« on: July 29, 2010, 02:25:40 AM »
In general:
The number of requests for demos that are not pursued / enforced is absurd. If we are going to use a committee system to impart bans and "impartially" judge demos then there should be a fair and reasonable system in place to do so. If there is rock-hard evidence of cheating I understand taking immediate action; however, when there are a few questionable situations with absolutely no other foundation for implication, taking action on only certain people is abhorrent. Get a system in place that is fair and understood by everyone and implement it or simply stop this halfhearted attempt to eliminate cheating. I mean seriously people…if the accuser was not tight with the committee do you really think this would have been taken any further? (Please note: I am referring only to the committee and their duties. Jitspoe's cheat detect system is, while not all encompassing, quite fair and reasonable.
Specific to Muff:
Do I wish he had the demo to give you? Yes. Does he? No. Muff deleted his demo.
Given that there is no universally understood and/or fairly implemented system for hack accusations, I do not think that the fact that Muff deleted his demo is a good reason to ban him. I watched the videos and, knowing how bad Muff spikes on that map, nothing from it seemed crazy enough to convince me there were eternal factors giving him an unfair advantage. If there were a universally understood procedure (especially one that was posted somewhere other than the forums… which I RARELY look at) I would change my tune as Muff would be in clear violation of said procedures; however, because there is not a universally understood procedure I beg you to ask yourselves one question: Can u justify banning someone for cheating after watching only a few seconds of questionable footage over a period of 2 hours of play time? I couldn’t.