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Messages - Tamaaki

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:)Good evening everybody, as you will see it is now 7:04 PM. I was wondering if there any other great ideas out there. I know, I'm still a newb, but really don't care, I care about having fun. There is always room for ideas and everyone elses too. My first one is music, some hard core music, music that paces with the quick action in this game. Another idea is newer weapons. I thought maybe we could use a rifle in this game...ok, I know what some are you thinking ;D, a sniper rifle. Some of you may think :o"But wait, there will be alot of camping in the game."Uhhh, Duh! most guys I played with for a couple of days tried camping and never succeded because the game is way to fast pace, besides, there is always room for surprises and I was thinking about a sniper rifle, but due to how fast the game can accually go, I re-think that idea and rather just make it a rifle. We can make it semi-automatic, automatic, or bolt action that can go farther than any of the other originals in the game. Now, wear did I cook up and idea like that ???, I remember seeing people playing paintball with guns that look like the real one, but they are accually paintball guns. I can think of one any minute, but I figured I shouldn't put them in here because I don't want to bore you guys out or something. Trying not to be difficult, but anyways, everybody should post their best ideas here to make the game more intresting. I gave 2 so far, keep it up, pass it on ;D

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 009 Feedback
« on: March 10, 2004, 12:03:26 AM »
Well, at least that solve the problem to the no server showing thing. But is it any different from the last one?

Well, I would like to see Pacific goes against Atlantic one day. First thing first, there have to be some international time thing here so we all know exactly when to play. Anyways, if we ever did one of those challenges, I can give a good geuss one side have to wake up extremely early to play the other side. I wouldn't mind taking turns. Hey, why don't we rock, paper, scissors. Well, thats another suggestion, is there any other out there. Common people of the Pacific, show some pride. Put your two cents in and show how serious we are. What I need most is any Pacific Islanders to answer, I get a weird feeling that I'm the only Pacific Islander here.

You see, I have a pretty good geuss the time they have in this site is based where ever this place originated to be, mainly East coast. I just have a little problem with that, I wish there was someway we all play equally. Like for once, people like me can accually play against people when they are still there, not when they are not there, or the game is about to end. I figured the best solution is to have people anywhere within the Pacific area play their own game, but that can't happen if not many of us know about this place. I'm trying the best I can to enfluence peole to come here. It's kinda of working, but not very successful (and no, we are not borring, we simply are just thinking about it...way too long). Peace!!!!

Hi my name is Tamaaki, I live on Guam. For those who don't know where Guam is, or don't even know there is such a place called Guam(You people are so sad, you must of flunked World Geography, World History, U.S. History, or U.S. Government. :-/), Guam is a territory of United States, for those who are slow ::), yes, people of Guam are Americans. Guam is a small island in the middle of the Pacific and small being that a person driving non-stop can drive around the island and it would only take 2 and a half to 3 hours(I know, pretty small:P). Anyways, I'm here and representing Guam and other regions in the Pacific, or anywhere that is within or part of the ring of fire. My problem, every time there is a something special that is about to take place, I could never get to play them becuase most of the members are from the east coast, or anywhere in the United States that is nowhere near the Pacific Ocean. What does that mean? It means I have to wake up at the crack of dawn just to play anything, or rather with anyone. While other people don't need to do that because they can play games with other people during their afternoons and evenings. Wow! *click :o* what does that mean ???, we all have different time zones, mainly for me and other people who live anywhere in the Pacific, the time difference is inconvinient. What I'm trying to say on behalf of other people who live in the Pacific and myself, which includes Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and California would like to have our own side to play in. I am geussing you all like the idea of expanding, well, here is your expansion. Not many people of the Pacific know about this place simply because we are either isolated, or you guys are keeping it in your own turf. Worried about problems with connection? Don't need, by the time you guys are off is the time we get on, meaning you all be sleeping and we are all awake during that time. it's an even trade, everybody wins. I see no flaws to it, unless anybody else can think of any, I'm all ears. I'm just trying to have fun and help at the same time. I will also admit I am a cheap, mainly currency here is hard to come by(long story buddies ;)). Just letting the world, or should I say, the quarter part of the world know we accually do exsist, we like and we may like Digital Paintball(trust me, I like it, plus this place is filled with people who would play something fast paced with alot of action, strategy, and fun. Well, anyways, I have alot of bright ideas to where this is going, so do the other minorities, or secluded people. If it goes well, it would be cool if West coast goes against East coast, or Pacific against the Atlantic. Ok, I'm out of words and there are many other ideas out there for us and you other majority people, maybe it may benifit you, who knows? Check us out ;D, other Pacific living people who are reading this, show some pride 8). Well, I hope alot people agree(crossing fingers). This place rocks and keep it up, I think I'm a big fanatic of this place :P. Peace!!!

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Paintball II Clanning
« on: March 08, 2004, 02:15:18 AM »
Errr...up to whoever it is. I like clanning because most clans have alot in common. Plus, I think having a clans go against each other sounds nice and competitive. Most people like to be known to be at the top with the best group all around.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: lots of  new players comin soon
« on: March 08, 2004, 02:08:27 AM »
I'm a new guy, problem is, I don't know how to get started playing a paintball game with other peeps. Does anybody want to tell me whn in your time I can play online. I live on Guam and I hope anybody is nice enough can figure out the time differences and tell me what time I can find lots of people to play against.

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