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Messages -|A.D.M.I.N

Pages: [1]
Other Stuff / Re: ioPaintball - Standalone Q3PB!
« on: November 13, 2007, 03:06:57 PM »
Currently, we are looking for additional members of the team:
Server owners

I would "donate" some servers and manage them.

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 08, 2007, 12:05:14 AM »
Well, what is defined as 'in use'? Someone is in the server?

Yes, a server is in use, when someone is in the server. If nobody is on the server, the user can rent it. If not, it should display a message like "Server is in use, sorry!" or something like this.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:36:13 PM »
changing password and login, what is all

( password, oppass1...)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 06, 2007, 12:32:36 PM »
I need a web-based rcon-client.
An example:

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 06, 2007, 11:56:48 AM »
Or better, this: libdpserver

Thats looking just like a "serverviewer", but you can´t set the password or the login, can you?

EDIT: Sorry for the 2nd post, but I missed the right button...

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 06, 2007, 11:48:17 AM »
My !match script is currently hosted on a server which may disappear this coming month.  I've been looking for an alternative host to place it, but I've been having trouble finding anyone with a dedicated server that allows IRC.

What requirements need IRC or your script? Probably we can help you.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 06, 2007, 07:33:21 AM »
does that mean, there isnt any way to set $test to the value of listuserip?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 05, 2007, 12:50:03 PM »
Thank you

EDIT: Uh, I got again an error:

$test = ("pbConsole.send('listuserip')");

if( strlen($test)== 0)

$test is the same value all the time and it doesn´t matter, whether a player is on the server or not.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Web-based RCON client
« on: November 05, 2007, 07:30:43 AM »
Well done, this script is very nice, thank you sk89q.

Probably someone know my project: We want to build a huge DP-Community, there you can upload videos, can join groups and clans, chat via IRC or just connect to our teamspeakserver. But there is a 2nd big part of We have got many DP-Servers and you rent them. To enable this, I have to edit your script, so that the players just can rent them, if nobody is on the server. My PHP-Skills are not very good, so I tried follow code, but it doenst work:


$test = ("pbConsole.send('listuserid')");

if strlen($test)== 0

$DMENU = array(
                'Console' => array(
                    array('Toggle log display', "pbConsole.showLog=!pbConsole.showLog;pbConsole.readjustWindow()"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Close console', "window.close()"),
                'Server' => array(
                    array('Game version', "pbConsole.send('version')"),
                    array('Server information', "pbConsole.send('serverinfo')"),
                    array('Send a heartbeat', "pbConsole.send('heartbeat')"),
                    array('Execute a config/script file...', "pbConsole.askSend('exec ', '', ['Script filename?'])"),
                    array('Set server list master servers...', "pbConsole.askSend('setmaster ', '', ['Space separated list of server hosts?'])"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Get a variable...', "pbConsole.askSend('get ', '', ['Name of variable?'])"),
                    array('Set a variable...', "pbConsole.askSend('set ', '', ['Name of variable?', 'Value?'])"),
                    array('Clear a variable...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv cvar_clear ', '', ['Name of variable?'])"),
                    array('Reset server variables...', "pbConsole.send('!resetvars')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('List maps in rotation', "pbConsole.send('sv maplist')"),
                    array('Add map to rotation...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv rotation add ', '', ['Map name?'])"),
                    array('Remove map from rotation...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv rotation remove ', '', ['Map name?'])"),
                'Game' => array(
                    array('Change to a new map...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv newmap ', '', ['Map name?'])"),
                    array('Select random map from rotation', "pbConsole.send('!randommap')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Expert mode...', "pbConsole.send('sv expert');pbConsole.askSend('sv expert ', '', ['ID # for gun?'])"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Shuffle teams randomly', "pbConsole.send('!shuffleteams')"),
                    array('Shuffle teams by kills', "pbConsole.send('!shuffleteams kills')"),
                    array('Shuffle teams by flag captures', "pbConsole.send('!shuffleteams caps')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Record a demo...', "pbConsole.askSend('serverrecord ', '', ['Name of demo?'])"),
                    array('End recording of demo', "pbConsole.send('serverstop')"),
                'Users' => array(
                    array('Players information', "pbConsole.send('status')"),
                    array('List player IP information', "pbConsole.send('sv listuserip')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Dump player information...', "pbConsole.askSend('dumpuser ', '', ['User ID #?'])"),
                    array('Kick a player...', "pbConsole.askSend('kick ', '', ['User ID #?'])"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Kick all players?', "pbConsole.confirmSend('!kickallplayers', 'Kick all players?')"),
                    array('Kick all players and bots?', "pbConsole.confirmSend('!kickallplayersbots', 'Kick all players and bots?')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Add an ACEBot', "pbConsole.send('sv addbot')"),
                    array('Add a custom named ACEBot...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv addbot ', '', ['Name of bot?'])"),
                    array('Remove a bot...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv removebot ', '', ['Name of bot?'])"),
                    array('Remove all bots', "pbConsole.send('sv removebot all')"),
                    array('Bot command...', "pbConsole.askSend('sv botcommand ', '', ['Command to execute?'])"),
                    array('Save nodes', "pbConsole.send('sv savenodes')"),
                'Administration' => array(
                    array('Talk into game from console...', "pbConsole.askSend('say ', '', ['Message?'])"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('List banned IP addresses', "pbConsole.send('sv listip')"),
                    array('Add IP to ban list', "pbConsole.askSend('sv addip ', '', ['IP address/mask?'])"),
                    array('Save ban list to disk', "pbConsole.send('sv writeip')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Remove all temporary bans?', "pbConsole.confirmSend('sv removetbans', 'Remove temporary bans?')"),
                    array('----', ""),
                    array('Kill server?', "pbConsole.confirmSend('quit', 'Are you sure you wish to KILL THE SERVER?')"),
               'Password and Login' => array(
                   array('----', ""),
                   array('Set the password', "pbConsole.askSend('password ', '', ['Password?'])"),
           array('Set the login', "pbConsole.askSend('oppass1 ', '', ['Login?'])"),
                   array('----', ""), 


$DMENU = array(
                'Sorry, Server already in use!' => array( 'Nothing to use'


Somewhere in this code are bugs, but i cant find them. Can  someone help me?

Pages: [1]