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Messages - RHS_Chris

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Server Limitations
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:24:50 AM »
Hi All,

I'm wanting to pick your brains again.

I am the IT techy in the school and on a lunch time we have digital paintball running.

We have to monitor the game to prevent any bullying/racism/etc,..

Is there any possible way to restrict access to the starting a single player game or other to only join the server.

I have currently tried to remove the from the menu folder and getting paintball to boot up straight into the network menu.


Help and Support / Re: Bot Commands
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:22:47 AM »
open console

players (brings up a list of players and assigns them a number)

g_autobalance 0

forcejoin (number) r/b/y/p

Unless you have a custom menu to assign players to a certain team for whatever reason!!

oddly you should mention custom menu,. this is the reason we are trying to get the command so that the students who have the remote admin privilege on the internal server to add bots to certain teams,.

Help and Support / Texture
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:41:24 AM »
Hi All,.

We have installed more maps on our internal server,. and some of the textures are missing.

is there a centralized area we can download them from or if i provide with certain texture name would some please provide me with links to them?

I'm awaiting my colleague to pass a list of the textures.


Help and Support / Bot Commands
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:39:03 AM »
Is there any specific command that i can use to add a bot to a specific coloured team?

so if we wanted to add one one to the yellow team it stay on the yellow team and doesn't auto assign to another.

Thanks for you help.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:28:23 AM »
When you start a server ingame, you dont load the server.cfg. Maybe there is a mistake.

would explain,

Here is attached copy of the Server.cfg file that we use.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set hostname "Paintball Server"
set website "" s
set admin "admin$" s
set e-mail "" s
set location "" s

set public 0 // set to 0 if you don't want this on the public server list
set password "" // Password required to connect

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set motdfile pball/configs/motd.txt

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set rot_file pball/configs/rotation.txt

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set maxclients 32
set autojoin normal
set ffire 0
set grenadeffire 1
set timelimit 15
set fraglimit 0
set elim 15 // time (in seconds) before players respawn
set gren_explodeonimpact 1
set deadtalk 1 // set to 1 to allow dead players to talk to living
set sv_maxvelocity 4096
set swear_filter 1
set sv_votemapenabled 1
set idle 65 // time (in seconds) before idle players are put on observer
set sv_enforcetime2 0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set allow_match 0 // set to 1 to enable the "match" command for clan matches
set matchmode_cfg "matchmode.cfg"
set publicmode_cfg "publicmode.cfg"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// logfile
// -------
// 0 - Disable console logging.
// 1 - Buffered logging.  File is wiped each server restart.
// 2 - Continuous logging.  File is wiped each server restart.
// 3 - Continous logging.  File is appended.

set logfile 3

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// sl_logging
// ----------
// bit 1, val | 1 : display STDLogging to console
// bit 2, val | 2 : log STDLogging to sl_logfile
// bit 3, val | 4 : send UDP packets to server defined IPs (DISABLED)

// sl_logfile
// ----------
// the file to put the STDlog info in.
// # will be replaced with the PORT number of the server

// set sl_logging 2
// set sl_logfile server#.log

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

set allow_download         1
set allow_download_maps    1
set allow_download_models  1
set allow_download_sounds  1
set allow_download_players 1

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// Use "login password" at the console to obtain op status of said level
// Commands are restricted by level in commands.cfg
set numpasses 3

set oppass1      ""
set oppass1level 50
set oppass2      ""
set oppass2level 150
set oppass3      ""
set oppass3level 250

rcon_password "password"

I have just uninstalled and moved all Paintball files and started a fresh install and the same problem.

Its start to bug me as if it was network switch/firewall issues then it should repeat the problem on both dedicated server/in game MP, or atleast i woudl of assumed it would of.


Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: June 09, 2014, 03:02:47 AM »
Hi Guys,

Sorry for resurrecting an old topic but thought i would share a bit of insight to the continuous problem of the warping/lagging.

We have done a bit of testing and we have come to the conclusion that the problem is within the shortcut to run a dedicated server.

the reason behind this assumption is we have ran the dedicated server shortcut on another PC and we still get warping lagging,

but when we start the server within the game and another computer connects,. the connection is instant, and doesn't cause any warping or lagging to any other user. (the downside to keeping it this way is that the server will be a player aswell).

Here is a copy of the shortcut command we are using.

"C:\Games\Paintball2\paintball2.exe" +set dedicated 1 +set public 0 +exec server.cfg +map airtime

Also have tried this one.

C:\Games\Paintball2\paintball2 +set dedicated 1 +set public 1 +set maxclients 16 +exec server.cfg +map midnight


Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: March 04, 2014, 05:06:59 AM »
On screenshot you gave you have 30+ players connected.
Also netgraph shows no bigger problems with lag, those smaller lags could be related to network not being able to push that many packets or server being to slow.
Also you haven't said if you are using maps clients have to download, this have big impact on network usually.

after speaking to my colleague who is helping he said there was around 20-25 bots on the server. plus me and him.

I have removed all the bots and got a couple of screen shots of what happens when he connects the server.

as for maps their is a odd few maps that are needed to be download from but the majority are the standard maps which are install on all machines.

before the dup connection is when the screen jumping starts.(in the file attached to the post)

This one is when the other player joined.

this is about a couple mins play (which you will already be able to tell :P )

The photobucket images should reduce in time"

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:56:43 AM »
Geez, how many clients do you have connected?  Do you have custom maps that clients have to download when connecting?  That might cause the spikes.  It doesn't look like they're too severe, though, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Also, don't mind payl -- he likes to nitpick everything everybody does.

at that there was 3 clients connected up with about 5 bots on each team.

on a good day we can have 10-15 players (assuming this is what ya mean by clients?) connect to the server.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: March 03, 2014, 02:51:23 AM »
First of all: There is edit button, we don't accept doubleposting.
Second: There is no need to post every day, just do what we told you and/or what you want and give us results, it's no IRC, we don't need "Quick updates", rather longer explanation what you found. We are in no hurry, and so far you only make it harder for yourself since you don't explain exactly what is going on, assuming we will guess rest.

I would never of classed what i did was double posting, double posting to me would mean posting the same information twice on 2 separate occasion to try and get a response, which i added 2 separate bits of information to try and help with the problems i am having,. so i will remember for next time and i will see that as me been told off.

as for anything specific i apologize  if i have missed any information that has been requested from people but i can't see anything that anyone has asked that i have missed.

If you type "netgraph 1" at the console of the clients, it will display a ping graph at the bottom of the screen (on LAN it should only be a couple pixels, flat).  If there are any black lines, that means there was packet loss.  I'm guessing these "jumps" are caused by packet loss.  I honestly doubt any hardware you have would be slow enough to have lag for performance reasons, as payl suggests, unless some other process is taking up all the CPU.  You could monitor the CPU usage, just to be sure, though.

I Have attached a image of the netgraph as mentioned,. the 3 spikes are when another player is joining the server.

I possibly could of gave you this before be didn't really think., but here are the setup up of the Server and PC.


Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33Ghz
4.00GB RAM
Intel Gigabit Network Card.
Windows Server Enterprise 64-bit (Service Pack 1)
Windows firewall Disabled and no 3rd party firewall installed.


Intel core i3 1.8Ghz
4.00GB RAM (3.2gb Usable)
Intel Gigabit Network card
Windows 7 32-bit (Service Pack 1)
Windows firewall enable but blocks all connections that aren't in the allowed list.

The Switches are configured by the local authority so can't comment how they are configured. If we could pin point that it was the switchs then we could get them out to tweak some settings for us.

Thanks for help so far. I am getting closer to the solution Im sure.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:09:59 AM »
Quick update

I Plugged the server and 3 machines into an independent switch (not managed by council) give all machine a static IP address (due to no DHCP service). once again a slight lag (about 7-10 screen jumps) is there but no disconnection symbol in top left corner and no error messages.

This to me clarifys that there is a slight problem somewhere that cant' be switch related?? i may be wrong,.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:49:28 AM »
I have done a Quick test. plugged 5 machine into a switch.

used 1 machine as the server and let the other 4 connect,.

There was still some Lag(screen jumping) when a new player joing but it last around 2 seconds. (although the player connecting was much quicker).

this afternoon we will be connect the proper server up to the switch with the 5 machines (as i couldn't disconnect the minecraft server while the students were on) and see if the lag goes back to how it was previously or stays improves. and will update.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 26, 2014, 02:03:49 AM »
It sounds like something weird is happening where it thinks multiple clients are actually the same player.  So a bunch of the input from player B is interpreted as being from player A on the server.  The server thinks player A is speed hacking or updating too frequently, and player B isn't sending updates.  How is the network set up?  It seems like UDP traffic might all be getting routed to the same port somehow.

Also, F12 is the screenshot key, if you don't want to take photos of the monitor.

thats handy to know about F12, Thanks

Right ill try explain everything about the network.  we have a dedicated server for game (running 2 minecraft servers, and digital paintball), the server is connected up through a couple switchs before it goes out to the IT suite the distance from server to suite is 5m so i would imagine there no more then 20/25m of cabling.

The Switchs were installed and managed by the local council so im not 100% sure how they are set up.

What i will try today when i get a spare 20 minutes is plug the server and about 4 other machines into a 5 port hub with static IP and test how it runs,. if this eliminates the problem then i can put it down to the switchs been the fault.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 24, 2014, 04:15:21 AM »
quick update, After addeding the enforcetime2 it doesn't kick anyone out,. it starts to lag when another person is joining the server.

when a player joins the server it comes up with connect.

on the other players screens if they are moving around it will warp/lag and then give you this symbol in the top left corner.

once the connecting user start loading up the map (comes up with dup connection ignored or something like that) the other players can move around freely again. and on one of the computers we got the message about framerate.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 24, 2014, 03:18:19 AM »
It sounds like there's a problem with your network.  I'm guessing that even if you disable the speed cheat detection, you will still have issues of freezing in place/warping.  I'm not really sure if there's much you can do about that other than notify your network admin (which you may not want to do if you're not supposed to be playing games on the network).

payl: Client-side cheats are easy to circumvent.  If the check is done server-side, it can be impossible to get around (short of running a hacked server).  I'd rather perfect the server-side detection.

I am the school ICT Technician who is getting the game working for the kids on a dinner time so all is ok on that front.

sorry for the late reply on this half term and the misses told me off for doing work at home :( haha.

to confirm i will need to added the "set sv_enforcetime2 0" at the end of the server.cfg in the pball/config folder?

Will test this today and let you know the result.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:32:55 AM »
Well I'm not sure why it would be happening, but the easiest fix would just be putting "set sv_enforcetime2 0" at the end of your server config. It might make speedhacks usable, but as this appears to be for a privately run server you shouldn't have any trouble :)

Your right it is a private server (public witihn the school though), i will add/edit that line now and see how it goes.

Help and Support / Re: Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:47:51 AM »
your framerate you sent to server got doubled it was earlier used to get speedhack but now it is showed as error and you are disconnected suspecting as a speedhack user

so what framerate should i be setting to stop this?  also is this client or server side issues?

Help and Support / Time Discrepancy 2 Error
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:16:53 AM »
Hi There, new to the forum but looking for a little help on server issue.

I work in a school which use digital paintball at dinner time,. but since upgrading from build 29 to 28 (and now 40) most players will get kicked for time discrepancy 2.

the current state is i can log onto the server (no one else logged on) and i can run round the map, and about 1-2 mins of running around it will start jumping. then i get the icon at the top which looks like a network cable been unplugged.

when i check the server it says "Player kicked for time discrepancy 2." followed by "player disconnected"

I have restart the DP2 server plenty of times to no luck. I have attached a copy of the server.cfg file (if it uploads)

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