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Messages - MuFFDiVeR

Pages: [1]
Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:24:35 PM »
Flip your integrity was never in question, i was speaking in the general state. Also what you might read on the forums may not appear to be everything being talked about outside of this forum, this is where I see the bias behavior taking place. not including you.

by third party i am talking about 1 or 2 persons who are on the committee and have a separate job to review the footage and collect factual information from players or jits. and based on that finding present it to the rest of the board in a doc format which can be then discussed. This will eliminate personal opinion because the footage is not being watched by everyone. 

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:16:31 PM »
Thank you Flip for being a reasonable persona and acting in a responsible way. i would like to also instill my trust in you by moving forward from this as a learning experience.
I hope you saw what i have seen in the change of behavior in some players acting in an childish manner.
I am still not convinced that the system works! I think it needs to be more exclusive and more detail oriented.

Have a nice day sir!

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:08:21 PM »
Rick - "I too don't agree he should be banned because he didn't supply a demo. " I think this says it all. Now can we drop the issue?

Rick - "I just don't like how in each of MuFF's paragraphs, he uses me as an excuse as to why he didn't upload the demo;"
sorry rick i am not trying to personalize this but.. you where the one who posted your demo and started the forum. my reasons have been given to why the demo is not up.

Don't stop cracking those jokes because you are a funny dude. pulling a fast one over someones head is what i expect from you so i never really looked at it in a serious position before, until now.

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 29, 2010, 03:52:00 PM »
Keep in mind the post is about speed hacking not the responsibility of distribution of demos. Based on the poor execution requesting for demos , due to the over barring and not realistic requests made by players I choose to take what I hear as a joke most of the time. If I comply with the amount of demo request in a day I would be giving out demos every time I play because kids like to ask for them thinking it’s humorous (we have all seen it).  With this in mind, there is more than enough footage to prove if such an event took place regardless of the exposure of my demo.  Again this post has not indicated a detected hack of any kind. I find it very interesting to hear from a lot of players that speed hacking is not detectable.  This rises as a serious issue! I can only re-state I did not use any sort of hack being described in this thread. I would like to present a possibility of options that could have taken place.

Is it possible that what you see through Ricks pc is not the same as what you might experience through mine? Absolutely, I warp all the time I play that map specifically.   That’s why I choose not to play it. There have been no other comments being made concerning the 6 other maps played that night because there is no problem subject to the speed hacking acquisition.

Is it possible that if Rick does know and or posses a speed hack, Rick -“I've speed hacked in the past and it's not detectable as far as I know.” Yes very possible! Hence this quote. Now it is also a possibility for someone, meaning anyone to use a speed hack which Rick has described while spectating players so it appears to be viewed differently. Yes very possible! And  seriously needs to be overlooked by the committee.

Lastly I would like to express the “conflict of interest” between those who are on the committee and those who are involved in this case. There is an unfair bias and not being handled professionally. This is the main reason why these matters are civil in nature.

To move forward in the future I would like to give a suggestion to the committee. Have a third party in place to review demos (1 or 2 people, it’s not entertainment it’s a huge responsibility” !! and with the information complied  send it out to DIFFERENT people on the board to review the findings based on factual information and at this point come to a decision based on the evidence that where complied by the third party. This way it eliminates or reduces self opinions which are made and shared through the old process.

To also want to touch on the late response, as I have mentioned earlier “if read properly”   MUFF – “I thought Rick was kidding or playing a joke considering I just got unbanned and had to re-download and install DP” players ask for demos all the time. In my mind Rick was trying to be funny ! like he usually does. I also made the effort after the match to PM Henrond and ask “is Rick being serious” and to this day I have not got a respond. I don’t have time to baby sit the DP forum page, sorry.

To answer Myers “the part I find the most odd is that since this forum thread went up you were only idling StaRz private channel” My computer is set to idle only that channel.  If I’m not in other channels that probably because I have been disconnected and reconnected and not attending to my pc I can go from being on it consistently to not being around it for weeks at a time. In the respect of this forum please only respond to matters that are relevant.
I also see a problem in the behavior of players when it comes to serious matters. They are not being treated reasonably. A new norm has been taking place through the actions of players. The committee has weakened its exclusiveness recently and inturn banning issues are becoming abused through careless comments and union like bias groups.

In my opinion these matters should be treated with factual information. If there is a problem finding tangible value that cannot hold a position of “guilty” behavior then innocence is the only other option and in the future prevention measures should be in consideration, such as new detection.

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Muff
« on: July 28, 2010, 05:50:08 PM »

Just want to advise the committee there should be some adjustments being made for, “up most good faith” and also “proof of notification”. Your job carry’s an important responsibility that you should be committed too. I hope this recommendation will help do your job more effectively and accurately. Some might say experience is enough but wait; I’ve been around digital paint for over 10 years! And trust me I’ve seen a lot of people being deemed wrong, including the best of the best.

First off, my team had to advice me of the post on the forums. Thanks Starz you guys are awesome.  With this being said that includes a failure of responsibility from Rick and the committee to make an effort to contact me. With this in mind, there was no request for demo, until now. Furthermore by not complying with flips request “Send him this link and if he doesn't respond then I guess the committee will have no other choice but to get involved.”  This tells me Rick shows little interest and or has doubts about what he saw. This leaves me with the impression to believe this post was made from impulse behavior which is not suppressing considering the amount of former post on the “request for demo” topic.

Secondly, I would like to apology for the late response and also would like a public apology from the committee for not notify me, with the intensions of moving forward and implementing a ban! for this serious matter!!! . I thought Rick was kidding or playing a joke considering I just got unbanned and had to re-download and install DP. Thanks to those who told me of this particular matter through the grape vine, so to speak. I personally don’t have time to check DP forums for any matters at all. This sort of happening should be foreseeable and consideration should be in effect, hence our late match at 3:00am says it all.

Third, Rick and I get along, so that’s why I find this hard to believe, I guess he has too much time on his hands lol. It is clearly stated by rick that this post is based on his “opinion”  not detection, making this a civil matter. In my opinion, this video has a few weird things happening. For example, why does Rick not lag with over a 200 ping? I lag hard or warp with a 120 ping. Also I need to state here that I get 30fps on that map and only that map, on average. If you watch the demo again you may pick up on this when I talk to Henrond. MuFF- “you know I can’t play this map.” Then later MuFF “I hit 30fps” Henrond “o ya I forgot” MuFF- “ya thanks”. Now that this is known! Is it not possible that my movement may not appear consistent? In my opinion I feel it’s very possible and this would not be due to any modification or hacking of any sort.

Now, opinions can be thrown around but realistically something can also be said about my amazing shot when Rick leaves base with flag and I own him and Henrond 2v1, Can Rick say that was an aimbot!! Sure he can!! But was it hell no!

Lastly we played 6 consecutive maps against s2k that night! And only a few seconds in a single demo where questioned by 1 out of 6 or more payers watching and spectating. This raises a lot of question about Rick’s concern.

The demo: I don’t keep demos sorry to upset but it’s a waste of space (on my Pentium 4 lol) and without any proper notification there is no reason to keep them.

Is this a hack Hell no!! i know how to jump and strafe after along time of playing dp.

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: October 15, 2009, 08:53:15 PM »
Don't forget you're three S's Shower, shave and excrement before going to work!!!

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: October 10, 2009, 01:43:24 AM »
Summer 09

Other Stuff / Re: s0ul0 takes a shot...
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:22:02 PM »
Bix I would like to add, 2 losses were from All-Starz considering I was involved in the two matches (documented screen shots). We look forward to matching your team in the future maybe when we are more active. All-Starz  has great respect for your team and many other teams in the community.

Cheers !

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Grave 2 : Competition Time!
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:13:48 AM »
No More Diving

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: July 15, 2008, 06:34:25 PM »
wow that picture turned out huge.

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: July 15, 2008, 06:30:52 PM »
been a while, Wish i could have gotten a good shot of me busting it huge on the wake board, maybe next time. the second is at the bar later that night, twaz fun.
Frieakie- j that was a sick weekend. Lets learn how to fly a plan next lol.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: My Ban tim
« on: February 12, 2008, 06:18:27 PM »
"Your ban time should be the same as carcoals, assuming you're still banning carcoal. No point of having a thread about the same offense."

this is a very good point i agree with this but on a side note, i believe that carcoal already got a slap on the wrist a year ago when this took place because he went directly to jit's a day later and told him he just wanted to see what it look like. Its a shame carcaol works too much and doesn't have time to clear things up with the committee and public. i hope the committee can get a reach of him before their decision is made.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Sharing Cheats: KiLo
« on: February 11, 2008, 01:03:00 AM »
LOL what a sick cheat, Looks like that would help with game play. NOT or maybe maybe someone made that in 2 seconds and is putting the blame on others !!! This is simple logic? its not a hard one to figure out.

I decided to read about this post because of all the talk on irc that has been going around. Yes, I do agree if someone is involved with or with the intent of a crime they should be punished. (this means braking the rules.. ).  So put a ban on those that need this type of special treatment because it is not fair to the other players who look up to these so called pro’s. I also find it funny how most of these people commenting on this topic have been caught in the past for haxing. It is clear to me that not much in interest has changed in these players attitude towards the game and for more reason this shows they are fully aware of their actions and should man up to the consequences.  As for the time placed on the banned I feel this should be left in the hands of the community since it is there job to come to such decisions. Personally speaking the quality of advice you are seeking for from this selected group of responses is weak and should not be taken into consideration considering their previous records and lack of character. This is how I feel and frankly, tired of it so I highly doubt I’ll be reading on from this point. I am sure the community will do a great job with this.

Xile whats up old friend,
I support what u are doing and will back u up 100%,
My team and I (StaRz) are more then willing to help out with any sagestions or recommendations.
Happy to see someone put his foot down.
Looking forwards to bring the roots of DP back from the development days, when the community was extremely tight with eachother and didn't have to worrier about being be- little by  a team or player!
Hope fully in turn, this change in attitude will bring back some of the original names we don't see anymore from the community.

Peace bro
DP Love ;)

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: April 04, 2007, 02:37:21 PM »
How Cute !! but your mom is alot hotter post a pics of her for the guys to see, hahaha guys you need to see this shes a MILF!,
love ya wiz next time u come over make sure your mom picks u up :]

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: April 01, 2007, 04:37:38 AM »
This is CAMPING!!! ( MuFFy and Freakie-j )

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: April 01, 2007, 04:34:07 AM »
Dam, I Vote for Blondie being the hottest !!! 

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