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Messages - MassNasty

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Binding Qusetion ?
« on: February 10, 2005, 10:11:20 PM »
Hello All,

I have been playing qp for years now and enjoy it very much in the old days I had the dial up donkey, now I have joined the comcast family with the 6/768 hook up... but I still play like a newbie, I use the basic mouse and  keyboard combos. I would like to increase my i ask the following question

In regards to key binding of multiply actions, I have been to many sites and have read on how to bind a key to do more then just one function.

I have tryed this many times with no luck, I hoping that one of you computer wizards can lend me a hand.

To give you an example I have tryed bind the alt key as followed       Bind alt "+attack;+jump;wait;-jump;-attack" after doing this the alt will fire the gun but then an error comes up on the jump unknown command.

I would be grateful for any help or tips that you would share with me. Looking forward to kicking your  :o

Just A Target,

Paintball 2 Discussion / Thank You....
« on: June 21, 2003, 02:23:26 PM »
I would first like to say TY to Fourthx after his reply I down loaded the new alpha mode....Unreal ....I was in the dark ages running the old q2pb. I still can use any tips but for now all looks and plays great.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Education Needed.....
« on: June 18, 2003, 06:50:02 AM »
Big Hello All,

 As some of you may know I'm not to good at this game. I've been playn' for many years now and still I seem to be gettn' my  *** kick on a daily basis.
 I looking for any wisdom, console commands,window tweek programs,etc that will enable me to kick your ***  :).
 I do play via gamespy, 32 nriva card, and the massive 56k modem so my ping always seems to be high and I do get alot of lag. I think it's the donkey in my puter.
 Hoping to get some great tips and always my pleasure.


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