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Messages - RazzerTape

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / BETA: Server Operating System
« on: March 16, 2017, 09:03:51 PM »
Version 2 of the Server Operating System
Basically it is a version of Ubuntu with all the required libraries and settings in place to be able to successfully run a paintball server right out of the box.

The default passwords are as follows:

Username: ServerRoot
Password: S3rv3rAdm1n

Username: Paintball
Password PBIIS3rv3r

*Please change these passwords once you get your server running!*

So far, I am pretty sure that the installer is not working that well. This means that it only really works in a live environment. My suggestion is to put it on a USB stick with some persistence space and use it like that. If you need help, go to

It's pretty self-explanatory.
Make sure to set a Persistent file size on the USB stick. This will ensure that your changes stay there.

I know that there are things that still need to be worked on, so let me know, but please give detailed information as to what the problem is. This will help me to (hopefully) fix the problem as soon as possible.

Here is the link to the ISO download:

More complete documentation is in paintball/Documentation

Server Discussion / Re: BETA: Paintball 2 Server OS
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:47:47 PM »
The root account password is nonexistent by default, which means that the root account cannot be used (

Do you mean to add a file browser for user paintball?

Working on implementing all the other stuff.
Thanks for all the help!

Server Discussion / Re: BETA: Paintball 2 Server OS
« on: February 02, 2016, 05:48:43 PM »
ServerRoot is the root account
What would a download option look like for the maps? Just a script with some input to specify which map?
I just use nano in place of vi or vim, but I can totally add vim, as well as screen.

Server Discussion / BETA: Paintball 2 Server OS
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:46:42 PM »

Paintball 2 Server OS

Ubuntu-based Operating System brings all of the software needed to start a Paintball 2 Server. Please test it out and let me know what you think! The ServerRoot, which is an admin account contains the firewall configuration software, while the Paintball account, which is a limited account, contains the actual server software. Hopefully this will make it a lot easier to get a server running! The default passwords are as follows:

Username: ServerRoot
Password: S3rv3rAdm1n

Username: Paintball
Password PBIIS3rv3r

*Please change these passwords once you get your server running!*

Again, this is a beta project, so please let me know what is wrong.
So far, I am pretty sure that the installer is not working that well. This means that it only really works in a live environment. My suggestion is to put it on a USB stick with some persistence space and use it like that. If you need help, go to

Please make sure to click the right download button...
After that, it's pretty self-explanatory.
Make sure to set a Persistent file size on the USB stick. This will ensure that your changes stay there.

I know that there are things that will need to be worked on, so let me know, but please give detailed information as to what the problem is. This will help me to (hopefully) fix the problem as soon as possible.

Here's the link to the .iso download:

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