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Messages - cusoman

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 28
Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Azur
« on: May 19, 2018, 04:18:02 PM »
Inspired myself with propaint3_beta4 for this one.


JK good luck with the map ^_^

Mapping / Re: Don't use _sun_ambient! (use _sun_surface)
« on: October 21, 2016, 12:54:18 AM »
Wow this is awesome. I used to try really hard to create that effect using _sun_ambient and _sun_diffuse. Here are 2 screenshots of Zephyrus with _sun_light 200, _sun_ambient 40, _sun_diffuse 60, (which are the values I released it with) and then one with _sun_light 200 and _sun_surface with the values you provided in your post. Holy excrement its awesome.

- Cusoman

Other Stuff / Re: happy birthday cuso
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:46:34 AM »
Happy Birthday UnRateD :)

- Cusoman

As a mapper, I avoid any non-standard textures as a rule.  Absolutely refuse to add custom textures to my maps. Why? Because years ago, I used a ctp1 wall texture in frigid.  Almost everyone I showed the map to saw it with "no texture" walls, because the game doesn't come with ctp1, and servers don't universally enforce texture downloads.  Some people still don't have the cmp1 tree from oth, because servers don't enforce custom downloads.  The only way to ensure that everyone that plays my maps can have the same experience is by using standard textures and models. 

I would love to use sk89q's models in my maps, or cpt1 textures, but neither of these come with the game.  Even the most popular non-standard texture set, uni's ub_* set, doesn't come with the game, and almost every server plays his maps!

As soon as the texture pool is broadened in terms of the vanilla dp:pb2 install, I'll be using more textures in my maps.  Might even go back and re-texture some old maps, just so they don't look so ridiculous.

That being said, there's absolutely no reason to stop the hr4 progress.  The standard textures look great with jitspoe's hr4 pack.

Whether or not you like jitspoe's textures is a matter of opinion, but I think he's doing a great job putting together the hr4 pack.

I agree that there should be a check box in the game installation that players could check and it would automatically install hr4 textures into the game for them.

We just need to start adding to the texture library

- Cusoman

I was working on a "toon" texture pack about a year before you started your hr4 pack.  I remember running around sassault4, and all the colors were very crisp and flat and clean.  The main problem, though, was that these textures were pretty far from the normal low res or available hr4 at that time.  It was more like giant solid colors that were equal to the average of the low-res textures.  They looked pretty cool and I showed them to a few people, but the main problems were lack of consistency of style (its a pretty harsh transition between solid-ish green for grass and solid-ish red for a barrel) and the fact that they didn't look like the normal textures. 

I also really like the current hr4 direction. I can't find any textures or screenshots so I must have done them on a different computer, otherwise I would upload some comparison screenshots.

The main point I'm trying to raise is that I thought the hr4 pack was supposed to standardize the game-play so that people don't have arbitrary textures, and so that people won't get banned for having alternate textures because there is only one option.  How can a toon pack and an hr4 pack be used at the same time?

Are there going to be multiple sets of "accepted" textures that come with the game download? maybe some kind of optional package installer?  Will we be allowed to mix and match any of the acceptable textures? Or only enable/disable entire texture packs?

If we are doing multiple acceptable sets of hr4 I'm definately on board for toon textures.  Maybe look at warsow for a toony look? My textures looked more like a bad windwaker haha

This post is pretty disorganized, hopefully someone decides to read it and respond :P  I'm just happy that standard hr4 is happening at all!

- Cusoman

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Call of Wobluda 5: Modern Propaint 3
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:28:55 AM »
Is there any way to make arghrad ignore the small metal brushes that make up your lantern so that the light entity does not cast strange shadows all over the walls? I tried checking the "translucent" flag but it did not work.

Making a brush, or group of brushes, into a func_wall will have your desired effect.  You have to be careful not to overuse func_walls, however, as jitspoe has mentioned many times in most of my mapping threads :P  If you keep the number of entity tris reasonable in any given area, and don't use the func_walls to cover up world brushes, you should be ok :)

- Cusoman

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DPLogin Account Activitiy
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:45:21 AM »
Cuso was curious how many people had logged in recently to judge activity, so I did some queries:

Past 24 hours:


This year (past 11 days):




Since this date last year:


This is a log of account connections and does not include account creations or people playing without accounts.

Wow that's a a lot of people! I think the two most important numbers here are the December (2329) and Past 11 days (1286).  It shows that the problem isn't necessarily with people keeping the game after downloading, but having the already "active" members connect to the rest of the community!  Maybe we should focus on having a game launcher, that includes an irc client and a server browser, where you can connect your irc alias to your dplogin account to create friend lists.  Not an easy thing to implement, but not terribly difficult.  There are a few community projects that are already doing nice server browsers, and there are loads of open-source irc projects.  Just some stuff to think about.

Thanks for looking into this jitspoe :)

- Cusoman

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature] Tutorial Map
« on: December 10, 2013, 08:40:20 PM »
007 reporting for duty.

Other Stuff / Re: Petition to perm ban payl from the forums.
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:08:33 PM »

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Call of Wobluda 5: Modern Propaint 3
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:02:36 PM »
Checked my barrels, used radius 28 instead of 24. :D I'll fix it in the next beta.  Any other critiques? Anyone get around to matching on this yet?  I'd like to make beta2 more than just a texture update haha

- Cusoman

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Winter's Keep Beta 1 (winterkeep_b1)
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:34:07 AM »
Winter's Keep Beta 1

- Snow
- Ice
- 2 flag per base
- Castle

Any feedback would be appreciated!

- Cusoman

Edit: Renamed the title to match the map -jitspoe


Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map: Green Hill Zone
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:07:36 PM »
Yeah this map is on my list to finish in preparation for the official map list.  This one is really small maybe I will work on this before finishing the other ones.  Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix it up.

- Cusoman

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Wobluda Remake
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:31:32 PM »
Well, you can do whatever you want, and people can make up their minds on whether or not they want to play it.

Some stuff to consider:

- Don't change flat terrain for sake of making it bumpy.  Bumpy terrain like you showed in your first picture just looks like a problem.  Those spots used to be flat and ugly, and now they are bumpy and ugly, because they are a bunch of triangles in a square area.  Running up and down the main ramp is gonna be weird.
- Watch out for all the stuff you're adding in the sewer, make sure you clip brush all your new geometry to make sure the original movements are the same.

Alot of what MyeRs and others are saying has nothing to do with whether or not your mapping is cool, or if it looks nice, or if it will/will not play well.  He's saying any change you make to the geometry is going to change the map.  You won't move around the same way, therefore it won't play the same way, therefore this is remake and not a visual upgrade.  If it is a remake, you should take the time to change the maps' scale, pacing, and paths so that its a completely new map.  Otherwise your changes need to make sure the critical sections of the map remain UNTOUCHED.  This is what most of the detractors are getting at.

At some point, you said you wanted to do for wobluda what was done to sassult vs pbcup_sassault.  Those maps play insanely differently.  Keep that in mind :)

Screenshots look good so far, definitely a visual improvement.  Have fun continuing.  I'm attaching a screenshot of the sewers cuz you can't leave the walls with the harsh terrain transitions you looks weird.  Jitspoe was hinting at this on an earlier version as well, but it still looks weird.  Soften that terrain!  Good luck :)

- Cusoman

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Hi
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:55:15 PM »
for how many more years will people complain about the game being dead..

i wonder..


- Cusoman

I don't see why spawn shields couldn't just be a server setting, that way match servers could disable it for "authentic" play and speed servers could enable it because speed servers without spawn shields are pretty terrible :)

I don't think removing speed servers is the solution, given they are the most popular servers for new players.  We're trying to retain new players, yes?

- Cusoman

Server Discussion / Re: Servers With Bad Textures
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:55:45 AM »
I used to be able to reproduce this problem.  It happens with any of the pure color light textures as well as the black one.  I rarely see it now, and thought it was fixed in a previous build.  I used to get it to come up almost 100% by going to Carpathian twice in a row with the map command, and the pure white lights in the caves would have the player model texture sheet.  Can't even get the glitch to show up now.  Maybe someone else can get it to work?

- Cusoman

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Newmap: Overhang
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:33:43 AM »
General --> They don't mean to insult you, chef and t3rr are just trying to make your map the best it can be :P  I still haven't officially released a "final" map because people are always finding new problems ^^

Aesthetic --> If you're still doing updates, the ceilings of the dirt caves could use some phong shading, because right now the lighting makes it very obvious that you just placed 5 sided pyramids across the ceiling and floor to get some terrain variation :)

Inquiry --> What grid do you use when you are making terrain? Try to block things out on the 16 grid to make sure all your larger shapes line up.  Might save you some time in the long run on your next map :D  (And t3rr won't be able to find so many bugs  ^^ )

Overall --> Map looks cool, I like the updates, but I can't really judge the gameplay without playing on it, since it seems like the paths are all different lengths.  Can't tell where the bottlenecks and camp spots are, so I'll try to get a match on it.  I feel like most pub players would just be confused haha.  Could you upload a few demos of the matches you've had on it?

Good work so far!

- Cusoman

Yay! That's a good grass!

Different but related topic: Can we increase the number of textures that come with the game? I would love to have new textures to use on maps, that are packaged with the game.  I know cpt1 exists, but I'm really weary of using anything from cpt1 or sk89qs models because it requires the server to carry more than just the mapfile, and it requires the players to download them.  Many people have those settings turned off, so they can just run around with white diamonds where models should be, or white/checkered walls where a beautiful rock should be.  Since you're going through updating all of the current pball textures, perhaps some of the community could make some new textures that you could approve and add to the game.

We have a very small variety of metal textures, for example, which keeps me from doing indoor maps, as most of the texture combinations have already been used :(

Anyway, good work on the hr4 pack!

- Cusoman

zpar11_beta uses 1_7, but I personally think the current 1_7 you made awhile back looks really nice.  I'll upload some comparison shots between current hr4 1_7 and the modified 1_4 I uploaded earlier.

I think the modified 1_4 looks great from a distance, but up close the texture seems overly noisy, especially compared to the current 1_7.

Hope these screenshots help you decide whether or not you want to remake/modify either of the 1_4 or 1_7 grasses.

- Cusoman

EDIT: Actually I quite like the modified 1_4 in 1_7's place now that I'm running around the map a bit.  Still looks weird when standing in place though. :P

I think the official hr4 pack is coming along great!

I touched up your latest grass1_4 because it was easier to do that then try to explain my thoughts.  Basically I thought yours was a little too murky, and the colors too plain.  So I sharpened it, added some bolder shadows, and gave it more "life" (?)

Here is a screenshot with the changed grass on pbcup_pforest and the texture itself.

Regardless, I think the new textures are solid.

- Cusoman

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