say_team AYE! AYE!"
bind "3" "say_team Negative! / No!"

//Obscure Commands
bind "2" "say_team RECON?"
bind "4" "say_team BOOST! BOOST! BOOST!"
bind "b" "say_team DEFENDING!"
bind "c" "say_team INCOMING!"
bind "v" "say_team ATTACKING!"
bind "z" "say_team NO KILLS!"
bind "MWHEELUP" "say_team GO! GO! GO!"
bind "CTRL" "say_team WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!"

bind "UPARROW" "say_team TOP"
bind "DOWNARROW" "say_team BOTTOM"
bind "LEFTARROW" "say_team LEFT"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "say_team RIGHT"
bind "KP_HOME" "say_team OUR BASE"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "say_team FLAG"
bind "KP_PGUP" "say_team THEIR BASE"
bind "KP_5" "say_team MIDDLE"

//Team Identifiers
bind "F1" "say_team ODDJOB:"
bind "F2" "say_team BREW:"
bind "F3" "say_team MERL:"

//Misc Recon Info
bind "KP_END" "say_team 1 ENEMY"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "say_team 2 ENEMIES"
bind "KP_PGDN" "say_team 3 OR MORE ENEMIES"
bind "KP_INS" "say_team FLAG CARRIER:"
bind "KP_DEL" "say_team ENEMY"

Yeah MeRL, definitely called me out I totally don't think zoogooz hacks anymore.... wait.. i still do, too bad.

Got a kick out of your post though, imagining you watching that demo all intently with your big nerd headset, thanks for the laugh.

Glad i could return the favor to your clan which has supplied eR33t and others with endless laughs since it's inception.

Just to play devils advocate, how is Merl watching the demo 'all intently' any different from you intently watching the demo with a wallhack on? And not only doing this with the most recent example, but doing it with zoogooz too.  I wont side with anyone here, when I watched the demo sans wallhack or headphones, I definitely thought it was pretty weird.  I was leaning towards hacker, however Jitspoe's posts made it seem like he was just setting everyone up.  Regardless of whoever was right or wrong, I think this just goes to show that you might claim to be a 'hacker catching expert' because you have been around in the community for so long, but that doesn't mean you can't be wrong, or definitively say who hacks and who doesn't.  Your opinions are always welcome, but just expect that you may not always be right in the future.

PBCup / Re: *NEW* Forums on
« on: June 19, 2006, 09:33:16 AM »
if youre signed up on, youre already signed up on the forums. it has been integrated with registration on the pbcup site.  as for people not liking phpbb... deal with it, the forum was never inteded for high volume/traffic, simply another method to schedule games and give suggestions for the league.  we have made it as easy as possible for everyone by eliminating the registration process.

PBCup / PBCup Summer Schedule Announced!
« on: June 18, 2006, 09:09:51 PM »
Just a reminder on the format this season.  You will get to choose your own map for each week.  You can only choose a map once during the regular season.  Three rounds will be played each week.  Your map, your opponents map, and the designated third round map.  The HOME team will choose what server the Round 3 map will be played on.  If you have any questions either post them on the forums or contact an OP in #pbcup


Red Conference

Blue Conference


Red Conference

[eR33t] at rP
[CC] at rZ
aT at [a]
*]DoP[* at -ch1ll-
[a] at =|aB|=

Week 1
rZ at -ch1ll-
=|aB|= at rP
[CC] at [eR33t]
aT at *]DoP[*
Bye: [a]

Week 2
[eR33t] at =|aB|=
-ch1ll- at [a]
rP at rZ
*]DoP[* at [CC]
Bye: aT

Week 3
rZ at [eR33t]
=|aB|= at *]DoP[*
[a] at rP
[CC] at aT
Bye: -ch1ll-

Week 4
[eR33t] at [a]
aT at =|aB|=
rP at -ch1ll-
*]DoP[* at rZ
Bye: [CC]

Week 5
rZ at aT
=|aB|= at [CC]
-ch1ll- at [eR33t]
[a] at *]DoP[*
Bye: rP

Week 6
[eR33t] at rP
[CC] at rZ
aT at [a]
*]DoP[* at -ch1ll-
Bye: =|aB|=

Week 7
rZ at =|aB|=
-ch1ll- at aT
[a] at [CC]
rP at *]DoP[*
Bye: [eR33t]

Week 8
=|aB|= at [a]
[CC] at -ch1ll-
aT at rP
*]DoP[* at [eR33t]
Bye: rZ

Week 9
[eR33t] at aT
-ch1ll- at =|aB|=
[a] at rZ
rP at [CC]
Bye: *]DoP[*

Blue Conference

insane at eXp
-{HM}- at .xb.
MeMi at FS
tR at |Q|
FS at [2b0]

Week 1
.xb. at |Q|
[2b0] at eXp
-{HM}- at insane
MeMi at tR
Bye: FS

Week 2
insane at [2b0]
|Q| at FS
eXp at .xb.
tR at -{HM}-
Bye: MeMi

Week 3
.xb. at insane
[2b0] at tR
FS at eXp
-{HM}- at MeMi
Bye: |Q|

Week 4
insane at FS
MeMi at [2b0]
eXp at |Q|
tR at .xb.
Bye: -{HM}-

Week 5
.xb. at MeMi
[2b0] at -{HM}-
|Q| at insane
FS at tR
Bye: eXp

Week 6
insane at eXp
-{HM}- at .xb.
MeMi at FS
tR at |Q|
Bye: [2b0]

Week 7
.xb. at [2b0]
|Q| at MeMi
FS at -{HM}-
eXp at tR
Bye: insane

Week 8
[2b0] at FS
-{HM}- at |Q|
MeMi at eXp
tR at insane
Bye: .xb.

Week 9
insane at MeMi
|Q| at [2b0]
FS at .xb.
eXp at -{HM}-
Bye: tR

PBCup / *NEW* Forums on
« on: June 18, 2006, 08:19:03 PM »
We have added forums to the website to allows clans to discuss the league, work out scheduling issues with international clans, and whatever else you may want to talk about.

To use the forums login w/ your username/password at

Then click on the Forum link on the left.  You should be able to post after that.

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