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Messages - iGREKKESS

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PBall2 Alpha problem with Voodoo Cards
« on: July 29, 2003, 01:16:49 AM »
As I said in the topic, Quake 2 (with PBall v1.75) works fine with that Voodoo 1, but PBall 2 Alpha simply doesn't... ???

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PBall2 Alpha problem with Voodoo Cards
« on: July 28, 2003, 05:40:33 AM »
Me again :)

A Voodoo 1 are you seriuos =]? Why dont you break down and pay 3$ for a voodoo 5 at least?? or 30$ for a geforce2...

Why buying a Voodoo 2 where my Voodoo 1 works perfectly (it's in an old 233MHz computer that I keep for little games etc...) ? It's good enough for games like POD (too fast on recent computers), Tomb Raider 1, surfing on Internet or... Quake 2 ! When a friend comes home, he can play Paintball with us...

Try renaming 3dfxgl.dll to opengl32.dll and see if it works.

Thanx for advice, I've tried that but it doesn't work since the result is the same as when I've tried to force the use of 3dfxgl.dll (black screen) by editing config.cfg.
I think something may has been changed or removed in the engine, making 3dfxgl.dll (mini-gl) not working.
After I tried to take 3dfxvgl.dll (3Dfx OpenGL 1.1 Client) from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and renamed it to Opengl32.dll in Paintball folder, and miracle, the game runs !! That's slow, the screen is half-displayed, it works... but not good enough to play ^_^;

eii > now you know, Frenchies are still playing Quake 2 (ChaosDM power) and love DPB  :D

Paintball 2 Discussion / PBall2 Alpha problem with Voodoo Cards
« on: July 26, 2003, 02:37:13 AM »
Hello people,

I belong to a French "Paintballers" group (Frenchies love Paintball too) and we enjoy a lot the awsome standalone version of PBall2 (grenades power) !

I have a little problem to get it working with a Voodoo 1 card :
Because the new core doesn't allow "software" display mode (I've tried to edit the config.cfg file to force that mode but it's too slow), the game only runs in "default OpenGL" mode... but old cards like Voodoo 1 (supporting OpenGL) only run OpenGL using "3Dfx OpenGL" mode, so when I launch the game, I get an error message "Error during initialization. Make sure you have an OpenGL capable video card and that the latest drivers are installed".
I tried to force "3dfxgl", the game starts but the screen is black (sounds from the menu are audible)...
I check my drivers (GLSetup 1.21), with Quake 2 full and the game works perfectly...

Is there any possibility to get "3Dfx OpenGL" working ? Or maybe in next Alpha release the "driver" menu (above "video mode") could be back with "default OpenGL" and "3Dfx OpenGL" for old (but good enough) 3Dfx card ?  :)

Thanx (sorry for my poor English :P )

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