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Messages - rafalluz

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In pubs most people, who have high k/d ratios, don't have because they are that skilled, but because they are camping at spawn points and continuously killing freshly respawned players. If you figure out sth to do about THAT, it would be better.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 37
« on: December 04, 2012, 12:30:42 PM »
lol if terrorist didn't complain so much we would still be on build 16, i personally haven't noticed any difference to all these builds apart from the oldmodels being removed and new sounds being put in

Not being the brightest crayon in the box, are we? I have noticed difference pretty much immediately, with stuff like server browser being revamped or tutorial map. All of this is crucial, but there is still plenty to do.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature] Tutorial Map
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:46:54 AM »
Nice job.

Official Feature Votes / Re: player spawn protection
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:07:51 PM »
I need to tweak this. We need only a server side option that allows the serveradmin to set a spawn protection time.
sv_spawnprotection 0 --> 0 seconds (spawn protection off)
sv_spawnprotection 1 --> 1 second spawn protection
sv_spawnprotection 2 --> 2 seconds spawn protection
sv_spawnprotection 3 --> 3 seconds spawn protection

I agree. Most other games have just this, and it seems to work fine.

Official Feature Votes / Re: Resolution problem
« on: May 29, 2012, 02:59:28 PM »
Generally, game should display only modes that driver/monitor is actually able to handle. IE no 1920x1080 on 1440x900 LCD.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Public the DP2 Game
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:51:22 PM »
The problem with DP2 isn't quite that there is no change, but the fact that package you get isn't terribly compelling overall (even graphics aside, with hr4 pack they aren't so horrible saving for very low poly count caused presumably by engine limitations).

Answer yourself: who is this game aimed to? And why should they play this game when many much more advanced alternatives are now free (Quake Live, Warsow, Xonotic, Team Fortress 2)? I don't mean to hate on work jitspoe and others put into the game, just thinking of actual distinguishing reasons to pick this over other games other than "IT'S PAINTBALL DAMMIT!".

I don't even think it makes anything easier for anybody. Those, who are unwilling to learn, will not suddenly become good strafe jumpers. But I think this is good, because it reduces pointless button pushing.

Spot on.

Dj script doesn't exempt you from pressing jump as you move around the map - which is the button pushing I consider pointless - you got the general idea that you have to jump constantly to bunnyhop, constantly pressing space does not mean any significant skill as it isn't exactly rocket science (even less so than dj in itself) and even if you do, you still can't go too fast until you learn how to strafe/turn your mouse efficiently, so simplifying that has pretty minor effect on learning curve for beginners (slight lowering), absolutely none for advanced players, just becoming more convenient rather than straight up easier (you cut back on mechanical thing - tapping space as you move, rather than actual skill, as there is very little timing involved in that as you move around).

As for sliding ramp, it's already contextual movement (you don't slide on flat terrain while holding space), so very doubtful anything would be broken. Again, Warsow is a fine example of that - special movement button is also contextual and you can either: dodge, wall kick or slide up ramp with it.

I fail to see the problem:

In addition i dont think it would be logical to make it that way -- follow my idea: Newbie holds space -> he double jumps, after long time knowing this he finds out that holding down space button just replaces double tapping jump button. Seems pretty illogical that newbie first learns how to double jump (and all these cool things) and then he finds out how it actually works.

As long as there is tutorial explaining principle, I see absolutely no problem with that.

Also by allowing this by default you would refuse the possibility for those who wants to put some effort into it and learn how to jump. So when they first double jump they wont feel like winners but like everybody else because they just held one button and it happened ^^

Really? Is dj such a big deal to anyone? Even without scripts, it isn't exactly rocket science to figure out a general principle.

Besides, I don't care about double jumping too much. But bunnyhopping on a flat surface with holding space is a convenience, and again, all this stuff would be explained in the tutorial (if one was to be made), so I fail to see the problem yet again. You get the basic idea quickly, but you still have to take time to polish it. Warsow is a prime example, because you have all basic principles explained in the tutorial, but just because you do, doesn't mean you'll be able to use them efficiently in combat right away. And, oh yes, you dj there by default, not a problem.

Besides, it was jitspoe who initiated recent movement changes, so I guess he thought things indeed could use some improvements in that regard.

Actually, I don't really think it would even dumb a game down, dj at full speed does require tons of skill to nail it, if you can do it good for you, but it would not be affected by that idea, because if you mistime, sure, you would dj, but not before running into a block you'd dj from, slowing you down as it would normally.

Clearly, DJ is hardly a concern, especially given that DJ scripts already exist since long ago.

My idea is - less steep learning curve for beginners, unchanged advanced movement. I do think such change would achieve just that.

Besides, it is client-side thing. Don't like it? You can turn it off. Except I've got to like it, even playing old way before - it is simply more convenient.

How about also adding the Angel which i knew has been talked about alot, bring back the old style 300 round hoppers ftw.

Yay, I'm for mixing up things, when it comes to weaponry, its lower half (VM, Stingray) is so crap that many mappers seems to just omit them.

I have played other fast paced shooters recently (Warsow, Xonotic) and I noticed, that most of them feature ability to bunnyhop as you simply hold down space, and not just hit it as you are on the ground. This may be pretty good idea:

1)It helps newbies learn to get speed faster.
2)Those offended by "dumbing the game down" can simply disable it.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: 3 shoots life
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:06:28 AM »
For newbies, good idea would be configurable spawn protection, eg. until they move or shoot. Handy, as this game highly encourages spawnkilling in its mechanics.

How about making a thread to investigate the issue separately?

By priority IMO:

1. Integration of external server browser to make in-game one have similar functionality:
Quickly implemented sorting helps quite a bit, but it still isn't what most other games provide. Lack of other ways of sorting (mostly to find servers by name) and searching on the fly is one thing, but password protection/GLS setting are pretty crucial informations to have.

2. Visual improvements:
Besides HR4 pack, there should be more:
-anti aliasing (on certain maps jaggies are not only visible but really annoying),
-bloom (gives great effects if not overused)
-better quality weapon models
-various minor effects (colored smoke grenades, CO2 escaping from muzzle, etc)

3. Tutorial - good idea, if you reuse shaztrain map, that should not take too long.

4. Bot AI - personally, I don't think many people play with bots as it is, but I play other game (Xonotic) that catches currently a lot of hell for bot AI, and it has much better AI than this one. There should be navigational data (waypoints) provided in the map, and bots should at least follow those. It will get trickier for flag modes, because bots should not follow those nodes randomly, but approach flags consistently. I don't think accuracy is much of an issue, but it would be good if bots could bunnyhop efficiently.

As providing waypoints is mappers' responsibility, and some may have left this game long ago, it would be ideal to be able to add waypoints in-game.

5. Jump mod - definitely very good idea, but probably would be best to work over previous ones first.

Playback/jerseys are certainly good thing to have, but are rather minor stuff compared to listed aspects. Actually, jerseys fall very much in visual improvements.

EDIT: I do not have Win 7, but if people can't get to run game at all, that would be biggest of them all.

Or just make it that user cannot make any new clans for six months since last clan created. Should do the trick. Hard limits look really menacing and turn some people off big time.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature] Underwater Breath Meter
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:09:23 PM »
You have sound warnings when running low on air. Can be implemented, but certainly is not very high on priority list.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature] Jump Mod
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:26:35 PM »

are there gonna be checkpoints, well defined start/finish markers and measuring, how much time it took you?

Because whole idea is grand to me.

Official Feature Votes / Re: [Feature] Tutorial Map
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:49:42 PM »
There was already a map called "shaztrain", you could use this (or modify a bit, if it doesn't suit all needs). It even had target practice.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Build 33
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:28:57 PM »
LMFAO build 33 is the worst build in dp history! instead of adding things like texture pack to this game u added ur ugly physics.

hr4 texture pack was done long ago - and textures do look good, I admit.

No, no, no.

It happens also, when you go to multiple servers, which may hold the same map in same version, but in different directories, and that is not inherently wrong thing  of them to have different configurations (how you would enforce unification on multiple independent servers anyway? You wouldn't, also what would be the point?). It is CLIENT which should not care, in which folder the map is then.

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