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Messages - Trust.Co

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Digital Paintball II Clans
« on: December 19, 2002, 09:05:50 AM »
I'd like to know how many clans are really active.

Please reply if i've missed any...

#1337 ?
#0wnage ?

any more?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Safe to say Revival? DP re-incarnation?
« on: December 19, 2002, 08:57:42 AM »
Hello again,
Now, I've been around for a while... some of you may know me, and most of you probably don't really like me  :P I was in DOM, and sP, and other small clans... and now i reside in snowstorm.  Whoever does know me, probably would know the name patriot.  Anyways, through all the clans i've seen, i've noticed that matching is a very large part in wether they stay alive/active.

there are clans like eR33t (which i think very highly of) that match when asked, and its great that they match 3v3.  There just needs to be MORE clans like them... and now, I only see 2, or 3 out there...


I've seen enough members in each of these clans to have AT LEAST 3v3...  leaders need to start matching regularly again...

All of this, all the small things will help

Paintball 2 Discussion / Safe to say Revival? DP re-incarnation?
« on: December 09, 2002, 10:25:20 AM »
hello out there,

i'm not sure how to put it, but this is regarding the life of dp.

don't any of you remember what it felt like to have a game that was alive, and thriving?  to have D.P. clans that matched on a regular basis, and plenty of servers that people could play on? and even the league DPL... what the hell happened to this?

We need a revival of some sort, and i know people have tried this before, nobody ever follows through...

something needs to change or happen.

There are some clans coming back to life, matching more and more... and thats a start.

Any ideas?

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