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Messages - FoXRacinG

Pages: [1]
id say so and its UNiBoNGeR :)

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Speedhack gfs_bop_2016
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:57:39 PM »
Yeah thats definitely speed hacks.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: sad, but true.
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:52:04 PM »
play counter strike :D

Well promoting another game on our fourm isn't helping the decline either.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: sad, but true.
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:33:58 AM »
The simple fact of the matter is this. DPBall is slowly loosing life. But there are still tho's who care obviously. And as for Jitspoe im sure he does all he can but the man has to have a life. this game isn't his life.. maybe his life's work but not his life so with that said this is his baby, he can't just go giving every programmer the source code for the fact that u can't trust everyone on dpball. he can't just hand his life work over to someone and instantly trust them no to mess it up and set him back. Alot of ppl here have great ideas, but u got to look at it this way how long would it take jitspoe to implement these ideas into the game. Some of ur ideas would take complete reconstruction of this game and im sure with a real job and his life he don't have that kind of time.. And don't get me wrong a tutorial would be nice for newcomers but i don't see a tutorial breathing life back into this game.

ALSO don't bash the committee, they do what they can, maybe it might not be justice in ur eyes but them again maybe ur just coming off half roostered and don't know the whole situation. They do the best they can with what they have. And isn't that the point of hacks? to try and outwit the good guyz? so there dealing with everyday chancing and reworking of hacks so there not detectable...

But the thing thats killing DPBall the most is this.. GROWING UP, alotta ppl played this game when they was younger, Xbain, Warwulf, DT, Bob, etc. butttttttt they grew up, had bills got jobs, either got married or had kids. they grew out of the game. With this game its either all or nothing, either u devote the time and get in a good clan and match or ur stuck pubbing it up.

Other Stuff / Re: WHOS BETTER AT JUMPPING????? :-)
« on: March 22, 2011, 03:50:51 PM »
Spook was def. the best jumper ever. by far. but as for now? idk

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Do you want to become a commitee member?
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:14:13 AM »
1. How much time would you be willing to dedicate to resolving issues brought up to the committee?
As much as I am needed.

2. Have you been in a position where you have had to make difficult "grey area" decisions?  Give some examples.
I work on the Drilling Rigs. So EVERYDAY.

3. Are you comfortable with contacting people via email, IRC, Ventrilo, Skype etc. in order to investigate issues?

4. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well would you say you know players from the "pub scene".  1 being you don't play pubs.  10 being you play on public servers every day and know everybody there.
10 I go into pub for at least an hour a day.

5. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you know players from the matching scene?  1 being you don't match.  10 being you are heavily involved in a clan and know members of every other clan very well.
7 We match pretty often in [eW] but there are some European clan that we don't match much.

6. On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you know the IRC community. 1 being you don't use IRC.  10 being you idle in most of the channels and know everybody but "DPSurfer" (but can usually identify him within a couple lines of text or by his hostmask unless he's legitimately a new player).
6 I get on mIRC often

7. If you are presented with a case where it appears somebody has violated the rules, but you can't find enough evidence to prove it 100%, would you vote to punish him or not?
It depends on there past and present history. If they have a record of cheating/mulits then probably.

8. Would you be willing to turn over a friend or clan mate if you suspected him of violating the rules?

9. Are you prepared to take the crap the community may throw at you, if they don't agree with a decision, and behave in a mature and professional manner?

10. Why do you feel you would be a good member of the committee?
I don't cause problems and for the most part I keep to myself and observe everyone else and how they act. Its the way ive been all of my life.

Old PmW clan Roster: Leader FoX Co-Leader: Gotcha Members: Batman, Superman, Sexy, Cody, Tini, Hitman.

Mapping / Re: Where?
« on: November 12, 2006, 01:37:52 PM »
No Spook, all the other ones work, its just that one. it takes me to a search engine......

If u are interested in joining Team PmW, just contact, Zero, FoX, or DoG, Thank You.....

mIRC: #team_PmW


Mapping / Where?
« on: November 12, 2006, 01:28:16 AM »
i keep clicking on the bsp map pack in the "file downloader" but it says can't find website? what is up with that, ne alternate sites to d/l it off of? if so please send it to me, greatly appreciated. Thank You

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