« on: September 19, 2002, 01:38:28 PM »
My days of attempted murder are over. I'm no longer in the millitary. I'm a sales manager at a yamaha motorcycle in Stillwater Oklahoma going to school part time at OSU. I'm actually at work right now. The paper work keeps piling and piling up but I need a break. I've leased a 3200 square foot warehouse that I'm putting a living quarters in downstares, and the downstares is a big empty warehouse right now with one bedroom, Can you say DP CON? I mean come on Oklahoma seems fair we're right in the middle of the U.S., sorry fryth. and I know at least most the people I played with are out school by now or at least High school. and I know college doesn't give you more free time but anways just a thought. Take it easy, Jeremy