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Messages - katkrap

Pages: [1]
Map Graveyard / Re: The coiled towers (in progress)
« on: July 08, 2009, 09:14:40 AM »
Ha ha, JeeJee likes the back door! :D

I know. Rampjumps up would be better... And some other ways up too.

The map is a CTSIEGE... Capture The Siege In Every General Exemption!

Map Graveyard / Re: The coiled towers (in progress)
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:59:14 PM »

Map Graveyard / The coiled towers (in progress)
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:42:49 AM »
A small, fast and dirty map for your enjoyment

The idea was to make the map fast and the flag hard to get, but not too hard.

Again: I suck at mapmaking so bear with me!

Played it with a couple of bots and I feel that the map is fun to play but not technically advanced.

A no-brainer! :D

Map Graveyard / Re: The Amityville siege (in progress)
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:38:21 AM »
Thanks for the pointers.

I wanted the defending area to be more free... I don't know if I should change it or not.

I have the final beta at home, compiling as we speak... I'll upload it today or tomorrow and then it's just a matter of changing some textures before I'm done.

Heck... If there's someone who'd like to continue working on this map then I'd be happy to mail you the .map files.
I haven't got the time or the knowledge.

Otherwise I will post the final beta here and then fix some small things to release the map.

Thanks again everyone, especially JeeJee.

Map Graveyard / Re: The Amityville siege (in progress)
« on: July 05, 2009, 12:28:09 PM »
Updated it a little bit.

Still haven't touched the lighting or the backyard bits...
Will create a small cosy wall on the rear side of the house...

Download it again, replace the previous and tell me what you think.

As I said, some bits and pieces left to do until I feel happy with it.
I am too poor of a mapper to maximise the potential, but heck... As long as someone plays it someday I am happy! :D

/Jimmy, Sweden

Map Graveyard / Re: The Amityville siege (in progress)
« on: July 03, 2009, 12:34:28 PM »
Will work on it a bit more.
I knew about the barrel textures... And the attacking team spawns were put in just 2 minutes before I had to go to work so they have no ammo when spawning.

Hahaha... Yes, the cone is supposed to be a christmas tree... A great big amityville christmas cheer! :D

You can actually climb up the chimney! Both from the outside and the inside. A small christmas secret for your enjoyment!

/Santa 2

Map Graveyard / The Amityville siege (in progress)
« on: July 02, 2009, 03:38:48 PM »
Just wanted to get opinions on this.

OLD MAP DELETED! Replaced with this Alpha 2:

remember, I am NOT jitspoe and I am not a map-guru of any sort. I just had a decent idea and turned it into a poorly constructed DP map.

I hope the Siege-thingy works or I am dead meat!

I don't know if I am happy enough with it to finish it properly... Just wanted to vent it here to see if you'd cut me down or cheer me up!

Thankful for any input!

/Jimmy, Sweden

Mapping / Re: Experienced mapper needed!
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:29:54 PM »
Sorry... Never measured...

Fast computer and I never need to care.

I could make the track simpler... And then something else.

Hrmmm... I'll get back to the drawing table.

Mapping / Experienced mapper needed!
« on: October 24, 2007, 11:49:33 AM »
Hi all...

Have a fun idea for a DM map, but I suck at mapping and I need someone who could take on my project.

I've started mapping but... well... There are better mapmakers out there.

The idea and theme is fresh and I haven't seen anything like it. Even though I suck at mapping I find the small project that I made fun to run around in.

So... If you want an idea or want to take over please do... Put in a small credit for me somewhere and I'll be pleased.

Beware of simplicity and some humor added. Remember to use the right loo, No peeking in the girl section if you're a boy! :D

The map (if you want to take on it from where I left off) is about 50 percent finished.

/Jimmy, Sweden

Map Graveyard / Re: My first map...
« on: September 26, 2007, 07:05:00 AM »
Sorry for the texture mania!
Did this map on my portable computer while waiting for a customer. Thought the colours looked a bit bland so I decided to add some more textures.
In retrospect, when looking at the regular commieputor I should've used less.

But hey... My first map. Done in an hour and then bugtested for 30 minutes.

And I do not have control over the entities yet. They run me not the other way around...

Opinions noted and taken in.

Oh, you cannot get up to the flag from the lower ground-deck because I thought it would be too fast with the centerflag option. You have to climb up a bit and then be susceptible to enemy attacks.

I am going to make a wooden cave-map just to piss all you texture-maniacs off! :D
Then I am going to call it "metal mania"! D:
I am going to incorporate Swedish cuss words in every crate and behind every texture.


Du har rätt... Öl är gott!

/Your kitten

Map Graveyard / My first map...
« on: September 25, 2007, 12:10:11 PM »

Recently did my first map. Don't know if it qualifies here, but I am not sure if I should finish it at all.

No lighting effects or anything yet. Just rendered with the Vis command.

Heck, I do not even know if it runs in multiplayer mode... Hahaha!

Be gentle with me.

And please reveal how I make the sky a light-source that lights the whole level. I just made it light the corner of the whole level, nothing more.
I suck!


/Jimmy, Sweden

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