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Messages - i_am_a_pirate

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Other Stuff / Re: Verifying dmi pool data BIOS help!
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:45:19 AM »
Guys, seriously, this has got bad. I've reset the CMOS be going into the computer physically and shorting out the 'clr_cmos' on the motherboard and it's still got the same problem. I really don't wanna lose the data on the hard drive, and I really don't want to lose the £600 that i spent on this not that long ago.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?

Other Stuff / Verifying dmi pool data BIOS help!
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:54:33 AM »
ok, So I bought a hackintosh a whole back from http:/ a few months back, and all's been going amazingly well. But literally yesterday I turned it on to find the bios would load up, but only to 'verifying dmi pool data', then it would just sit there and not do anything. I've been inside the bios setup and fiddled with everyting I can think of to do with the hard drive. I really don't want to lose any of my data on the drive - Iwas fiddling with some backups a few days ago on an external drive and had to delete the mac's backup, and then this happens just as I'm booting it up so back it up. I've tried disconecting the external drive, and almost everyting now.

any ideas? You guys always rock with this kind of stuff.

Many thanks,


Other Stuff / Re: Frame Rate for GIF animations in photoshop CS3
« on: November 21, 2009, 05:05:25 PM »
Thanks a lot, but that doesn't quite help out with the problem. I sorted it out now - it was using 30fps in timeline mode, so it ended up breaking it into 300 seperate frames, so the final thing was a good 2 or 3mb, and I basically had to delete 3 in 4 frames to get it running smoothly.

Cheers anyway. :/

Other Stuff / Frame Rate for GIF animations in photoshop CS3
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:55:11 AM »
hey i've made an animation in CS3 at (it says) 30fps. When i save for web and devices as a GIF it then saves it so that it plays really slow in safari. So I'm presuming it saves it at a really low frame rate - just wondering if there's any way to increase the frame rate of the animation or any way to find out the default frame rate for it>

Many thanks for any help


Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Request: Man Hunt/ Hide and Seek
« on: November 14, 2009, 05:02:06 PM »
Well done! Not only have you dismissed a new idea with an annoying, age-old repeated argument, but the argument you picked is completely meaningless when used in this context! It's almost as if you didn't even read this post before replying! Well, at least your post count went up, so there's at least one benefit!
woahh, something changed while I was gone...

This seems quite hard to map, what with 1 hit kills and all. it seems like f you have certain spots, then there wouldn't be a lot of skill involved, and in a pub it would be horrible, just a load of noobs on your team.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP Paintball 2 on Mac
« on: October 24, 2009, 03:23:13 AM »
I was writing an even longer post but hit the back key on my keyboard and lost everything... yay.

Not hating on Macs.. both my brothers use them everyday (macbook and iMac) unless they want to play one of their games or run some .exe.. then they go sit at the PC desktop.

It would take a very motivated developer months to get DP to even compile on OS X. And if they're not jitspoe, they can't even play the game because they would need the closed-source gamex86.dll code that only jitspoe has.

Glad you mentioned Linux, that client barely works (and for some it just plain won't) and jitspoe doesn't spend any time on it unless the same bug is in the dedicated server.

I watched some really smart developers work on porting early releases of warsow to Mac. There were lots of sound problems, lots of mouse input problems, timing was off with the win/linux servers so you chopped all over the place and had a ton of prediction errors, textures randomly not working, maps not loading... and that was based off the Linux client code that was pretty solid. I don't know much about their 0.5 Mac client, except there aren't as many complaints so someone must have worked extremely hard in the last 2 yrs to fix most those problems.

Thank you for a finally detailed long answer that I can understand! I can see it's not worth it now :/

Other Stuff / Re: Fascination with Macs?
« on: October 07, 2009, 09:33:11 AM »
Since XP, the only reason Windows ever crashes is because you have a crappy driver or a crappy piece of hardware. If an unresponsive program refuses to abide by "End Task," it's because you have a crapass driver/piece of hardware.
EXACTLY!! and the point I'm trying to make is that the reason why windows crashes is because microsoft doesn't make everything!! Have you noticed the only reason why  mac would crash is because of the programs that run on it are made by other people? If windows crashes, it's because of a piece f hardware - it doesn't mean that you can just restart the program - there's something fundamentally wrong with that system! On a mac you just have to end the program, and then restart it and it's usually fine. One of the things that hits me is that99.9% of the time, when a mac crashes, it's a program that crashes that you can force quite and it'll be fine. If it's a hardware issue (which it wont be on a mac becase apple made it) then it'll be disasterous and the whole system will crash and you'll have to reboot.

I don't think you should be allowed to be sold a system that has bits cobbled together from different manufacturers. It's like sending a perfectly good cake in the post to someone the other side of the country to do the icing. It works in theory - they both understand each other, but it's just gonna end up as a pile of crap anyway. Nothing wrong with the icing, or the cake. It's the fact that they have to be made by different people.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP Paintball 2 on Mac
« on: October 03, 2009, 08:21:41 AM »
hmmm, well i know that they can crash, but mac pros have been around for a very long time. if they were to run the latest protools, you would need really good specs to run it properly with no latency issues. Probably better specs than the latest (and best) macbook pro's.

The guy basically uses the same font with big capital letters, he's always hanging around the tarts death to all pub as well.
His tactics have changed now. All he does is play properly, but nade team kills people when they have the flag so he can get the glory, and when he gets shot he spams 'freak you' or 'fck you'

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: jitspoe's .plan
« on: September 28, 2009, 03:29:35 AM »
I think you need a secretary or someone by your side to help you finish all these projects.
oo-err missus!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP Paintball 2 on Mac
« on: September 28, 2009, 03:27:46 AM »
My PC has 2 dedicated graphics cards...Also the Macs in our recording studio crash because they can't handle software that was designed for them :-\ Hows that for stable?
Yes, but thats because they're underpowered. Care to elabourate on their specs, for instance? And what software they're running?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP Paintball 2 on Mac
« on: September 24, 2009, 02:41:48 AM »
woohoo old thread!

Paintball needs to go to mac! It will be more stable as well, and I can't think of ANYONE who has a mac that wants to install windows on it - everything's much more compatible now. You have (a much better) MS office for mac, and I can't think of 1 advantage that windows has over mac for paintball - most of them even have a dedicated graphics card.

Official Feature Votes / Re: Feature Vote - Kick if no admin
« on: September 24, 2009, 02:35:53 AM »
I know that in the case of 'd i c k s u c k e r' and 'b a s t a r d', NOBODY wants him (or her as s/he claims) pllaying on the server when all s/he does is abuse people.

Also, didn't I read something in the terms and conditions about using offensive language and getting banned?? I'm sure I did.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 28
« on: September 24, 2009, 02:33:35 AM »
I just delete all metal sounds. Everything works well but im missing a good resolution for my 24 inch monitor.
I still wanna see the taskbar while playing.

On the monitor instruction manual it will say suggested resolutions - or use the resolution windows is at.

I think there should be an auto-detect resolution for full-screen mode (i.e. the one that windows is running at) just to help people along who are still stuck with an 800x600 resolution when they are playing on a full-cinema HD monitor :D

hmm.... I suppose aac is worse, then haha. So it's just a bunch of legal crap that you have to avoid to use it? Or can you just NOT use the codec in a program that hasn't been allowed to use it? Cos I'm making programs all the time with mp3s as their background :D

Did you not read my post? The reason why I don't want to use winamp or itunes or Billy is because I want the volume levels different when I'm in a round as to when I'm eliminated or waiting for a round to start

sooo, a feature vote to add mp3 support? Just wondering what jits would think of this. I'd like to have some kind of menu where you can select the folder to play from so I don't have to copy files over and re-arrange my iTunes library.

hmm, yes, but I suppose could there be a feautre vote for custom volume levels, because tbh, I dont want it loud when the round's started, but I do want to be able to hear it more inbetween rounds, and/or when I'm eliminated.

also, all my 5000 (legal) songs are mp3s :)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Request: Global player rating !!!
« on: September 20, 2009, 08:03:10 AM »
I'd really like it if (even if it's an abused local one) there was a section of the 'stats' that was saved. Especially if I dont see my stats for the previous match.

Something like this:
Code: [Select]
             This Match   Last Match   All-time
Kills total:    4            5            300
-Autococker     2            1            121
-other guns, etc, naes blah blah blah blah
Deaths:         1            2            150
KDR             4.0         2.5           2.0
Other stats etc etc etc etc

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