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Messages - Sad|Wk

Pages: [1]
Just as a side note, Ez, Cal, (I think Jit was in there as well) and I had a discussion back in '99 about the problem with cheaters & hacks.

If everyone that has or does play DP ever did or "just inhaled" a cheat, then there would be like 2 players left.

Most of the really good players know who they are

Rock on Jit

General Development / Re: Global Login System (Implementation Discussion)
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:43:34 PM »
Well, I'll have to do some testing on; pgp,  gpg,  openssl versions of RSA & AES
( I think they are all not at the same verison or upstream code base )
on which is faster;  1024 || 2048 decrypts or 128 keygens.

If my memory serves me right from several years ago of being more into crypto, the "real" kick in performance is memory, so a 256M or a 1G system will give different results.
( the en/de-crypts will gain more in larger memory system then the keygen ( which is really "collecting" data (ie. random noise)))

More later....................................

General Development / Re: Global Login System (Implementation Discussion)
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:02:31 AM »
Ok, I think I have it all figured out now.  Here's a simple diagram to explain it:

Client RSAkey[secret,public] = random()
Client RSAkey[public] -> LoginServer
LoginServer AESKey = random()
Client <- encrypt(RSAKey[public], AESKey) LoginServer
Client encrypt(AESKey, login/password) -> LoginServer
Client <- validate(login,password) LoginServer
Client login -> GameServer login -> LoginServer
GameServer <- RSAkey[public] LoginServer
GameServer TestString = random()
Client <- EncTestString <- encrypt(RSAkey[public], TestString) GameServer
Client decrypt(RSAkey[secret], EncTestString) -> DecTestString -> GameServer
Client <- validate(DecTestString == TestString) or kick GameServer

hmm, why not just use a keyring and drop some of this to;

Client encrypt(RSAkey[LoginServer:public], login/password) -> GameServer
GameServer encrypt(RSAkey[LoginServer:public2],  Client encrypt(RSAkey[LoginServer:public], login/password) )-> LoginServer
GameServer <- validated(login,password) LoginServer
Client <- validatedGameServer or kick GameServer

Then you could throw in a challenge & response for good measure.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Global Statistics Experiment
« on: August 11, 2005, 09:27:22 PM »
I like Jit ideas and see that ping and fps are a factor as well.  Since you brought up strategy, maps having unlimited ammo, are far different then the same map with a .ent file to limit ammo and pre-set guns ( to create balance), sooooo how they use the gun ( spray or not to spray) does matter


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