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Messages - GooseRulz

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / #paintball got owned
« on: July 26, 2002, 11:58:43 PM »
I'd just like to type that #paintball got owned
muahahahah Goose Style
/me Rulz
flooded the fuk out of it
nt Fembot
nt #paintball ops

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: could be interesting or maybe not
« on: July 25, 2002, 11:52:25 PM »
Cheats rule the world, if there werent cheats, there wouldnt be people.
if you could only imagine the skandals and cheats people do in real life, you would know why we do it on the internet.

hell, its alot safer, funer and legal..... to an extent.
Internet + Cheats = ROCKS!!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Hey jitspoe
« on: July 22, 2002, 02:13:56 AM »
hey freak, i was just wondering where that topic was where you posted that uhh umm commands for that msg thing
like msg 1 msg 2 msg 3, but now you changed it i quess.
so that i can see what I drop, and pick up and all that stuff.

or just tell me what it is, in a reply to this

and why da heck can we only pick up 1 co2?
that is freaking ghay
another one of your " Make this a better game for newbies " now you elimate more equipment for us to use jeez.
when i get a 7 oz , i drop it to get a 20 or 12, cuz they run out pretty darn fast, and it seems like they run out alot faster, dont know if you sped up the speed of the balls anymore or somethign stupid again.

the dang pball guns shoot like railguns already, except with NONE accuracy, ghay gahey gahey merry.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: could be interesting or maybe not
« on: July 22, 2002, 02:03:03 AM »
i think acid was talking about those stupid bots ... like when you play q3 arena single player, those fuk head bots? you know.
well anways you know ill always put in my opinion on " cheating " topics
not that i cheat or anything, but.
id like to say that HPB's are alot better than LPB's. period.
and we do have eyes behind our heads, and aimbots are the best ever, not that i've ever "tested" them out, like xbain says... " I'm only testing them "
another zoogooz. jeez
hi xbain =) !! love ya.                       punk ass prick.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Remove 300 round hopper?
« on: July 22, 2002, 01:56:30 AM »
thats only cuz you pgp most of the time
i say, LEAVE EM!
not that my opinion matters, but if your trying to make this game more playable for newbies..... now all of a sudden you remove all the newbie equiment, whats next?
the autococker or mag?
jeez luis

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: dear goose
« on: July 15, 2002, 01:36:26 AM »
what are you laughing at jitspoe?
that looks like you, is it?

freaking newbie

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: dear goose
« on: July 14, 2002, 01:06:33 AM »
LMAO..... hahahahhahahahah
ohh excrement acid whats up?
i see you tend to get a little cranky, after not having nasal sex for a while eh?
and i dont say stupid stuff
like what? what do i say that is stupid?
all i do on irc is sing and talk excrement to gwb and aids, but thats normal, cause they are jewish ragheads

and only reason i was banned from #prozak was because of stupid jester the molester fester bobester. he got owned by me like everyone else, ( not to mention any names: Protocol, C.A.P "all newbie clans that died after sR owned them" etc,etc..) so he went and cried then added me to banlist.

and i think its funny that you think i cheat acid, regardless of what other people think, infact, i can care less what other people think or my so called " FRIENDS " say i do, and what not.
i only started that topic to see who all thought i cheated, so i can laugh at them later. but i see you all phear my 56k modem and my mad paintballing skills. so its alright if you think i cheat vince. i mean, who doesnt? i own you all, and you all think i cheat. thank you

nt. cp,pm,bb =)  Doesnt it suck getting beat by a girl?
cough CRAZYLADY OWNZ YOU cough nt. though
i would cry if a girl/lady beat my clan in a game of pball.
darn that sucks

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: GooseRulz
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:16:05 AM »
hi pennywise, when have you ever beaten me 1on1?
ohh yea, i remember,... NOT!!!

/me Rulz

did it say * Rulz? dumb thing
supposed to say GooseRulz
cause i rule

and zoogooz is gone, cause all canadians suck
darn them all to hell.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Goose > LPB + HPB
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:15:59 AM »
mfornal is a excrement machine


and no im not on GONJA whatever that is penny
im on ganja though, literally

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: FIRST F'N POST BIATCH
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:15:55 AM »
{pro}tee is now known better to everyone as

were all in Irc.EnterTheGame.Com pennywize
im in #Team_sR
cum visit bastard kid

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Goose > LPB + HPB
« on: July 06, 2002, 04:08:31 PM »
im not telling you mfornal. aka pgpunk
cuz , wanna know why ?
cause you suck with a pgp
and i caped 3 times, and you never caped once
and i own you big time
and i can jump higher than you on kersplat2
so w00f
lesson is: never try , heh heh

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: GooseRulz
« on: July 06, 2002, 04:05:53 PM »

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: GooseRulz
« on: July 06, 2002, 02:53:24 PM »
hi jits, your ugly

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: GooseRulz
« on: July 06, 2002, 01:57:09 AM »
just wanted to say, im adding another newbie to my list
his name is CRASH from liquid paint
he thinks i cheat, cuz i own so much mauahahhahah
Goose Style

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: GooseRulz
« on: July 06, 2002, 12:06:24 AM »
and that goes for the rest of you.
/me Rulz
you dont, live with it.
( btw, if you ever see anyone use that words, " w00f "
smack them across the nose, cause they shouldnt be saying it, other than me, cuz i made it up.)

so dont call me a cheater, cuz im GOOD baby, real tasty, big and tasty, double quarter pounder with cheesee, ohhh yeaaa.

as you guys can see, by the times i post these messsages ( at night ) i havent been getting off work till about 1 or 2 am, and i cant go to sleep cuz.... i just cant.

and i have nothing better else to do, since i cant talk in #paintball might as well talk on here, pretty much the same aint it? Hello fembot, muahahahahaha

*** You were kicked from DpBoard by Fembot (idiot filter: ON)

Paintball 2 Discussion / GooseRulz
« on: July 05, 2002, 12:45:58 AM »
Hey dorks, how many of you HONESTLY think I ,( Goose the best hpb ownage mofo that ever lived ) cheats?

I start playing DP few days ago, since i finally got my pc up and running, i've been down for about 7 + months.
and I join a server, and these newbies start calling me a cheater... not that I care or anything, but i just wanna know how many of you think i cheat.
btw. those newbies were Krewzer and Fryman I believe.

So i give you all permission, this time to reply to my post.
Thank you and have a good night.
and dont let the bed bugs bight...

and ganja still sucks, i beat him again 1on1 ... sorry ganja
anyone else wants to 1on1?
also ShadowRealm is back #team_sR .

not too sure about this playwithgun ccrap .

my car was supposed to be ready this thursday, but it was a darn holiday, darn losers.
anyways... as i was saying, reply to my post and tell me what you think.
what was the question again?

ohh yea, do you think i cheat?
there you go.

I liked it alot, when i join #paintball and i didnt get banned. hahahah
but then jitspoe gave fembot ops, and i was kicked.
because he has an idiot filter on. so be careful

i got a bilster from lighting a darn m80 today on 4th of july, stupid fuse burned my thumb. it was one of those water proof things you know?

i saw crash today from LP and he sucked, he got punked by newbies, ohh and i also saw maverick from LP but he didnt know who I was, i think he was drunk or something.

I'm bringing back LP, haha
Shannon Elizabeth is one sexxxy moma.

webshots is cool, dont you think? i mean, they have so many desktop pictures, and most of them are pretty cool. thats what i use.

anyways, when i joined that server, they called me a cheater, because i was owning them, i was like 29/3 darn i rocked them, hpb hardcore pr0n you know?
they said i was a bot, do you think im a bot?

because when i first got my hardrive, it got real real hot, but then i bought a seperate fan for it, and it was all better, i just pointed it straight at it for some ridicoullosulkes reason. but it worked.
work is ghey.

:-/ :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? :P ::) :-[ :-/ :'(

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Goose > LPB + HPB
« on: June 30, 2002, 04:06:39 AM »
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> don't cry drag
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> cry?
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> i handed your your head in battle female dog
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> jsut cuz u couldnt get the feds on me
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> go away punk
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> and u put porn on your dpwl sitre
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> and sr raped dsc
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> lol
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> i mean raped
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> sure
<SsX> [15:16] <SsX> pure out ownage
<SsX> [15:16] <dRAGy> on a server you all cheated on


Y2ZzZzZzZzZz is * Go Goose


Big fan of mine.

Cigam = Magic -ooo


hey speaking of w00f, no one authorized by me, may say that word, it was created by me many moons ago. so dont say it ok, unless you have writen consent and/or were once part of ShadowRealm.

if your reading this message, i didnt make it guys

and in closing, let me tell you this, in an event of a trilogy, the killer is always the

Paintball 2 Discussion / Goose > LPB + HPB
« on: June 30, 2002, 03:51:34 AM »
ahh.. how it goes penny? i posted on the other thread, dont know if you read it, jitspoe probably deleted it already, like he does to all my darn topics, stupid ugly white freak ( jit )

and why da hell am i still banned from all these darn channels
etc. etc.
wtf did i do to all you?
well... i see why cap has me banned, i owned those 40 year old farts one day, thats why.
but what about you acid? dont like my nasal sex anymore?
and why does it say idiot everytime i try to join paintball channel in the kick/ban message?
did i say something stupid? or is fembot just a jewish nazi like herron and y2merry and gee double you bee and ichabod?
oooooohhhhhh first time ichabod has been mentioned on this darn board eh?
feel special, wife beater?

its been freaking' 2-3 years now, unban me would you?
jeezus christ, Goose > LPB's
                  Goose > Cheaters

RaZoR = Cheats
Y2J = Cheats
Xbain = NoCheats a.k.a sux

hmmmm what other stupid nonsence can i put here before the freak erases this....

ohh yea, ill have my car up and running wednesday, so your all invited to gwb's house to smoke some shrooms on friday.

Not another tean movie rules. and Jennifer love hewitt and elizabeth shannon are the bombish.

what else... ohh yea i like a few of the ideas that the freak is making to DP , just more fun and uhhh cough bugs cough to play around with now..... since all the rest i found were FIXED!  >:( bastard.

-im on a 33.6 modem
-i like long romantic walks on the beach
-i fried my RAM
-my cell phone balance is $950.35 ( darnit )
-i like to eat pasta and bread

Male/California/Blink 182/HPB/CDog ownz All/
Hi Sunspot

Zoogooz sux now, doesnt he?
i think dp should have a limit on how many pballs you could spray, then your barrel gets plugged or a ball pops in your barrel, and you have to clean it with a uhh, whats those things called... ( its 4 am i cant think ) plungee? squeegee?
uhh barrel plug? whatever it is, you have to use it to clean your barrel. then you can continue to spray after you clean it and then you have to do it again.

why do turtles carry shells on their backs ?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Just wanted to stop in and say hello
« on: June 30, 2002, 03:03:09 AM »
Hey Pennywise, whats up... havent been online for a while, but dont worry, I havnet forgotten about you =)
Still think of you while I sleep at night, and remember the old times we shared cybering on IParty...
ahh yes, good times.

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