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Messages - MCLampX

Pages: [1]
Other Stuff / What would you do?
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:38:01 PM »
What would you do? You read the latest post and you answer to that post. Then you ask the next person a question. It keeps going on. You can always come back, but do not reply to your own post nor use the same questions.

EXAMPLE (do not answer):
I would eat broccoli.
What would you do?
 - Eat lard
 - Become a Simpson.

Rules: ~Some of the rules are stated above, do not AT ALL spam. It's realllyyy annoying. Choose one of the answers

So, if you are the first person to read this:
What would you do?
 - Eat a poisonous snake
 - Flush your arm down the toilet
 - Smash your computer and start flames
 - Eat sewage


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