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Messages - JosephGoebbels

Pages: [1] 2
Other Stuff / Re: Idols
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:55:12 AM »

Alright oXz , if you guys think you earned that spot without fighting for it. because yeah, i though your match versus o.O in the final of losers bracket was for an attempt to the Final match (if you won) , Or an attempt to the 3rd place (if you lose). Anyways, if you guys cant play it, then i will stop to whine for this precious 3rd spot. But I am verry dissapointed because we fighted for this attempt to 3rd spot. Beside that.. That was a great tournament Gonass, i hope we could change few things for  the next tournament to make it more clear about everypart of it but overall, that was a succes. Good luck for the finalist >o.O< and .vT. , do your best for teams that has not make it to the final. May The Best Win.

jesus christ go wave a white flag or something instead of crying on forums, they got further in winning brackets and got knocked out round later in losers brackets than you, its perfectly fine and fair.

Other Stuff / Re: happy Xmas
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:25:26 AM »

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:28:34 AM »
Quite few people like this map now. Half a year ago mostly everyone was hating on that map, no idea what changed, but i remember people saying that the map sucks, but of course i wasn't asking everyone.

wonder why eh

^inb4 ban for aveiro for bright barrels which he already got lel

How does freedom have great gameplay, it has the worst gameplay from any map i have seen. Whoever survives lines on walls longer wins, such greatness.

jeez not my prob you cant play it or got no experience with the map if you think its just wall to wall linefest /and so do your german friends/
freedom would be perfectly fine if eX didnt play it, right?

but lets avoid the flamefest, thats the last thing we want in this thread amirite

to tie maps, what about some "tiemap pool" with 4-5 maps and then random generator picks a map? but the picking phase has to be done by someone competent

Other Stuff /
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:42:27 PM »
showoff time with new mouse

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:12:51 PM »
Why not PP1 and wob? These maps are great

I'd rather watch paint dry. Overplayed. And awful.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:54:13 AM »
sass4 (i wouldn't mind this map, but most people don't really like it, at least EU people, so i wouldn't include that one),

I beg to differ.

To the maplist though, we dont need new maps, old maps have great gameplay.



Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Moderators
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:19:03 AM »
We definitely need a non-racist mod.

i volunteer

I wouldn't consider the end of January a holiday.

he meant the weekend which is on 3rd and 4th of january you dumbfook

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Speedhack bug
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:58:30 AM »
basically you reported yourself for using speedhack






Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Noblexity videos (and old infantic)
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:57:35 AM »
Many of them have played for 10+ years.

neither of us (noblexity/infantic) have played for +10y as far i know. well unless youre referring to some other players i guess?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Myers where are you ?
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:03:32 PM »
You promised a competive tournament after makin jmr leave.
Where are you now ?????????????????????

Other Stuff / Re: Ahem,
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:38:36 PM »

« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 02:00:19 PM by TotallyBanned »

seem desperate to be funny.


also you almost got me with the ban

Other Stuff / Re: Ahem,
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:14:52 PM »
yeye, tournament totally runs itself, ur rite myer

wot u talking abot i am best tournament host thet ever exist!!!11!

EVERY1 myer can du a better job, so let forget spec tournies and let myer run it a11!!

well, "heres premade brackets, heres server, pick a map and tell me how it went"

upload scores, declare winner, boom

Let me make these points very clear.

 - You earn more points by staying in the winners bracket.
 - If you win against a team who has more points, you will "steal" more.
 - If you lose against a team who has less points, you will "lose" more.
 - I do not think a team who cannot make every single tournament in the series should have no chance of catching up. Imagine if vT won every single one, but missed the 2nd one.
 - As you can see based on Rick's ELO system, #sPec# was actually ranked ahead of eX, even though eX came further in the bracket. A bracket not to the power of 2 causes these issues.
 - Prozajik did 95% of the work on the stealing mechanic. I just implemented it basically.
 - This point system determines overall skill. People will improve over the tournaments, meaning if someone beats vT next time, they will steal more points. - The way it should be.
 - Please stop with this "over-complicated" garbage. Brackets like this are complicated and so is ranking teams in the first place. If you want to make comments, then learn how it works first.
 - Looks like some didn't read...
 - Final note: there is a slight, small error at the losers part of the bracket which is being fixed.

A "standard" point system like just giving first place 15pts, 2nd 14pts etc is a terrible measure of skill. As I said, in this community, people improve over time. The last tournament, a ton of stealing will go on and will truly measure each team's skill based on their actual performance and who they won against.

who said it will be 15 14 etc? lol also terrible measure? what does have ELO to do with ranking? did you even read what i said? both vT and sPec played more points so OBVIOUSLY theyll have better chance/have more points. also, who the intercourse would care if they won 3 and miss out on one? thats their problem. its 4 week tourney. if eX will miss out on tourney we wont come here and cry about it that we should have won the tourney just because we couldnt show up. does it actually makes sense to you? wanna win? PARTICIPATE. jesus christ kids and their thinking nowadays.

no we cant have pointsystem like 1st gets 10, 2nd gets 8 3rd gets 6. that would be too fair and original, we need something more complicated and claim that it actually measures skill but its not a problem that thats not how it works in other competitions. because when racing driver misses a race, he can steal his opponents points right?

Quote from: JMR
Prozajik did 95% of the work

yeah sorry but explains a lot

we should definitely ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ until we get new pointsystem

I have not talked to JMR about this at all, I'm going off what I know about him
2) It's good that you're trying to help JMR. I don't think he was too stubborn, I think he played it right. Implementing such a point system was most likely a test for JMR, it's easier to go back to the traditional point system than it is to go from it to what he is using now. I'm sure if enough people ask nicely, JMR would change it.
3) That's the whole point of trying it :P To find errors and what not.
4) I'm not sure what you mean by 'Stealing points from others', but I agree with the rest of what you're saying. Clans should be rewarded for turning up, not automatically given points when they don't.

Also, I hope you're not getting annoyed at my responses, I'm just trying to make it easier for JMR when he comes on.

2) i meant stubborn after the first round, i didnt see the pointsystemformula before the tourney, now that he got some feedback on it, that its inaccurate blahblah, he still uses the old one with few tweaks. thats why i said stubborn

3) yus.

4.) well basically, team that wins steals the point from the loser therefore losers are still capable of finishing high, even without participating in one or more tourneys. and im sure this was the main reason for this pointsystem

no worries im not, im not against jmr in any way, i appreciate his efforts to make dp active again, its his tourney which got eX myers/shk oXz and some more teams playing again

Again, this is not JMR's point system/ELO system. So any answer from me is in regard to my knowledge of MY OWN ELO system

2) I completely agree with you, all that is needed is a simple point system for such a tourney. Maybe if you present the idea to JMR nicely, he will implement it or take it into account.
3) Yes, when someone tries something new everyone cries, we get it.
4) Not sure about what you're saying here, maybe someone else can jump in.

[69:69:69] <shk> haters gon' hate

2) i did present it to him, i guess jmr is too stubborn to change his pointsystem and will rather try to change it which will still result in inaccurate unfair and unnecessarily complicated ranking

3) naw, no one cries, its just inaccurate, thats the prob

4) what im saying is that jmr said that he made this pointsystem (stealing points from others) so the teams who didnt participate at least on one tourney, could still have chance finishing high. thats why i quoted shk

i guess i explained everything

Final Results
1. .vT. - 1833
2. u - 1621
3. #sPec# - 1546
4. eX - 1542
5. .xj9| - 1527
6. .oXz. - 1504
7. vF' - 1496
8. >>g<< - 1488
9. >>g2<< - 1426
10. @ - 1384
11. .wQ. - 1381
-. [$] - 1381
12. [aT] - 1370

so basically if we ff first round and win the losers brackets, we get intercourseload more points/higher elo than winner of semifinals of winnersbrackets, because we will play more matches, thats how it works? seems fair and accurate!

i dont get why we cant just use normal basic pointsystem used in every competition, where you gain points for finishing place.
yeah i almost forgot that underdog in hockey, football, basketball gains more points! (about the ELO, in LCS they use ELO as ranking in qualifying rounds too?)

this happens when someone tries to do a new pointsystem ;)

and yeah also, its our fault that some team couldnt make it to tourney, they should really get refund by stealing points because thats how it works everywhere

[22:09:22] <shk> if u don't show up for work, you get fired

Other Stuff / Re: I'm out
« on: August 18, 2014, 03:17:12 PM »
lifetime supply of chicken if youll stay.

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