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Messages - Kainn75

Pages: [1] 2
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Problem with build006, need help
« on: August 23, 2003, 08:57:27 AM »
gl_brightness set to 1 made no siginificant to the apperance of the game.  setting vid_gamma to .700000 also made no difference.  vid_gamma_hw is set to 1.  I have checked to see if I had the lates video drivers, and I do.  Am next going to mess with the saturation settings.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Problem with build006, need help
« on: August 21, 2003, 02:33:00 PM »
the game has always been somewhat dark on my computer. With my sons comp everything looks great, can see just fine.  I got tired of not bein able to see in build 5 so I adjusted set vid_gamma to about 35000.  I was able to see as well on my comp as I could on his.  Now I am back to not bein able to see again and the fix i did before dosn't work.  I tried your suggestions and it did nothing to the apperance of the game.  My video card is Nvidia geforce2 mx/mx400, I do believe it supports overbright.  I have turned up all the settings in my video cards settings, and still no siginificant difference.  I am begining to believe my monitor is on the blink.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Problem with build006, need help
« on: August 19, 2003, 06:47:06 PM »
I patched the game to build006, and now can barly see the game, multiplayer, video and stuff.  I tried settin brightness all the way up the slider in the video tab, but always reverts back to 2/3 after aplly changes. the rest of the game is really dark too. It is like I am waring tinted glasses on in the dark

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 19, 2003, 06:16:01 PM »
jitspoe do you think it would be alright to grab sounds from other games?  Tribes has some awsome team and taunt sounds.  

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 17, 2003, 07:29:24 PM »
I think I will wait for jit to implement it fully in to the game before I run it full time on my server.  I was able to get it to work by running q2admin, and honestly it lost its novalty after I got it going,  anyways by waiting it will allow me time to build a faster server.  I was able to run my server for about a week then the hard drive started showing regestry errors and nobody was able to join my game -- "loacal map version differs from the server" is what it would tell me, even when joining form the same machine the server was on.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: FEATURE REQUESTS
« on: August 15, 2003, 03:30:02 PM »
Hey, where is our bambie skin for the bots?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: July 27, 2003, 07:28:48 AM »
If I put a wave file in my pball sounds directory, and key it up, unless someone else has that wave they would not be able to hear the wave. As of right now everbody has the same wave files and in the same directory.  So with play all enabled  you or I could trigger up ffire/ffire4.wav over the network and everybody would hear the sound.  Basically this would be a downladable soundpack of case specific wave file, Flag status, Taunts, Celebrations, Team specific commands.  Clans would be able to make there own wav setups  or just use roger wilco (not restricted by the server).

Mustahus if you could show me the code for that it would be great, Thank you!!!   :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / A sound taunt config
« on: July 26, 2003, 07:41:09 PM »
I was thinking of writing a sound taunt script, found one from weapons factory and copied some of the lines and replaced the wave file names and am able to get the sound to play on my computer, but am unable to get the sound files to play on other peoples computers when I hit my binded keys to the sound.  My reason for doing this is I would like to make a sound pack for taunts and team commands and team recon.

am able to get wav files to play on my comp in game by typing play then the directory and filenames.  I really don't know if Paintball 2 will let something like this happen.  I remember in one of the early release there was a sound.cfg or something that I messed with and was able to get it to work on a home network but I never finished it.  Any help would be appreciated

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Digital paint server browser?
« on: July 16, 2003, 02:04:39 PM »
Reinstalled it into the paintball2 directory and it works now.  My bad  sorry about the bother

Actually if Jit added the gun jamming thing it would help out the campers more than anything.  Seein as how most rushers hold down the fire button when they rush.  I do think that the gun jamming or a spray reduction setting would be a good Idea (optional setting left up to the server admin).  I do not play real paintball, but I do know people that do do it and have talked to them abot the game.  Most of them have programable guns to limit the amount of time the trigger can be held down before it stops shooting.  Understandable because I would not like having one ball hit me in the back of the head let alone a dozen.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Digital paint server browser?
« on: July 13, 2003, 06:40:18 PM »
Okay, now i seem to be getting an error   "Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx" after I hit the join  game button.  Am I the only one getting this error

Paintball 2 Discussion / Digital paint server browser?
« on: July 13, 2003, 05:43:20 PM »
Anybody been able to get this thing to work?  I get all the way into the console of the game, but game will not even attempt to connect to a server.  Anybody else have this problem and found a fix for it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I hate gamespy and ASE so this is a perfect solution.

  Eiii, what do you think the board is for, and why must you reply to my posts when obviously you have nothing really to add to the subjects being discussed?!!  I am not making you read any of the posts on the site. It is by your choice to read them.
   That being said Eiii, if I talk to much for you -- then don't read any posts posted by me!  :)

  Playing the game for what it is meant to be, will not contribute to its death, but constant complaining in the game about 1 or a dozen persons style of play will.  The point that I am trying to convey is that once branded a camper, you are always a camper whether running the map and killing or camping in one spot repeatedly.  I have camped, killed while camping and also by running the map.  I have noticed that when running the map since I have been known to camp, if I kill, it must have been because I just camped.  Duck and cover is not camping!  Suprise kills are not camping! But a rusher can shoot you in the back and that is okay. My view of most rushers is that if you kill them in a style of play that is not their own, then you are no good and it should be contributed to camping.

  Kudos to everyone that can plow through crowds of people and get dozens of death points, but are 20 sec rounds really any fun.  I think making people adjust to situations, makes them better players.  I am not in the game to just to be a target. If there are people in the map that can run through crowds and kill them with no problem then should I not make them work a little harder to get a kill point off me?  A smart camper on average, camp 1 to 2 kills per spot.  Will move to a new location after killing, and will be vulnerable in transit.  Smart camping works in the game for everybody, but just because someone camps dosn't mean they should stop because it dosn't work for another persons style of play. I am not saying that a rusher has to stop rushing for a camper either.

 My questions to you then are, if I can not go one to one with somebody, should I stand there and let them hit me?  If a camper can not go one to one with a rusher should they leave for the sake of the game, or should they stay and play the game the way they want to play it?

Paintball 2 Discussion / A question for Jistspe and the team!
« on: May 21, 2003, 06:26:10 PM »
  Have you guys thought of making a paintball conversion for the tribes 2 engine?  I think the graphics would be awesome,  and I believe that the game makers still have there engine out for the public.

  I am not sure if that url is for the game engine and development tools for creating your own game.  But I remember that they had there engine for sale real cheap just as long as you put there logo in the game startup.  Possible marketing help to if I am not mistaken.

  About 10 min to type, but have been thinking about it for years.  Really have noticed it as a major nuisance in this particular game.  I know that certain games have their own  certian jargon(s) that is commonly used, but I have never seen the word camper used  so much.  Camper in the sense that it is bad and you should be kicked for doing it.  Never have I ever seen more people just argue and not play the game. Argure about stupid childish things. When a server has 12 people in it and 9 of them are all stoping to type and argue then where is the fun.
  This is a great game, worthy of being payed for.  That is why I find this a major problem.  People will try this game, some won't mind the immuturity and some will.  I personally am one who finds it irritating and if the game was for sale would not purchase it knowing the community that would be playing it!

 I just find it funny, people make games there whole life.  I love fraging in virtural reality but common!  Some people get mad if a camper kills them.  It is part of the game.  Some maps I will camp because that is where I can best suit the team and some maps I will rush because I run a map a certain way.

               The Main Thing Is This Is A Game.

 Camping is part of the game and if you absolutly can't stand people that camp you shouldn't play the game. Find a game where there is no camping involved like nascar racing or somthing. If it disturbs you so bad that you have to whine about it every 10 secs then you need serious mental help. Don't ruin the game for people who frag in it for what it is,                             A GAME!  

 People have different ways of playing a game, some rush and nobody complains - "f-ing rushers" "lame rushers" "the only way you can kill me is to rush", and some camp and some do both.  But the minute that somebody camps and kills a habitual rusher there is hell to pay and they are the bill collector!

 Think about it you rushed into a round 20 times and died 19 times and killed only 5 people, and I camped 20 times and killed 10 but died no times who has the better ratio who used stratagy  - WHO PLAYED SMARTER NOT HARDER - I am not saying rushing is not stratagy.  If every body on a team rushed and the other team was ready for it would it really matter!

 I have notice that the virtual paintball community has really not grown up since its release.  There are two different groups of people ,Campers and then there is Whiners.  Always has been, and most likly always will be.  I know I stoped fraggin in this game 4 or so years ago because I was disgusted with the maturity level of the Adults in the game.  You try to remind people that camping is part of the game, and it is like you just insulted there Mama!  You say "Go read the DP F.A.Q.", and you just insulted there ignorance   "What F.A.Q.". "There is no F.A.Q.".

       Just play the game, have fun, don't ruin it for others.

I you all don't know the golden rule then here it is:


added common curtesies:


 to quote form the FAQ

2-14:  Nettiquite

Paintball II has no real definite ettiquite rules to it, but all we demand is
that you respect each other equally.  Some things to take note of:

-As mentioned earlier be courteous to your teammates.  Drop any extra CO2 you
have, as you probably won't be needing it.  If you have a grenade you don't
want, drop it, don't toss it.

-Dying is frusturating, I know.  Don't take it out on those that killed you.
Don't swear at them and call them racist or homophobic remarks (I think it's
obvious what I mean).  Instead, congratulate them on a nice shot, or use the
60 seconds to your team's advantage.

-Camping is a part of the game, like it or not.  Don't complain about it.  If
a camper is repeatedly killing you, it means he's playing better.  Leave it at
that and take it as a lesson learned-- if they're repeatedly camping, you know
where to shoot next time.

All you little kids, who cant stand getting killed, read this, memorize this, and use the golden rule

Paintball 2 Discussion / Paintball2 dmflags?
« on: May 02, 2003, 12:09:34 AM »
Is there a list of the dmflags for the standalone version?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Is it just my web browser,
« on: April 30, 2003, 08:08:34 PM »
or is the most of the links on the right side of the page not working?

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