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Messages - Greatzky

Pages: [1]
hello, lets play some pball!!!

Server Discussion / Re: GT are teh lame asses
« on: January 27, 2005, 11:32:03 PM »
this is all there is to talk about?? :(

Other Stuff / Re: not sleeping
« on: January 20, 2005, 01:57:26 AM »
best i've ever done(not trying.. just ended up having some issues that were bugging me out) was about 48 hours.. On average though it's about 24-30 before i get Horribly ill/Tired....
i have a very bad sleeping schedule and that causes me to be tired and resltess all day every day :(

Other Stuff / Re: adding upgrades to DELL 2400
« on: January 20, 2005, 01:51:32 AM »
well from what i knwo you don't need to upgrade your ram in order to Upgrade your video card.. I"ve never really even though of that issue before, but from about 10years of putting computers together(i'm only 20.. don't think i'm old) i don't think that will come into effect.

Also on those older Geforce and Radeon cards you DON"T want the 256mb models.. They actually perform slower than their 128mb counterparts. I have read up on many of the top ATI and NVIDIA forums and this is the general concesus.. with older cards MORE ram ISN"T better.  You will rarely need to use that much memory since you dont' normally ever come across a time where there is 256mb needing to be used.


any more questions feel free to email me. or send me a message on AIM

Digital Paint League / Re: Zero-Tolerence Cheat Policy
« on: January 16, 2005, 04:19:21 AM »
I'm Definately against cheating and i don't change my brightness, but shoudln't you be allowed to modifiy the game as much as it allows you too  inside the program(not hacking it through source code, but just adjusting int he menus) if the program lets you up the brightness to insane levels then isn't that Part of the game? Just wondering.


Mapping / Worldcraft Palette file Needed!!!
« on: January 07, 2005, 04:13:53 AM »
I"m back on the Pball scene and back on the mapmaking scene.. Only problem is i use Worldcraft and i don't have the palette file for quake2pball or Pball2.
if anyone has the palette file or knows where i can get it please let me know.. i have a few map ideas i want to get down on Disk before i forget.

aim- oOGreatzkyOo

Map Graveyard / Re: Update - Skate map
« on: January 07, 2005, 04:08:58 AM »
i was part of a team Back in the early quake2 years that was making a Skateboard mod..
We made skateparks and I was in charge of the halfpipe and jumps.  I'd love to see another Skatepark Map... I lost touch with those guys when my hdd crashed 3years ago.

Good luck with the map. sounds like a blast.


Digital Paint League / Re: ALL YOUR CLANS ARE BELONG TO pro-tee!!!!!
« on: January 04, 2005, 04:54:34 PM »
is Clan Pro even around? i left the scene and never told anyone about 2 years ago.. maybe i still have a place in the clan :)


Other Stuff / Re: FireFox!
« on: January 04, 2005, 04:51:23 PM »
FireFox Owns Joo All !!!

Any Mozilla browser Completely Owns IE.. Especiall the Mozilla Suite. It also includes built in IRC !!!


Other Stuff / Re: sleeping
« on: January 04, 2005, 04:43:56 PM »
i sleep 12 hours a lot too.. If I have nothing on the agenda for the next day i could easily sleep 12 hours.. I usually crash at around 4or 5 am and wake up around 2pm to get ready for work.. that's my usual schedule, but if i dont' have work i could get 12+hours of sleep easily..

Mirc is just as easy to use as Pball2 and even easier to use than Quake2 :)
having an IRC program i a necessity just like needed an Instant messenging program to send stupid spam to your friends.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Sprayfests vs. Strategy
« on: January 03, 2005, 11:05:38 PM »
as i stated before i agree that we need new concepts for maps, but also if you don't want jumping and speed to be an issue then making maps that have double jumps in them and flat groudn would need to be eliminated... The speed jumping will always be a part of the game, but the double jumping around maps who's purpose Probably wasn't for that Can be cut down.  Pbcup i'm guessing wasn't meant to have any double jumping or speed jumping parts to it, but you can jump the whole map. 
A solution to this woudl be to make maps that have no Obstacles " jump linked" meaning any obstacles that are close enough to leap from one to the other while picking up speed.

As i also stated the jumping around in maps and speed jumping are Part of the game and cna't be taken out. That's just how the quake2 engine was made.  It was the most unrealistic engine becuase of the jump tricks.
I love the quake2 engine and also have no problem with the jumpers in the game. My only problem is witht he sprayers, but unfortunately if you are dumb enough to walk into a spray then you are asking for it.. Although "spraying isn't strategic" that's what is done in real paintball becuase it proves highly effective.

AT work i had an idea for maybe an "Anti-spraying" addition to maps.  Since most maps put walls in front of bases(thus the spraying points) what about having very high windows int he walls of which shooting through them would serve no effect.  On the otehr hand a gren toss would prove highly effective becuase the gren would land right in the area of the sprayers givng you a chance to go in for a rush.  This idea is just a theory and sicne i don't have a computer right now(Vid card died) i can only think it would work.

It seems that the jumping is merely an evolution of the game.  the game has been played out to it's full potential right now and this jumping is the best way to play the game. LIke with Marvel vs Capcom2.  there is a glitch with Cable in the fact that youc an use his hyper Viper while jumping to create an Instant Hyper Move which Gets the highest priority over all other movies.  This is a glitch in the game(like quake2's jumping feature) and has been exploited tot he fullest.

Maybe you could mess with the Co2 or the paintballs or something.. Surely if you jumped a lot in real paintball(of which i've never played) something woudl happen to your gun.  I don't like the idea of having X amount of jumps start effecting your aim/paintball jam or whatever, but it's an option.

speed jumping has become an essential skill to learn. I am no good at it, but i still do it becuase it gets me to where i'm going quicker.  I also take advantaged of any features in a map that help with covering more distance at one time(double jumps and linked jumps etc).  Maps were designed to utilize many of these jumps and Sadly if you want to compete then you need to acquire these skills.

darn I talk to much.. hate not having a computer... I can't get out and pball.


P.s. Like i've said.. i'm not a supporter of sprayers or jumpers, but i agree that jumping is the way that the game Seems to have been meant to be played right now.

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