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Messages - taylorham

Pages: [1]
Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Multiple Accounts: -uR-Jaded, keller11
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:45:44 PM »
Well Kilo, here I am.  Anyway, I accept the 8-day ban. fine by me.  however, what I wanted in the first place was to have the names Jaded and Honor on one login account.  I made this too much of a big deal as it is. 
By 12/12 I'd like to start from stratch, using both these names... infact thats the whole reason i brought the multiple accounts to your attention.
So Jitspo reply whether or not you will edit this or not.  If not then atleast I can have some time to think of some names.

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