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Messages - kbentekik

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: deb files to promote to linux gamers?
« on: August 08, 2007, 03:30:43 AM »
ok, thanks to repley, i was totaly wrong indeed in this case...  ;D

i tried what you suggested, everything did work, but the double click you suggested didn't work, but the commandline did the work good.

so, no deb files needed :).

Still i think this game deserves more attention and should be suggested to "Free gamer" (or others).

i'm sorry for wasting your time, now i need to go....

I need to play ;)

Paintball 2 Discussion / deb files to promote to linux gamers?
« on: August 07, 2007, 05:08:06 AM »
hi, currently i'm pli ayint this game on winodws.

but, i've also kubuntu installed.
I'm by no means an expert in linux, i'm just a beginner.
i tought, hmm, let's try digital paintball....

i did first search the official repositoris and didn't find  it.
i think thats quite normal, i tought, ah let's do it the windows way and search the site. there i found a .tar file, ok as i'm a linux noob this is already starting to be hard. In the end i didn't manage to install it.

(I'm sure it's actually not very difficult but, i'm a noob.....)

so, if i don't find a program i always search the site getdeb.
didn't find it there too....

so, ok let's play it on windows

so, why aren't there .deb packages aviable?

if it's possible (i don't know, maby i'm just wasting your time) could someone please make one and post it on the site here, or maby even better upload it to getdeb (promotion?)

i do really like this game and i'm surprised that it's not that well know. i believe there are games who are alot less good and are know much better, don't think thats fair.

So, why not send this game to free gamer? (

I mostly use this site for games and i think it's really a good way to get your game known.

so thats it.

(excuse me for my english, and probally bad idea's too, but i tought it won't hurt anoyone :) )

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