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Messages - friedmice17

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Yes they do.  Name any game that someone got professionally good at by playing vs. bots.

Lol, I kill Cuso on a regular basis.  Bots train you to fight bots.

At least then they'd have to leave spawn to catch them and give others a chance to fight back

Jitspoe, I understand and have been told about the fact that the game was never designed for instant respawns, but from what I've seen in game play, the servers called SPEED servers are usually the most populated by new to middling old players.  To completely ignore the fact that gamers who play fps nowadays aren't used to and don't want to put up with respawn times that are close to a minute long like what I've seen in the matching scene is fairly non-productive and makes the game feel stuck in an older time.  Also to say that it just isn't part of the games intention is really just a pretty lame dodge.  Even if the respawn times were longer than instantaneous, that doesn't stop someone from just sitting there and shooting whoever pops up.  A spawn shield may be rough from the perspective of someone who is about to cap a flag but gets shot by an invincible just spawned character, but it is equally annoying to have just spawned knowing someone is about to capture a flag but since they were lining your spawn, you're dead for another 5 seconds if a speed server, or 20 seconds if it isn't.  Also accounting for the fact that people like Shockwave exist, they will know when you're going to spawn regardless and murder you.  By adding a spawnshield I feel you'd be eliminating two sources of major annoyance and game disruption while not adding them is only really defending against one that doesn't ruin the game outright, but simply calls for maps where spawn isn't exactly on the flag like you said.

Regarding the bots issue, I understand what your intention is with this, but  I wasn't commenting on the fact that bots would be stupid, I was commenting on your apparent lack of understanding of what new players want in a game.  Yes, populated servers look much more appealing to play in, and if there were realistic bots than we may see some more people stick around, but I sincerely feel that if it was just you and some bots vs a team of bots, you'd likely just leave anyway, since the appeal of facing an actual person isn't there.  My criticism was more aimed at the fact that you are spending time and energy adding features to a game that's previous issues still need to be hammered out.  Not to mention the fact that I can't imagine too many servers will be willing to implement bots since as you mentioned, the money to fund their resources is coming out of pocket, and to do what you're suggesting would add more processing stress on their servers.  I admit to some ignorance in this area so if I'm wrong and the system would be inexpensive from their perspective, then I could see some value in it, but I just don't see a lot of point in developing a feature like that when you could be improving standard gameplay to be more friendly to newcomers.

I do thank you for actually addressing my concerns.  I was pretty much waiting for you to say something while trying to put up with all of these people who seem quite content just telling me I'm wrong.

It's really pathetic that the best advice anyone has to give is deal with the problems it has, or just try to avoid places where those problems are worst, rather than trying to address those problems.  That wouldn't fly with any real game release, and shouldn't fly here.

The Koalas are incredibly relevant

Neither maps mentioned was Italy, you can do it anywhere, and I encounter spawners literally every other game, so don't even.  That's like 50% of the way anyone wins rounds in Shock USA.  And when only 20 people play the game anymore, even if it was only two that's ten percent of the player base that meddling ruins games.

Intercorse  == F-U-C-K kiddos

1. No spawn shields.   What the intercourse, this is a game with one hit kills, and you literally have no form of protection when spawning.  I just spent like 10 minutes initially getting lined by two douche bags who just sat in spawn and shot in the ONLY PLACES IN THE MAP WE COULD POSSIBLY BE.  I only lost that game despite this because Cusoman is an excretory opening and wouldn't stop capping during my angry phase of death.  (Cusoman wasn't spawning, he was just being a detective.)  I then proceeded to team up with him, line their spawn and we won the next match 147 to 4.  This shouldn't be possible.  What kind of dumb intercourse builds a game with ONE HIT KILLS where you can literally just sit on peoples spawns and murder their faces before they can do anything other than cry.

2.Stupid development decisions.   Why the intercourse would you need bots.

3.  Jumps are amazing, that is literally 90% of the reason I play this game, 5% is because Cuso gets sad when I kill him in it.  3% is to try and kill people like Myers so I can tell them they suck.  2% is because I like shooting excrement.   More jumps.  Also better jump tutorial, that thing is excrement.

4.  excrementspoe should play, it would seem less dead and he'd have to deal with the excrement we see, and actually be exposed to how broken his stupid donkey game is.  If he actually played this excrement, it would hopefully actually improve.

5.  Stop pretending this will be a thing.  This wont be a thing.  This is awful.  Me and the 37 other people that have played this game in its 10 years of existence have collaborated, and this sucks.  Fix requested.

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