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Committee Discussion: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=28093.msg255128#msg255128
He's a tank that's who he is.
I don't like the aim assist to be honest, leads me off as I'm about to kill someone.I'm not a fan of the aim assist either to be honest. PC's real big advantage is the use of a mouse. MW2 would have been a killer game for PC, but the lack of lean/dedicated servers just kinda killed it for everyone. I was originally going to get it for PC, but it's a direct console port and I found out there weren't going to be any dedi's . All in all MW2 is only good on a console. Extremely fun to play with friends. AWESOME PS3 GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only real advantage I see for PC (and this is my opinion) is that it would be easier to record gameplay.
360 BEtTER!!!!360 is no where even close to being better then the ps3. The 360 doesn't even have a blu ray player, and their attempt at HD movies and what not was a complete failure. PS3's PSN is free, unlike 360's xbox live which you have to pay for. PS3 you can actually use an internet browser. Probably the biggest thing that PS3 has is it won't give you the "Red Ring's of Death" which seem to be ever so common these days.
What is the point of point of having a login system if you could play on other accounts?The real question is why have cheat detection when you can still cheat.
Yes i was rocky. My account was never registered i was under the name Deathwolf than i registered deathwolf forgot that password than made navyseal. That's when i got my first ban for multiple acc.You do realize that this was before you started playing, and before the dplogin was even around.