Althought I did not participate I know from previous tournaments how it goes and I must say its always better to keep the timelimit standard 20 min, everybody is used to it. Regarding map elimination we had once a quite fair system for that and I have to say it was my invention
- every map from a maplist got a number from 1 to 14 // For example 1) Propaint1 2) Fusionr 3) Xb_map1 4) Shazam33 5) Shock 6) Razzle 7) Pb_cup 8 ) Rome 9) Ub_cliff 10) Temple22 11) Shazam22 12) Rally 13) Fusionr 14) Airtime // In a beginning of a match every team had to say secretly one number to the referee - if one team said 4 and other team said 7, referee did 7+4=11 and 7-4=3. Eleventh map from the maplist is Shazam22 and third map from the maplist is Xb_map1 and these two were played in this particular match. ...Of course it requires a neutral maplist in order to give a fair chance for winning everybody (note: considering some siege maps might not be a bad idea also). Most teams participating in your Spring tournament dont play on a regular basis or "dont play at all" and maplist you choosed was "advanced tactic and high cooperation required". Thats my opinion, but nonetheless I think you gave it first class level and organization.