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Messages - CoffeeBeans

Pages: [1]
Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Scope. Speedhacking?
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:05:46 PM »
excuses excuses..  I was in the game, you knew you were speed hacking and you said you didnt care if you got
caught since you have a life and its  just a game.  (this isnt word for word but a generalization of the comments)

You said you didnt care if you got banned, you got banned, so i guess you dont care.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DPLogin Name Deletion Time
« on: August 02, 2008, 01:15:12 AM »
Crap, using up 10 names in a month? you either are really nutty or you need to really start thinking your names out instead of being so obsessive compulsive. That is a name every 3 days, how can you get much enjoyment out of a name if you only use it for 3 or less days? The only thing i can think a person would be doing with that many name changes is going into games making obnoxious names and causing problems. Find a name, use it, protect it. I really don't even see why we need 10? why not 5.. I say the current rules are lenient enough why make it more so?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Scope. Speedhacking?
« on: July 31, 2008, 08:31:31 PM »
odd. Loials is the server that kept failing me originally, I tried about 4 other servers that i have been to and they all failed. A reinstall of paintball after backing up my nickname (hate retyping it) and keybinds and it started to work again. Anyways I'm done in this forum, we are way off subject. I'll just find a generic topic to leech off of.

EDIT: added more info

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Scope. Speedhacking?
« on: July 31, 2008, 01:21:43 PM »
sk89q, that link means nothing to me. like the one says to get from here to here you need to do a "circle jump"  I'm sitting there going "mmkay?..and i do that HOW?"  It explains strafe jumping/running but that is something i constantly try.. i basically end up crashing into a wall before i can even attempt it twice. its basically mashing many buttons in a very precise and unforgiving manner, one slip and you fail miserably. I cant get the rythym down and i cant really concentrate on enjoying/playing the game when i have to constantly having to think out each exact movement.

<rant> Yes, I am sure if i sat around dying all day and practiced in spectator mode following people around I might eventually get it but I rather play than sitting on the sidelines jumping into the wall. I got excited when i saw there was a link to Quake3paintball but lost hope when i saw it was no longer in development. It's general idea was strategy and game play over trick jumps since it didnt even have double jump. PaintBall2 is the first FPS game I have ever played that required you to learn tricks just to play.  Smash Jump, Forward Left, Left strafe, and spin your mouse all the same time, rinse and repear all while trying to play and aim.. yea right.. patch that excrement and everyone learn to run like humans. Lets call this game PogoPaint </rant>

Flip: yea, I was really enjoying myself playing with and against Capo and Spook. If i remember right I was spectating Capo for quite awhile because I loved how he strafe jumped/ran and was trying to see if i could get the pattern down. He made it look so simple.

Anyways I haven't been playing since this incident happened, I havent been able to get in any games at all.

"Bad Password"

I know my password by heart.. its the nick name of a girl I have liked for a very long time..
I have retyped my password many times, heck if the password was wrong I wouldn't be able to login to the forums.

Is there a way to check if i got banned? I know my login Info is correct, it hasn't been changed or modified before any of this . I retyped it all in again just to make sure and I still fail to login. Odd.. anyways. ok I just got onto a server.. I dont know if it checks for global login but Im able to play, the "login" screen took like 2 minutes for me though so i think it failed.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Scope. Speedhacking?
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:21:09 PM »
things like this annoy me because I am great at accuracy and strategy but I don't know how to do any jumps more advanced than a double jump since no one is willing to show me or explain them to me. I just get "GTFO Newb" or "shut up you suck" when I ask. People who are able to just fly across the map and get to my flag before I am even off my own base make the game not worth playing to me. Boxed2 for example, there is a backdoor that takes you straight to the opponents flag while I am having to take the slower longer ground based route. People unwilling to help others become proficient with the game I think is one of the reasons cheats are prevalent. I will quite honestly say I would most definitely cheat if i knew i could get away with it just for this reason.

Just my $0.02

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Scope. Speedhacking?
« on: July 29, 2008, 03:37:48 PM »
He's being a massive ass in the game and just blatently speed hacking and talking crap. I spectated him and he was flying so fast i could barely even make out what he was passing.

Was on Loials around about 4:30 central.

Official Feature Votes / Re: Bug: Overkill Nades
« on: January 28, 2008, 09:05:53 PM »
start counting.. the nade only burst for X amount of seconds.. once those are up should be safe to come back out from the wall you dodged behind right?  Problem solved..

On the range thing, i have gotten hit long ways away from paint grenades while other times it landing almost at my feet and i never get touched.

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