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Messages - Fanoto

Pages: [1]
Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhack(?): TizHo
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:25:04 AM »
The demo was recorded around 12:40 AM CST on "Speed USA" server.

The demo is brief (1 min long), but I believe it demonstrates a speedhack. I could be wrong and it may have been lag or well placed circle jumps, but it seemed like his speed wasn't justified. If this is a false claim, I apologize.

Help and Support / _gzh 001?
« on: July 29, 2008, 01:23:51 AM »
As my friend and I are playing on my server, somebody else joins, build 16 if it has anything to do with it, and is idle. Nothing unusual, but he moves every now and then, I think to stay out of idle time. I go to my server command prompt and use the display_commands to check out if he's doing anything weird. At first, I don't notice anything other than gst1 18, but then, every two minutes, I kept seeing _gzh 001. I noticed that it might've been a misspelling of the ZGH multi hack or something, but wasn't sure. Is there something wrong, something about older builds? Any responses would be great, thanks in advance.


I'm confused, where do you plan on using this video, in the game?
No, I was simply working on a few possible promo video ideas, this is simply the first I've started on.

The flag models are just really old (1998).  It would certainly be possible to create higher-poly models.  The limitation wouldn't be so much on the engine as it would be on people's machines.  I've actually had some ideas for better flags - with texture scripts it would be possible to create little cloth ripples without using a bunch of polygons.  If you make high-poly versions, use the skm format so you don't have vertex wobble.
Yeah, for the actual in-game models I was looking for something like that, just couldn't remember what the format was called. Would exporting an HL2 .smd be compatible or should I keep looking?

General Development / Re: Blender Improvement?
« on: July 06, 2008, 07:18:06 PM »
Sorry for the double post, but anywhom...I've been wondering about just how far the engine can be pushed, cause I've began making my own models and junk. As I was working, I was also wondering about a video. So today, I setup a scene, added the basic models, baked cloths for test, etc. I have a neat idea in mind, but have yet to start on the camera movements and lighting. Below, I've rendered a single frame from a simple front on view. This is simply an example, I plan to add on the flag textures from the game to the basic colored flags, get a nice dim-ish lighting, have a paint splat on the helmet, all the junk. Also, you may notice a very light pixelation on the helmet and flags, but I plan to add subsurf before final draft. Comments?

General Development / Re: Blender Improvement?
« on: July 05, 2008, 12:08:06 AM »
If you upped the polies it would probably have a negative effect on performance for some people, but not for most.  Are you implying you want to make a higher poly version?  If you have modeling/texturing skills, I suggest perusing our feature vote list.
I was originally just interested in the flag, but a higher poly version would be pretty sweet. I would really want to help, but I thought with the Q2 engine we were limited with graphics, polys and such.

Sorry for yet another topic, but was simply wondering something. I stumbled upon the flag .md2 file and looked at it through Blender. Seemed fairly simply, cloth itself three segments and was wondering if the quality was improved, and implemented into the whole game thing or whatever, would the high quality of the animation slow down the game or game play or not because it's prerecorded? Thanks in advance for your responses. (Didn't modify anything, simply stumbled upon the model, it is still in it's original state.)


P.S. - Sorry for the second topic, but didn't think this fit under the other.

General Development / Re: Quake II Engine (C++ or JavaScript)
« on: July 04, 2008, 10:00:09 AM »
I think you mean the Java quake 2 port, Jake2.

Either way, you won't be able to jump right in to things, especially if you're new to either C or Java. The Java port is almost a 1-to-1 rewrite of the original code, which doesn't fit with Java too well (everything is prefixed with the static keyword to pretend it's C). In short, I see no reason to base a game off it (look at JMonkey instead).

The quake 2 derivatives (warsow, dpball, etc.) are the superior choice.

However, you need to have some knowledge of the language you're working with before you plan this far ahead. Quake 2 is not among one of the easier engines to use these days.

Oh, yeah, it's java, not javascript.
Looks like I've got some studying to do than and yeah, meant to put Java, but second guessed myself. Thank you for your quick and detailed response.


General Development / Quake II Engine (C++ or JavaScript)
« on: July 04, 2008, 02:22:51 AM »
Simply need some advice. Hello, I already know some JavaScript, and know that it's a good all-around program, but C++ is great for creating more expansive games. The Quake II engine is available in both a C++ version and JavaScript version. I was wondering if there are any significant advantages for using one over the other performance wise. Any advise would be great, thanks in advance.


General Development / Re: Bot Language/Scripting Question
« on: November 11, 2007, 09:58:23 PM »
Don't remember, but the library's closed until Tuesday, closed through Monday cause of Veteran's Day.

General Development / Re: Bot Language/Scripting Question
« on: November 03, 2007, 05:50:00 PM »
Has anyone had any luck making a bot script?

I've made a few very simple ones. At the moment, I'm reading a pretty thick book about AIs at the public library, has a CD and everything, only started recently. So far, it seems kinda simple, but the book goes super advanced with stuff such as having set paths and timings for FPS-type games. Since DP isn't like that, I probably wouldn't need to go all that deep into that section.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« on: November 03, 2007, 05:01:57 PM »
I'm sure if I could understand you guys, I would agree. I only caught the gist of what you're saying though.

Mapping / Re: Glass texture?
« on: October 28, 2007, 07:05:33 PM »
Now how do I do that?
With the glass texture selected, hit 'S' and it will bring up a window with various properties with checkboxes by them. Simply check the box marked "trans33" and then in the lower right, click "set contents". Then, you should be all set, although you might also have to click "set flags" after you "set contents", I'm still new so I'm not 100% positive.

Mapping / Re: Help for simple stuff.
« on: October 28, 2007, 02:19:05 PM »
Don't censor the kid, if his first map is going to be big, let it. If anything he'll run into many problems which he'll learn to fix and then not make them on his next one. I mean I doubt he'll make a for sure hitter his first time like palmtree, but who can?

Hint brushes are used to make a break in the polygons created by VIS to view certain points. Basically say you have 2 rooms that are near each other connected by an angled hallway. Putting the hint brush in the hall gives VIS more places to view nodes so it won't register a node in the second room being visible to the ones in the first, reducing lag. If done wrong though you'll just be generating more nodes for VIS to calculate and increasing your r_speeds. In a simpler term, they generate more polygons in one area that's visible so you don't have to see all the polygons in another area that isn't visible.

This tutorial here is the best that I've found that explains how to implement the hint brushes.

This website here gives you a break down and a better understanding of how your map compiles.

I wish I could shake your hand, that first link explained it all perfectly for me and now it makes much more sense. Thank you.

Mapping / Re: Help for simple stuff.
« on: October 28, 2007, 02:14:08 PM »
Wow, thanks for the links they really help, I'll get started on them right away.

Mapping / Help for simple stuff.
« on: October 25, 2007, 05:45:14 PM »
Hello, I'm a new mapper, currently have a big one in progress and I have a few questions. First off, what is hint exactly(I know it can reduce r_speeds and such), such as what does it do, how do you use it, and what visual effects does it have? I've read many tutorials and still clueless. Now, in addition to said map, I have a deadline for a different kind of map. The map in question is going to be a simple museum for one of my projects and I need help on simply how to set the trigger to run an informative .wav file from a speaker.

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