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Messages - inFamOus

Pages: [1]
Who was playing though? And is that all in one match? I don't have time to watch it ATM

We(the starz clan) match sI 2-3 times a day, and out of those many matches we've had a few problems.

1. Restarting a map more then 5 times
2. Not dropping players when one of ours times out(in reaver's usual case)
3. Just nonstop excrement talking.

Not really complaining too much here, but you guys do need to look at some etiquette and common matchplay rules

Spook while this may be true, it comes out of your team equally. ESPECIALLY the fact that you guys don't drop when one of us has to leave. Everyone in sI is in High school, and everyone of us does a different sport, so things come suddenly without warning that we have to attend to. As far as the restarting maps, it's usually you guys. I do admit that we talk a lot, but that is why there is an "Ignore" command

Thanks KnacK for understanding!

If Reaver wasn't notorious for complaining and crying about so many things, we would not have capped, but as I said before, everyone on your team failed to tell us you were lagged. And IMO, If you're typing, you are not lagged..

But what ever, get over it Reaver, you need to let things go. You won the map anyway, but you always have to make people side with you.

That's hilarious, I've watched it 3 times now, and all three times, you just walk directly into the corner, then stop and start shooting..

That's not lagged out if you ask me; But even if you were, your team mates failed to inform us of this, then you just cry that you didn't shoot pancakes, and then get out ran

Wow coLa, you hit that one dead on. Reaver, you would be nominated the biggest baby on DP; You were typing to us that you were lagged out when we were about 2 STEPS AWAY FROM THE CAP!!

Even your team mates failed to tell us, nor did they complain about it or said you were lagged out. Theres something called typing "Reconnect" that would have stopped the whole thing there.

On another note, I'll be sure to find that demo of you and muff screwing us over not to long ago.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: IRC Server Discussion
« on: May 15, 2007, 05:43:20 PM »
Hey what IRC channel is Dp on?

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