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Messages - trev

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ok.. raven, alias, grass, three i can remeber off the top of my head. Raven was one who  got me to the try out, and also the one who switched clans, claiming he was in two and that was ok. hence my thoughts that bushido was no more, or not really a serious clan.   try outs were pretty easy must i say, but i guess its all part of the process. I hope the ranking systems works, and more importantly, has a point.. i have mIRC. So yeah, if thats where this needs to be continued so be it.. I'd hate to step on anyones toes, as i do enjoy this game, and hope that the next step of getting more involved can come out of joining this clan.  if i see beast in my travels I'll make sure to point him in your direction.  my paintball name is aussie trev.

hi soldier, i did join bushido, but most of the people who i thought were in it went off and joined other clans.  so i thought is was a flash in the pan type clan, which i thought was a pity. I am keen to be a part of it all, if you'll still have me, however, i wonder if because im in australia, it makes it a bit tricky for me to be on in your 'prime time' .. anywayz. consider this... aussie trev... checking in..

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