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Messages - Delirious

Pages: [1]
Resolved Help & Support / Re: no server to connect
« on: April 23, 2006, 10:07:35 AM »
Your server connection problem is because you have the wrong address setup in the config file.

In your config file it should read like this:

seta serverlist_source ""

either your using an old out of date config file or you need to upgrade to the latest build.

You can find it on this site under:

Other Stuff / Re:
« on: September 15, 2005, 08:27:25 PM »
Ah yes.. ok he was seeing the mothly stats breakdown page....
if you select a month for stats to examin you would get the full details of all the data for that month such as this:

Other Stuff / Re:
« on: September 15, 2005, 08:04:09 PM »
Yes, I was to blame for that.
Sorry my system web stats over wrote jitspoe's index.html by accedent
I've fixed the problem.

All you would have had to do was scroll down the page to the top liinks and you would have seen that the fourms were in the top 5 links, and that it was clickable.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Activation Emails
« on: August 30, 2005, 11:13:39 AM »
Well I got my e-m@il notification that a pervert responded already  :p

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Activation Emails
« on: August 30, 2005, 10:57:22 AM »
The problem  with the e-m@il should be resolved now..
The sendm@il config was set too strict with it's policies and was blocking loc@lhost requests.

Don't need crawler bots picking up on this  :@

jitspoe needs to add a rob0ts._txt to the site :)

Server Discussion / Re: The sad sad state of DP's servers
« on: November 26, 2004, 07:22:31 AM »
And this is a good thing!

darn cheaters!

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 013 Feedback
« on: November 26, 2004, 07:19:06 AM »
Could we see a little more information in the logs?

Like connection information such as IP so that hackers can be tracked. Also I would like to see the killed players equipment as well. Maybe a few other variables for statistics, like barrel, hopper, air, etc.. And password attempt failures.

Server Discussion / Re: Server Guide (Win32)
« on: November 24, 2004, 10:41:39 PM »
Another nice include:

example startup scripts for both windows and unix

here's a simple unix script

cd /home/linuxuser/paintball
./quake2 +set port 27910 +game pball +maxclients 16 +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg +map pbcup &

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Want to help the DP community?
« on: November 24, 2004, 10:19:39 PM »
I think your missing the point of donations. Besides how large of a donation would you make? And what’s wrong with acknowledgements in the web board? Are not all the people who matter to the community and development team here? Are you looking for some personal advertisement, then pay for an advertisement.

A donation is a means of supporting your appreciation for their efforts. It’s not for advertisements. I wouldn’t care if jitspoe were to use the funds to go and eat-out somewhere. I offer my donations with anonymity. I only hope that the receivers actually see’s a unique id so he knows there are people who really appreciate their work.

I believe in paying for the software you use.

Yes, I’ll admit I use a lot of hacked software. But I try to go with a freeware program when ever possible. Most of the software I use, especially if on a regular basis, I actually make payments for. I do this for anything I think is very entertaining or extremely useful. When it comes to games, I have thousands and download more all the time. But I try them out and see if I like it, if I do I will go and buy it. If I don’t like it well it’s forgotten about. I even have one game called “Black & White” I loved it so much I went and bought 4 copies. It has a very interesting physics and graphics engine, and a creature AI that actually can learn to follow your directions.

The pay pal donation link goes to jitspoe’s e-mail account directly. So I hope he enjoys my fairly generous donation of $100.oo (us). I really enjoy Digital Paint Ball, and feel it would be worth at least 2 retail purchases. But I also continue to offer my support with testing and maintaining many of the servers, clients, and services that help keep the community alive.

Thank you Nathan, keep up the good work.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Want to help the DP community?
« on: November 24, 2004, 11:20:59 AM »
I am an avid fan of Digital Paint and would like to make a donation. I can only hope others would be willing to follow my lead and do the same. I would like to see a paypal donation option on this web site. So that I may show my grattitude twards the great efforts of the DP development team.

I'm already trying to help the community in other ways. Like with PaintBot and managing the APEX servers. Soon we will see a new irc bot dawning the channels. This new bot will be for managing and configuring several personal match servers and open game servers. It will also record and display game statistics for clan matches, as well as keeping track of personal statistics. This will help us with managing matches, and give us a web page to review the matches as they progress.

I hope that my efforts in this project can help out the community even more.

But yet still, where can I make a donation?

Other Stuff / Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Termin8oR ???
« on: November 24, 2004, 11:00:35 AM »
Or combat :)

to connect to irc with mirc you simply have to type in a window

/server -j #paintball

/server tells it to connect to that particular server
the "-j" tells it to join channel "#paintball" where we chat

to connect to another channel you type
/join #channelname

thats all you need.

Server Discussion / Re: The sad sad state of DP's servers
« on: November 24, 2004, 10:07:32 AM »
Well hopefuly soon, we will be able to offer a new hosting server that can manage personal matches and open games.

I'm currently working on a new bot, much like paintbot. which will be able to setup and manage many paint ball servers with selectable configurations. You will be able to access the configurations from a web page or irc client. It will also record the statistics of the game play and report it back in a web page. This will be really handy for keeping track of matches and personal stats. Much like er33t used to do.

You can idle in our irc channel for daily updates and general chat #apexgameservers

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