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Messages - Fitz

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Everybody on the ban list sucked anyways. Let them play, let them hack, and let them continue sucking with those same hacks. They should get extra brownie points for having to cheat in a game to get on the same level as some of us legit players. Makes me giggle inside.

Having just came back from a break, more players to match against would be nice but hell, most of the people playing now probably continue to hack, continue to use modded textures  + slight undetectable speedhacks, and will continue to do so until banned themselves. Why not just add a few more to the crew so we can have more of a variety of people to play against and more people for jitspoe to ban later. Let's be realistic, it's not like any of them were half decent anyways.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Calling it quits, Its been fun.
« on: May 27, 2010, 11:00:35 AM »
i'm still better than you atmays.
quit or don't quit, the truth remains.

better be on ts every once in a while lol

Demo Requests / Re: Chemical hacking??
« on: May 23, 2010, 09:52:12 PM »
There is a bug, and has been a bug, where if a client loads a map at a certain rate, it sometimes will not auto-record. It happened to me all the time on s22. I asked jitspoe about it a while ago, and he said that it had something to do with the way the recording process works on a client.

Probably the same deal with wobluda.

Demo Requests / Re: -uR- Fitz Demo Today around 5:50 Central
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:02:51 PM »
I seemed to have misplaced them.

How convenient.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: American 2v2 Tournament
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:37:25 AM »
Of course it may change. It's almost a month away. Anything posted will be tentative until further announcements.

As for the reverse pic - find me a better stock image and I'll use that one. Or better yet, make one yourself.

Issues for Committee Review / Re: A Discussion on Multiple Accounts
« on: February 05, 2010, 06:29:34 PM »
Well said Cameron.

You've basically nailed what I was trying to say on the head. Yes, they are bad, but it seems like it's a massive waste of resources (in some cases)

Again, I feel that if there were a system that was implemented (ranking/experience system or whatever) that provided some sort of incentive for playing your own account, we wouldn't see so many multiple accounts to begin with.


I also never really thought about the lost password problem. Is it really that big of an issue? I never knew it was so hard to retrieve your password.

Issues for Committee Review / A Discussion on Multiple Accounts
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:42:50 PM »
First and foremost, I want this to be an active and intellectual discussion/debate on the pros and cons of having the multiple accounts ban. This topic is meant to address why these bans are necessary and potential fixes to any problems that people may have with the current system. Please refrain from posting if your post will offend another person - in essence, don't flame.   

That being said, let's begin the discussion.

As of right now (February 5th, 2010), having more than one account is a bannable offense. When you first create your DPlogin account, the EULA specifically states:
Only One Account Per Person
1. One. Uno. Un. Once you've registered an account, you can add multiple player names to it, so there should be no need for additional accounts. Registering more than one account may result in a global ban from all game servers.

Following this, one is not allowed to share an account:
Do Not Share Your Account
If your friend or brother gets banned while using your account, don't come crying to the admins to get it lifted.  We won't do it.  Protect your account information so other people can't use it.  Logging into another person's account is also not permitted and may result in a ban.
Sharing, as proven by precedent, is essentially another form of having "multiple accounts". Thus, with sharing comes access to another account, thereby avoiding the "single-account" rule and allowing a player to play under an alias.

The reasons behind the actual rule are not exactly known. Jitspoe basically states that there is no reason for having multiple accounts, so therefore you'll get banned for creating more than one account.

Some assumptions as to why one makes multiple accounts:
  • -Using an Alias - An individual wants to play under a different name.
  • -Multi-Clanning - An individual wants to play/match in more than one clan
  • -Avoiding bans- If an individual is banned and wants to play under an alias, then they create another account.
  • -Accidental/Failure to Understand EULA- Creating and using an account may be difficult for some new members of the community.
My analysis

Disregarding the last two reasons (which I will address soon), the first two reasons are of really no consequence to the game itself. Indeed, having members of the community create new accounts to join other clans or hide their real identity does not harm the game directly - it really just harms the community.

If one takes a look at other games, this can be proven. Indeed, any other major first person shooter does not have a restriction on how many accounts one person can have. Why? I'm guessing it's because the creators figure that it does nothing to harm the game, and the community deals with it in their own way. If a user is found to be in more than one clan, the clan leaders ban him and so will the server admins. Thus, it is effectively a "global ban"

The difference between most games and PB, however, is size. Most notably, paintball tends to have a much smaller community whereby each member knows most of the other members (disregarding geographical differences that is). As such, it is very easy to spot a user that has or is using multiple accounts. This in itself should dissuade members from creating another account.

Another difference is that PB really has no incentives for using just one account other than other players' recognition. There is no ranking system - there are no guns or levels to unlock. There is no system to keep track of your wins or losses in the match seen. Basically, you play for the hell of it.
There is a vote up for a ranking system to be implemented. ( However, there is really no timeline for a proposed implementation of such a system.

As for the third reason (avoiding bans), this is a problem in itself. Multiple accounts is not the problem here; the issue of avoiding a ban is. It is far too easy to spoof a mac address or change one's IP.

And finally, the creation of multiple accounts by accident. Face it, the creation of an account isn't necessarily troublesome for most of us, but for non-English speakers, I'd say it is. Furthermore, when logging into the game itself, it gets even more confusing. I know I was tempted to create another account when I first started because it simply wouldn't log me in. Now if I was banned in my beginning stages of playing this game, I doubt I'd come back. Such is probably the case for users that are getting banned that aren't really hooked to the game.

All that being said, I still question why multiple accounts are treated the way we treat them. I simply don't understand why we have a committee who's primary function is to find people who have more than one account and lay the banhammer down on them. I question why it is not left up to the community to handle such issues - if a player is in two clans, so what? Should it not be the respective clan leader's problem? Some may argue that having more than one account creates an illusion of more active members in the community. Nothing wrong with that right?  :P

I leave this here with some thought-provoking questions with my personal analysis to boot. I'm fairly sure I've missed some important aspects of the necessity of the ban (or maybe I haven't?) so I'm asking for some educated opinions on the matters. Specifically, if you are on the committee or were on the committee, I'd like to know your opinion of the matter.

Do you think these bans are necessary? If so, why? How do they impact our community and the game? Pros, cons, whatever.

Happy discussing :)

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Shockwave's BAN
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:51:40 PM »
It's alright Shock. Maybe they'll make a topic to change your ban time.

Oh wait, you're not in s2k.


Issues for Committee Review / Re: shock caught multi accounting
« on: January 28, 2010, 03:41:56 PM »
Can you read?

That shows that the person logging into another persons account can get a ban.
You're making assumptions here. If it was meant for the person "logging in" then it should say "Logging in to another person's account is also not permitted and may result in a ban for (whatever) account."  Like I said, it doesn't say WHO the ban is towards. As of right now, it may result in a ban for both players, or only one. It should say specifically; rules aren't meant to be ambiguous.

Do yourself a favour for the future and stay away from all things pertaining to law.

Issues for Committee Review / Re: shock caught multi accounting
« on: January 28, 2010, 03:16:26 PM »
So, you don't get the big picture do you.  You are using someone elses account, therefore you have access to 'multiple accounts' and you can use either account whenever you want, one which is you and another one to hide your identity to who you actually are.
Having access to multiple accounts is not illegal. Specifcally, it is illegal to SHARE the information, but nowhere does it say it is illegal to receive account information. That is, if you were to go tell me your password, you should get banned, not me. He did not create the account, nor is it his so you can't stick the "multiple accounts" offence to him. Read the rules.

Rules quoted:
Do Not Share Your Account
If your friend or brother gets banned while using your account, don't come crying to the admins to get it lifted.  We won't do it.  Protect your account information so other people can't use it. Logging into another person's account is also not permitted and may result in a ban.
May result in a ban for who? The person logging in or the person who shared the account information?

Based on the above logic, Shockwave does not have multiple accounts, so he can't be banned for that. Furthermore, the rules do not specify who should be banned for logging into somebody else's account. Until there is some clarification or change of the rules, I would say that technically he did nothing illegal.

Perhaps you committee members should read the rules more carefully?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: homingbullet/vlad botting
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:56:25 AM »
I would of said everything that skitzo has already said. Thanks skitzo, you saved me a couple of minutes. ;) Btw, nice example to skitzo.
Not really. Think of it more as a city with walls. You're allowed to enter the city with a password (global login system) provided you don't do certain things that are against the rules (cheat, modify, whatever). By entering the city, you get all the benefits that come with it (public servers, login system, etc). If you're caught, you're exiled for X amount of days.

In order to meet with this person, you must leave the city walls so you're out of the city's laws and rules. Anything goes out there in the wildlands.

Basically, a private server is like a LAN server.  Homings ban is implemented through the Global login system meaning he's banned from using that system and any server attached to it. Again, since he wasn't connected to it, I'd say he's fine.

Now if it was against the rules for anybody to play on a server that isn't connected to the system, then he'd be "evading". But it's not, so he's fine.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: homingbullet/vlad botting
« on: January 17, 2010, 09:46:39 PM »
yo who's fitz?  Anyone know?

To vlad it is, he'd rather have a rep of being the biggest inbred toolbag to ever grace dp, next to fitz, and along with that, the reason i'm not banned is because i'm the excrement, and you're garbage.  Vlad is hovering over this thread because he's paranoid his buttbuddy inbred partner homing is going to get banned longer so they can't tag team back2back up.

Make sure you go get Honor, shockwave, beam, and whoever else is in your horrible clan to come on here and post too, stupid little female dog kids.

Again with the blatant and uncalled for flaming. You attack me as if I personally addressed you, yet I don't recall ever saying anything to you jigsaw.. Stop being so conceited :(
Again, If only there was any moderation in this forum...

I am for big bans for cheaters. But a private server is a private server.  I don't see how playing in one is ban evasion.
Following what m7 said, I agree. Think of it as other games (WoW, RS, CoD, etc.). If you get banned, you're still able to play on privately hosted servers that have nothing to do with the game's actual hosters. To get around this, the game's creators generally make private servers "illegal" meaning if you're found out, they ban your "normal" account.

Seeing as private servers are not against the rules here, and its not hardcoded and mandatory for a server to connect to the login system, there really is nothing wrong with doing whatever the heck you want on a private server.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: homingbullet/vlad botting
« on: January 17, 2010, 07:20:28 PM »
I think you're inbred, you and homing both.  You don't seem to get anything anyone says to you.  I don't even have to talk excrement to you, you make fun of yourself just by posting on here.

This is outright, unjustified flaming. Why is he still on these forums?

As for the issue at hand, I was under the impression that playing on a private server was similar to playing a game single player. What you do is based on your rules. By connecting to the global login system, you agree to the terms and conditions set out in the ToS when you create the account. They were not, however, connected to the global login system so.. yeah..

Server Discussion / Re: global chat disable
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:28:15 PM »
Create another commands.txt file by a different name. For the sake of simplicity, name it commands1 or something. Then in the match server's config, put

Code: [Select]
set g_commandfile pball/configs/commands1.txt
or whatever the directory is. Normally it will run the default "commands.txt" as it's hardcoded, but if you add that cvar it overrides it.

I think.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Missing textures
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:36:26 PM »
Get something that can unpackage .rar files (winrar, tugzip, 7-zip).

If I recall correctly there are some .zip and .rar files packaged into the original .rar file that need to be unpackaged anyways.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Missing textures
« on: December 27, 2009, 10:24:11 PM »

That has most of them. Be sure to get the sky pack as well so you're not jumping in a big box the entire time.

Other Stuff / Re: Amazing read
« on: December 18, 2009, 03:49:20 AM »
Let me guess, you're a philosophy major?

It is an interesting article, but there happens to be many assumptions based on a lot of "ifs" and maybes".

BANs, wireless sensor networks.. would the general public ever allow this to happen on a large scale?

Furthermore, the article mentions the infrastructure for internet itself. It looks like the potential "compute resource" will far exceed what can be transfered over our current inrastructure that exists as is.. I mean, how can global applications exist if we don't have the infrastructure to support such vasts amounts of exchanging of data? There are few countries that are creating the infrastructures needed to allow for this type of theory to exist. It advocates a system where people dedicate resources to a pool that could be tapped, but would this be viable? it would have to be entirely collective that would require vast amounts of global cooperation. Same goes for the creation of such interconnected "grids".

You would almost need to "socialize" per se, all of the world's datacentres and remove all the barriers to allow this to happen. Ie. allow free and unrestricted access to servers so that applications could run freely and make use of the potential reserves of resources that exist.  Would that be able to happen? will the internet "castles" lower their gates and let us in for free? who knows.

It's an interesting theory nonetheless, but from a political perspective, there are many boundaries that exist that I think would prohibit the creation of such a global "ambient cloud". The cloud would literally have to transcend political boundaries and differing jurisdictions to be able to exist and I question whether or not that that's even possible, although we are already seeing this happen with large virtual networks such as the folding@home network I suppose...

That's my take anyways.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Pog Mo Toin is Recruiting
« on: November 11, 2009, 01:09:07 AM »
Love the clan name.

Irish by any chance? :O

Server Discussion / Re: Supermans New Server Naming CONTEST!@!@!
« on: October 04, 2009, 07:15:04 PM »
Bananas in Pajamas... Pub


Other Stuff / Re: CAn someone send me any good techno??
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:53:10 PM »
I listen to trance... It's big in Europe, especially in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

The masters of trance:
Armin van Buuren
Paul Van Dyk
Above & Beyond

They all have weekly or bi-weekly radio shows that are mixes of all the best beats that are currently playing in the clubs and ibiza. I personally like armin's ASOT the best.

More artists:

Ferry Corsten
Markus Schulz
Andy Moor
Gareth Emery
Aly & Fila
Menno de Jeng

Happy torrenting?

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