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Messages - level_lord

Pages: [1]
Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:32:59 PM »
Hey gonass,

Relax, if that's really how you feel and interpreted my intentions you got to excuse me. Was just trying to motivate you to join, but sort of failed anyway, so don't take it the wrong way. To me Paintball is a competitive sport, and I don't cry when I get hit, instead I just try harder. It's all fun and games, and maybe a little edgy, but still in good spirit. With digital one I guess this isn't as clear. As you say you wouldn't have joined either way. I know it takes guts to make a map, especially when you're starting out. I would have given you more props for trying, because sometimes the journey can be just as rewarding as finishing. If it's fun enough you might even finish something naturally. I have deep respect for all those developing their creative talents, especially mappers and those willing to accept a good challenge no matter the odds on a short notice.


Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:39:21 PM »
The signup is now closed. Thank you ace, omni and jitspoe for joining!
I wish you the best of luck so you can create something awesome and win our competition:)

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:10:27 PM »
You've been approved :)
As of now we have 25 mappers signed up, so this is probably the biggest and most exciting Mapping Contest in Quake 2 history.

If anyone else here wants to change their mind you're still welcome to join, i.e. -MrVarron-, omni, gonass, BASEBALLDUDE, but please do it now, because we'd like to lock the thread.

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:54:27 PM »
Awesome, I'll add you to our list!
You should be approved shortly. Please post here to make it official:

Today is the last day to sign up for our 10th Mapping contest. This is our biggest mapping Contest to date with over twenty mappers signed up including bunch of old school heavy weights.

What's the hold up guys? I see ace is still the only one here who had the balls to sign up. I see a lot of talkers but no walkers  ;D

I think I understand your hesitation, so let me put your concerns at ease and offer an easy solution. I believe  you hate converting textures over from png and jpg into Quake 2 palette? Am I right? Well if that's the case, for anyone who signs up you might be pleasantly surprised that there's now a quick and easy way to do this. Click here. Basically a one click solution for converting textures, and you can even do entire folders at a time! As far as the map format and Q2 entities, ace already posted a solution, so there shouldn't be any more hesitation. Join up guys!

This is the biggest mapping contest we've had since ever, so if you miss it now, you might never get a chance again to experience such fun and exciting competitive mapping event! Feel free to finish off your unreleased works. And if you want a decent challenge, come up with maps that will work for both Paintball 2 and Quake 2!

Mappers Sign Up Here:

Judges Sign Up Here:

See you there!

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 14, 2015, 03:20:28 PM »
People still play quake one? darn.

For the record, this contest is Quake 2 not Quake 1, and what you probably don't even know is, Paintball 2 is based off Quake 2, and other than the unique entities, it shares exactly the same map format :)

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:36:00 AM »
Hey jitspoe!
Awesome forum and community BTW, and I really like your castle map.
It's the thought that counts, so thanks... maybe you can encourage your mappers to sign up ;)

There's now less than 3 days left before the start of the contest, so this is a last call for anyone who'd like to join.
We currently have 17 mappers and 6 Judges ready to go, so don't miss this exciting event!
We'd like to see mappers from PB2 representing as well to show off their unique skills! I think you've got what it takes.

So -MrVarron-, omni, gonass, BASEBALLDUDE whatcha waitin for?  

A little competition never hurt anyone :P
It's interesting to note that we've also got a few Q3 and Q1 mappers signed up so it's really anyone's game!
We want challengers from different backgrounds and skill levels to try and claim the title!

Mappers Sign Up Here:

Judges Sign Up Here:

Here's a little preview to help make up your mind how much fun it can be:
(Previews of our past mapping contests, click on images to open)

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:57:00 AM »
We've made the entry rules pretty flexible so we can accept challengers from diverse backgrounds, like Paintball2 :)
Basically we're looking for Deathmatch maps in the average size of 12 people +/- 6, minimum being 6. Other than that there are no restrictions, just your imagination.

Note: This isn't the main signup thread!

There appears to be 5 people interested here, yet so far only Ace officially signed up.
There's now less than a week to go, and we'd hate for anyone to miss it, especially over some technicality.
Please join the contest forum and sign up today:

See you all there  ;)

Mapping / Re: Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 03, 2015, 09:51:45 PM »
Wow  ;)

I'm pleasantly surprised with all the positive responses from you guys! It's really impressive to see such a lively and active mapping community. Therefore, I hope this event will be a fun filled experience for all that compete and engage their unique mapping talents :)

Ace, omni, -MrVarron-, gonass, BASEBALLDUDE ~ thanks a bunch  ;)

To make your participation official, please sign up and leave a comment in the thread below, so we know how many mappers are ready to go:

Update: I don't feel like converting a map so that it is compatible with Quake 2, but I am interested in making a map.
Does anyone want to collaborate with me? I would be responsible for making the map, and then send it to that person for them to convert to Q2 format.

Converting a map shouldn't be too hard, and given the teamwork found here, you should have no problem finding someone to help you out :)


Mapping / Mapping Contest 2015
« on: February 02, 2015, 12:48:54 AM »
Greetings fellow Mappers and Paintball enthusiasts!   ;)

Paintball is quite the competitive sport, and everyone loves a good challenge, so we thought we could interest you in a little Competitive Event of a different kind which involves making maps for a change :)

Currently we have 12 mappers signed up, coming from different backgrounds, games, and editor training. One happens to be an avid Paintball 2 player and a fellow mapper, who told us about your neat game, bsp editor, and the community. We noticed what a fine job mapping you all were doing, and we thought we could interest you in a little competition, to see how you'd do against other mappers. We're looking for capable challengers to claim the top title, and become the mapping champs.

Since map formats are interchangeable, both Paintball 2 and Quake 2 would stand to benefit and gain some recognition through cross pollination. The Contest starts on Feb 15th and ends midway through March. Basically you'll get over a month to complete your maps, and we hope you can represent. We currently have 6 Judges standing by to rate the creations. So if you don't mind some competitive spirit, please stop by Q2Cafe and join the Contest:

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