« on: November 04, 2013, 09:45:47 PM »
I don't see ranking as fun as 'stats' could be... Achievements per se would be quite hard to code in, but stats would be quite easy and could hold a more rounded value than a rank. Stats such as number of kills per each gun, kdr per map, most played guns/maps, topspeeds (map basis), rivals, dominations, score per minute, flags/captures, etc. And even do the stats on a per clan basis (where clans have to be over 3 months old to have stats.)
I would make a 'public' server stat set, and a 'match' server stat set, so clan members don't worry about their stats while having fun on a public server...
Then I like Clipz's idea of showing them off, but make it simpler first. Say you get little achievement symbols for achieving a stat level. You can then choose which achievement symbol you want to show on the leaderboard. And also let clans create their own little clan symbols they could use?
This would keep the 'achievement hunters' playing more, since they can focus on individual stats at a time. Possibly once all stats are complete, reset your stats to choose a new styled jersey you could wear, then start all over for the next one?
Just throwing some ideas out there, since building a fair rank system for this game would be quite difficult to plan from the start.