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Messages - rockitude

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 25
Mapping / Re: 20 Year Anniversary Mapping Competition
« on: September 15, 2018, 03:25:30 PM »
My rating would be the following.


gameplay pub ***½
gameplay match ****½
design *****

overall rating ****½


gameplay pub *****
gameplay match ****
design ***

overall rating ****


gameplay pub ***
gameplay match **
design ***½

overall rating ***

Lumixan clearly hasn't learned anything. In his case I guess 6 months won't matter, but that discussion doesn't belong here.

Many players weren't banned for the actual 1024 days for their first offense. If the committee thinks that the player learned from his mistakes and will behave properly, the ban time gets decreased.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why can't we use sunmans textures.
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:32:16 AM »
If you change the brightness on your screen the player model will get brighter too and have the same colour as the barrels.
With sunman's textures that won't be the case. The player will have a darker colour than the bright barrel and you have an advantage to spot him. The same applies to the darker player model on the bright grass.

I'm not sure if 144hz monitors are really brighter than 60hz monitors. IPS panels would give you an advantage with the sunman textures though, because they have a higher contrast. On the other hand you will have a worse reaction time compared to TN panels.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Official Clan-Matching Rules
« on: December 14, 2016, 11:55:02 AM »
General rules:

- The team who wins 2 maps wins the match (best of 3).
- Each team chooses one map to play.
- If each team won one map the teams can decide on a 3rd map (called "tie map") or accept the 1-1 ("tie").
- The team that plays on an enemy map or accepted a suggested map gets the teamcolor choice.
- If the teams don't want to play the match on one server (i.e. a high ping for one team) the following rule takes effect.
  Each team provides a home server and the enemys map gets played on it. The server choice for the tie map goes to the team with the better point difference in the first 2 maps.
  To check which team has the better point difference, add the score of each team from the 1st and 2nd map and the team with the higher score gets the server choice.

Fairplay rules:

- No cheating!
- When suggesting a tie map, each team should suggest the same amount of maps. The two maps that got played already are out of the map pool.
- It is frowned upon to play maps like "spawninabox" or "nightmare" in a match.
- If an enemy player is idle and the last man standing you shouldn't grab/cap the flag (unless you grabbed the flag while a player of the enemy team was actively playing) and just kill the player.
- If something went wrong at the start of the match (i.e. one player forgot to join in time) you should offer the team with the disadvantage a restart of the map.
- You shouldn't reconnect/quit to avoid the other team to cap/revive cap you. The only time you can reconnect (I'm talking to you K/D lovers) is between the rounds (again, not when you died and the round hasn't ended).
- No server admin abuse.

Default match server settings:

- fraglimit 50
- timelimit 20
- sv_gravity 800
- ffire 0
- grenadeffire 0
- elim 60
- ballspeed 2660
- deadtalk 1
- gren_explodeonimpact 0
- flagcapendsround 0
- guntemp_inc 0
- sv_maxvelocity 4096
- observerblackout 1
- PaintGrens 2
- SmokeGrens 1

Feel free to discuss and suggest rules.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: The best player so far
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:34:51 AM »
EU: RoX, meini, Sata, prozajik (chronological order)
NA: shk

Best EU team: picky, prozajik, Luckie
Best NA team: shk, CheMiCaL, MyeRs

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: PB lining experiment
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:35:19 AM »
If you use ice then for sure. Without ice, If you use half-beat looking into wall then it's fastest yeah.

It's faster on normal and ice surface. Just check some replays on for example "fly1".

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: PB lining experiment
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:16:42 AM »
Do not fight with me about half-beating being slower or even with normal full-beating... Even jumper skyline and others used mostly half-beating, said it's the fastest movement in dp2 and proved it in jumping videos. DP2 is basically Quake 2, half-beating is fastest possible movement you can do in this game, no matter what.

Acutally wallstrafing is the fastest technic.

Server Discussion / Re: Crack speed maplist
« on: October 23, 2016, 06:40:43 AM »
... also nice map was (idk its name).. it looked similar to back2back in mid, and also had second way through ladder to some corridor where was glass where both teams always fight from very close proximity.... There were also third way - very long corridor behind walls which ended behind enemys flag...

Sounds like "escape".

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: PEPPAH IF YOU SEE THIS MAKE ME LEADER
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:11:46 AM »
You should check DPLogin.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Command or setting help
« on: September 03, 2016, 04:07:47 AM »
I think it was "cl_tutorialcomplete 1".

Server Discussion / Re: Python script help needed.
« on: August 31, 2016, 10:17:05 AM »
I got the time and tested it by myself and can't get the rcon command for "nextmap" to work. Does it even exist?

Code: [Select]
from pypb2lib import Server
import time

maplist = {
    "airtimeoi": ["sv expert 8", "say TEST"],
    "airtime2": ["sv expert 1", "say TEST"],
    "airtime3": ["sv expert 4", "say TEST"],

serv = Server("", "", 11111)
current_map = ""

while True:

    for newmap, commands in maplist.items():
        map_unchanged = True
        while map_unchanged:
            data = serv.Status()
            mapname = data["mapname"]
            if mapname != current_map:
                serv.rcon("sv nextmap " + newmap)
                for command in commands:
                current_map = mapname
                map_unchanged = False

Server Discussion / Re: Python script help needed.
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:21:57 AM »
You need to change your rcon password, you posted it here.

2nd: I assume your script wouldn't work if I would tell it to execute 2 different (for example say "TEST" and sv_consolename 3) commands (probably because of your 'for' statement).

You could change the dictionary to something like this, but I would go with html's version. He is more fluent in Python and wrote the pypb2lib module that you want to use.

maplist = {
    "airtimeoi": ["expert 8", "say TEST"],
    "airtime2": ["expert 1", "say TEST"],
    "airtime3": ["expert 4", "say TEST"],

Edit: Yea I had a mistake in my script. Never compiled it.

current_map = newmap    -->   current_map = data["mapname"]

Server Discussion / Re: Python script help needed.
« on: August 31, 2016, 08:21:02 AM »
UMaster, you should google "Python indentation". Python uses it instead of brackets.

if data["mapname"] == "airtimeoi":
s.rcon("sv_consolename 4")

Should be:

if data["mapname"] == "airtimeoi":
    s.rcon("sv_consolename 4")

^--- 4 spaces

I would probably do it like this. I'm not sure if it works, but you should get the idea.

Code: [Select]
from pypb2lib import Server
import time

maplist = {
    "airtimeoi": "expert 8",
    "airtime2": "expert 1",
    "airtime3": "expert 4",

serv = Server("rcon", "", 30000)
current_map = ""

while True:

    for newmap, expert in maplist.items():
        map_unchanged = True
        while map_unchanged:
            data = serv.Status()
            mapname = data["mapname"]
            if mapname != current_map:
                serv.rcon("nextmap " + newmap)
                current_map = mapname
                map_unchanged = False

Server Discussion / Re: Python script help needed.
« on: August 31, 2016, 04:32:46 AM »
if data["mapname"] == "airtimeoi":
    s.rcon("expert 8")

This would be the correct syntax.

Other Stuff / Re: Pokemon GO
« on: July 16, 2016, 05:55:04 AM »
I play it and most of my friends here in Germany do too. The younger people who didn't grow up with the Pokémon games aren't interested in Pokémon Go, but that might change.
Around my living area appear just a few Pokémon and we have only one PokéStop, but we sometimes gather a group of friends and drive to the inner city of Cologne and try to catch 'em all :). We always had a fun time and met many other Pokémon trainers.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: The SUMMER DPLeague
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:29:38 AM »
Sign up -cM8t. with picky and rockitude.

Edit: You wrote that the winning players get 1k, but do they get 1k hugs, 1k dollars or something else?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP2 is being sold... for money.
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:13:27 AM »
That is mad! Keep us posted Jitspoe, I saw this on the skype chat and was going to buy a copy because it would be cool to have a hard copy, but you aren't even selling it? Unbelievable!

I think jitspoe isn't allowed to sell it, because it is a mod of Quake2. The only money he gets is through donations and that has to be a much smaller amount than the server costs.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP2 is being sold... for money.
« on: April 08, 2016, 06:56:41 AM »
Could you tell us who? (as i am not in the skype group)

kui/kuipo found the game in his local Markt +Technik store and shared the pictures in the Skype group. Then others found the game on Amazon and Saturn.
Amazon link:

You could solve it with an alias in your config.cfg.

This would add 3 bots and make them join the blue team (g_autobalance has to be 0):

Code: [Select]
bind X botgame;
alias botgame "addbot; addbot; addbot; forcejoin 7 b; forcejoin 6 b; forcejoin 5 b"

I think the best solution for your problem would be a menu to add and control bots. I'm sure someone wrote a menu like this already.

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