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Messages - drnick

Pages: [1]
Open your pball/configs/config.cfg file in notepad or some other text editor and change these lines:

seta vid_xpos "33"
seta vid_ypos "259"

Perfect... that worked a treat

thanks jitspoe and Zorchen for replying... muchly appreciated!


hey guys,

bit of a newbie here, pls be gentle...

got a bit of a problem with running DP in windowed mode..

was running it on a laptop with external monitor at one location, with the paintball window being on the extended desktop monitor.

now back at home, with no external monitor, when i start DP, it launches as if it were still on the external monitor...

this has happened to me before for other apps, but ddoing the usual alt - space - m to move the window back doesnt take...

have tried re-installing, but it still launches looking for the other monitor...

any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Pages: [1]