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Messages - BillBrasky

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Re: Amazon EC2 for Dedicated Paintball2 Servers?
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:25:11 PM »
Wow! That's insanely cheap.  How much storage space do you have with that?

Here's an introduction to the world of so-called "Low End Boxes".

1. Visit for a list of cheap VPSes around the world.

WARNING: The cheapest ones (as low as a dollar per year!) do not provide IP4 addresses, only IP6. Also, many cheap VPSes are poor performing, or may go out of business tomorrow.

2. Visit for special deals, reviews and user comments.  You can learn which VPS operators are reputable.

I recommend RamNode. For $15 per year, you can get a fast server with a small SSD drive, or a slower server with more hard drive space. They have locations throughout the U.S. and also in Europe.  Visit

BuyVM also has been a reputable provider for a number of years, and also offers $15 servers in the U.S. and Europe. Visit

Server Discussion / Re: Amazon EC2 for Dedicated Paintball2 Servers?
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:12:48 PM »
So your the reason no one likes normal maps and setting anymore! Lol jk

Bwahahaha! Believe me, I've launched normal servers, but nobody was interested. Gotta give the kids what they want.

Server Discussion / Re: Amazon EC2 for Dedicated Paintball2 Servers?
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:27:29 PM »
I looked into EC2 once upon a tiime but decided a small VPS is a better deal. I'm running Speed USA, Shock USA and Siege USA on a Linux VPS with 128 MB RAM and 250 GB bandwidth. The one-time price was just $7 per year. That's less than 2 cents per day for 24/7/365 use.

When my special deal expires, I'll move the servers to a $15 VPS (128 MB RAM and 500 GB bandwidth) that I use for web sites. About 4 cents per day.

The Amazon EC2 free trial is limited to 15 GB bandwidth per month. A popular server needs 50-100 GB per month.

Let me know if your EC2 mileage differs.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: |-210| New Years Cup!
« on: December 15, 2013, 03:01:46 PM »
I have VPSes in:

Maidenhead, United Kingdom
Scranton, PA
Chicago, IL
Atlanta, GA
Kansas City, MO

Let me know if I can help.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« on: December 08, 2013, 01:01:29 AM »
Here's a radical idea: stop all development on the game itself and focus instead on better explaining the current game to potential players:

* Update and reorganize this web site;
* Collect documentation scattered throughout FAQs and forums into an official player manual;
* Copy helpful information from other sites (OTB, Waybackmachine, YouTube, old Quake sites);
* Create a registry for unofficial maps, textures, models, etc.;
* Purge inactive player accounts/names;
* Make a training server based on official maps, not jump maps or tutorials;
* Grade maps and servers by difficulty;
* Create tip sheets on how to play official maps;
* Create new player servers with easy maps;
* Set standards for creating helpful server names ("Speed USA" instead of "EV1-Alt-Pub 1");

Server Discussion / Re: To the Crack Server owner/s
« on: November 18, 2013, 05:10:41 PM »
For the lag problem: I just completely deleted and redownloaded paintball and hope that this helps.

Be sure to check those "nice" value per my earlier post. If they are set to 0, your PB2 servers are fighting for CPU time with all of your other processes including system logging and cron jobs.

Server Discussion / Re: To the Crack Server owner/s
« on: November 18, 2013, 04:50:24 PM »
Siege USA was really popular a few months ago, but people don't seem to go on it as much. I mean, they still do, but not as often.
But Siege Europa's open, and I see over 10 people (usually) on that server.

PB2 is a Euro game. I bet 70% of public server players are in Europe.

Internet access from the U.S. to Europe has gotten worse. Pings to Germany often are over 150. It's tough to play in Europe now because the popular sites are laggy 24-to-32-player mega servers.

I set up 16-player Speed Europa and Public Europa in England hoping to attract both U.S. and Euro players. Both are little used, and I plan to close them.

I've moved my U. S. servers from New York towards the center of the country to attract more West Coast players. We are having some great games late at night now on Speed USA. All are welcome!

Server Discussion / Re: To the Crack Server owner/s
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:50:10 AM »
Either I'm blind or there's nothing that's limiting at all ;).
I'm trying to fix the lag problem, but I just can not trace it down.

Your other processes may be slowing your Paintball 2 servers. Check your "nice" settings (I install and use "htop" for this.) Set the values to -20 (minus 20) to give the PB2 servers highest CPU priority.

That would be nice, but there's still BillBrasky's servers you gotta shutdown too ;)

Just checked on ServerBrowser - half of the open (non-match) servers have a respawn time of 10 seconds or less. There are a lot of speed servers out there.

I also run the Public USA/Public Europa servers with 20-second spawn times, which I feel is a good compromise and enjoy playing. However, they are not used much.

Like it or not, you gotta give the people what they want.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Ranking system isn't the best idea
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:11:47 PM »
How about this?

1. Keep/modify existing game scoring and track per player:

Capture flag on opponent base - 1
Return opponent flag to own base - 4
Possess flag when last opponent eliminated - 2
Eliminate last opponent - 1

2. Add new scoring opportunities and track per player:

Eliminate opponent with team flag - 2
Return own flag to base - 1

3. Spawn killers are motivated to top the scoreboard in kills. Therefore, allow each player to see only his kill/elimination totals - do not post them on the scoreboard. Instead, list the point totals above and rank players by total points.

4. Calculate a player's all-time total points scored and points scored per hour. Experienced players will have a higher point total. Better players will have a higher points per hour.

Servers can exclude/include players based on either or both. For example, an advanced player server may require at least 1000 points scored and 20 points/hour.

Players who do nothing but camp and spawn kill will be scoring few points, and will not make it onto the advanced servers.

5. Do not use wins/losses in rankings. Players about to lose will try to switch teams, or simply leave the game.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Cheat/Mod Detected: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 31, 2013, 10:30:21 PM »
Speed USA
12:15 a.m. Eastern
Nov. 1

He was getting hammered. No apparent super skills....

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